Northwest Atlantic
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The Commission

The Commission is a constituent body of NAFO as laid out in Article VI of the NAFO Convention. The Commission is responsible for the fisheries management, control and enforcement, and financial decisions of NAFO. The Commission may refer to the Scientific Council any question pertaining to the scientific basis for the decisions it may need to take concerning fishery resources, the impact of fishing activities on living resources, and the safeguarding of the ecosystem in which these resources are found.

The Commission is the amalgamation of the General Council (GC) and the Fisheries Commission (FC), which occurred when the Amended Convention entered into force on May 18, 2017.

Membership: Each Contracting Party is a member of the Commission and appoints its own representatives, alternate representatives, experts, and advisors.

The Chairperson of the Commission shall serve as the President and principal representative of the Organization.

Chair: Deirdre Warner-Kramer (USA), elected September 2023
vice-Chair: Bernard Briand (SPM), elected September 2023

Reports and decisions of the Commission and its Standing Committees can be found here:

The Commission has two Standing Committees


Standing Committee on Finance and Administration (STACFAD)

STACFAD advises the Commission on:

  • matters relating to the Secretariat;
  • the budget of the Organization;
  • the time and place of meetings of the Organization; and
  • publications of the Organization.

STACFAD consists of representatives from at least five Contracting Parties. These representatives are assisted by experts and advisers. 

Chair: Robert Fagan (Canada), re-elected September 2023
Vice-Chair: Imogen Gibbins (United Kingdom), elected September 2023

Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC)

STACTIC advises the Commission on:

  • the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
  • monitoring, control and surveillance activities
  • compliance monitoring and reporting

STACTIC consists of one representative from each Commission member who is assisted by experts and advisers.

Chair: Patrick Moran (USA), re-elected September 2023
vice-Chair: Brent Napier (Canada), elected September 2023




Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

