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GC Documents 1996-1992

*These documents are available on the Members' website.


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N2677 *GC Doc. 96/1 (175 kb) Data on Non-Contracting Parties Activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area (Presented to the 17TH ANNUAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 1995).  
N2761 GC Doc. 96/2 (59 kb) Report of the Sixth Meeting of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO).
N2764 *GC Doc. 96/3 (231 kb) Correspondence between NAFO Secretariat and Non-Contracting Parties.
N2769 GC Doc. 96/4 (191 kb) Administrative report and financial statements for the fisal year ending 31 December 1996 (as of 31 July 1995).
N2789 GC Doc. 96/5 (511 kb) Report of the Standing Committee on Fishing Activity of Non-Contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area (STACFAC), 22-24 May 1996, Brussels, Belgium.
N2800 *GC Doc. 96/6 (299 kb) Data on Non-Contracting Parties Activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area (Presented to the 17TH ANNUAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 1995).  
N2801 GC Doc. 96/7 (67 kb) Report of the Working Group on Participation of Intergovernmental and non-Governmental Organizations.
N2802 GC Doc. 96/8 (24 kb) Modification of the Boundaries of the Scientific and Statistical Division 3P (in 200-mile Canadian Zone).
N2819 GC Doc. 96/9 (1424 kb) Report of the General Council, 18th Annual Meeting, 09-13 September 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia.



Serial No.
Doc. No.
N2602 GC Doc. 95/1 (183 kb) Administrative report and financial statements for the fisal year ending 31 December 1995 (as of 31 July 1995).
N2603 *GC Doc. 95/2 (533 kb) Correspondence between NAFO Secretariat and Non-Contracting Parties.
N2623 GC Doc. 95/3 (56 kb) Report of the Fifth Meeting of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO).
N2631 GC Doc. 95/4 (36 kb) Report on the Sixth and Final Session of the UN Conference on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks.
N2658 GC Doc. 95/5 (1167 kb) Report of the General Council, 17th Annual Meeting, 11-15 September 1995, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada.



Serial No.
Doc. No.

GC Doc. 94/1 (74 kb)

Report of the Fourth Meeting of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO).

*GC Doc. 94/2 (357 kb)

Correspondence between NAFO Secretariat and Non-Contracting Parties.
N2448 GC Doc. 94/3 (184 kb) Administrative report and financial statements for the fisal year ending 31 December 1994.

GC Doc. 94/4 (63 kb )

Executive summary of the second and thrid sessions of the UN Conference on stradding stocks and highly migratory fish stocks.
N2473 GC Doc. 94/5 (28 kb) Terms of Reference to the Interim STACFAC Meeting.
N2474 GC Doc. 94/6 (30 kb) NAFO General Council Resolution 94/1, 16th Annual NAFO Meeting, 19-23 September 1994.
N2485 *GC Doc. 94/7 (305 kb) Data on Non-Contracting Parties in the NAFO Regulatory Area.
N2493 GC Doc. 94/8 (1331 kb) Report of the General Council, 16th Annual Meeting, 19-23 September 1994, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada.



Serial No.
Doc. No.
N2233 GC Doc. 93/1 (730 kb) Report of the Meeting of the Standing Committee on Fishing Activities on Non-Contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area (STACFAC), 28-30 April 1993.
N2234 *GC Doc. 93/2 (634 kb) Data on Non-Contracting Parties activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area. (Presented to Meeting of STACFAC, 28-30 April 1993).
N2284 *GC Doc. 93/3 (460 kb) Correspondence between NAFO Secretariat and Non-Contracting Parties.
N2286 GC Doc. 93/4 (206 kb) Administrative report and financial statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 1993 (as of 31 July 1993).

GC Doc. 93/5 (123 kb)

General Council Resolution 93/1 re Non-Contracting Parties Fishing Activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area.
N2333 GC Doc. 93/6 (52 kb) Aide Memoire (for joint diplomatic demarche).
N2337 *GC Doc. 93/7 (203 kb) Data on Non-Contracting Parties activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area. (Presented to 15th Annual Meeting, 6-10 September 1993)
N2339 GC Doc. 93/8 (1204 kb) Report of the General Council and its Subsidiary Bodies (STACFAD and STACFAC), 15th Annual Meeting, 6-10 September 1993.



Serial No.
Doc. No.
N2141 GC Doc. 92/1 (1211 kb) Report of the Meeting of the Standing Committee on Fishing Activities of non-Contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area (STACFAC), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada, 7-9 April 1992.
N2146 GC Doc. 92/2 (187 kb) Administrative Report and Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 1992 (as of 31 July 1992).
N2163 GC Doc. 92/3 (1513 kb) Report of the General Council, 14th Annual Meeting, Dartmouth N.S., Canada, 14-18 September 1992.

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
