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NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the General Council and Fisheries Commission

This is an annual publication of the Proceedings which contains the reports of all meetings of the General Council and Fisheries Commission including their subsidiary bodies. The objective of this publication is to provide the Contracting Parties with a detailed consolidated text of all discussions initiated during the year. The proceedings of the Scientific Council are published separately in an annual issue of NAFO Scientific Council Reports.

This title is no longer active and was discontinued in 2017 when the NAFO Convention on Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries came into force, 18 May 2017. The Meeting Proceedings of the Commission are found here:

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Information pertaining to meetings held during these years has been compiled and presented through the annual link below.

Meeting Proceedings of the General Council and Fisheries Commission are published in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

ISSN 1811-8259    E-ISSN 1027-1260

NAFO Meeting Proceedings and Reports

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2012–Aug 2013


Section I. Report of the Fisheries Commission Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (WGFMS-VME), 11-13 September 2012, Bergen, Norway (2. 0MB)
Section II. Report of the General Council, 34th Annual Meeting, 17-21 September 2012, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation including Report of STACFAD (901 kb)
Section III. Report of the Fisheries Commission, 34th Annual Meeting, 17-21 September 2012, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation including STACTIC (2.0 MB)
Section IV. Report of the Fisheries Commission Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (WGFMS-VME),23-25 April 2013, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (1.1 MB)
Section V. Report of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), 7-9 May 2013, London, UK (1.8 MB)
Section VI. Report of the Fisheries Commission Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies (WGFMS-CPRS), 9-11 July 2013, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
(2.4 MB)
Addendum: Report of the Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies (WGFMS-CPRS), 4 September 2012 via WebEx teleconference
(305 kb)
Complete volume (2.8 MB)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
