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Catch Statistics

NAFO Annual Fisheries Statistics Databases

NAFO Members send their annual compilation of information on national catches and landings to the NAFO Secretariat. These data are used for statistical purpose within NAFO (and elsewhere). Complete statistical data have been published in Statistical Bulletin since 1951. This printed version of the statistics were discontinued after Vol. 49 for 1999. The electronic database of the STATLANT 21 data are updated regularly as new information becomes available.

21B database: contains monthly catch and effort information by year, country, gear, tonnage, main species, Division, and year. As it is very large, the Secretariat makes it available on the web as a number of comma-delimited text files containing one decade each.

STATLANT 21B files in comma-delimited txt format (zipped)

NAFO 21B data for 1960-1969
NAFO 21B data for 1970-1979
NAFO 21B data for 1980-1989
NAFO 21B data for 1990-1999
NAFO 21B data for 2000-2009
NAFO 21B data for 2010-2019 
NAFO 21B data for 2020-2023

NOTE: Users of 21 data should note that discrepancies between 21A and 21B may occur in total catch of species for the years 1994-onward. All 21B data is due 31 August every year.

Instructions and reporting forms for STATLANT 21A and 21B:


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
