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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

1981 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 81/1 Report to Scientific Council on inadequate response to specified data requirements for stock assessments
206 kb
SCS 81/2 Report of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 17-20 February 1981
SCS 81/3 Report of the tenth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP), July 1980. (FAO. Fish. Rep., No.242, 65 p.)
8707 kb
SCS 81/4 Romanian research report for 1980
1152 kb
SCS 81/5 Extracts from resolutions passed at the 68th Statutory Meeting of ICES, October 1980
178 kb
SCS 81/6 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 1980
2601 kb
SCS 81/7 Manual on groundfish surveys in the NAFO area
7033 kb
SCS 81/8 National reports on collecting and processing fisheries statistics
6610 kb
SCS 81/9 Japanese research report for 1980
1403 kb
SCS 81/10 Historical catches of selected species by stock area and country for the period 1970-79
8188 kb
SCS 81/11 CWP recommendations and proposals relevant to the work of the Scientific Council
1285 kb
SCS 81/12 Denmark (Greenland) research report for 1980
2933 kb
SCS 81/13 Report of USSR investigations in Subareas off Newfoundland, Labrador and Baffin Land in 1980
3568 kb
SCS 81/14 Summary report of Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Ageing Workshop, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 11-14 May 1981
728 kb
SCS 81/15 Provisional nominal catches in the Northwest Atlantic, 1980
2052 kb
SCS 81/16 Provisional list of sampling data for 1979
7099 kb
SCS 81/17 Notes on statistical activities and publications, 19SCS 80/81
670 kb
SCS 81/18 France research report for 1980
1168 kb
SCS 81/19 United States of America report on research in the Northwest Atlantic during 1980
2168 kb
SCS 81/20 Report of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 3-19 June 1981
SCS 81/21 Report by the Scientific Council to the Fisheries Commission on its review of gear definitions
304 kb
SCS 81/22 Cuban research report, 1980
594 kb
SCS 81/23 Canadian research report for 1980
2041 kb
SCS 81/24 Polish research report, 1980
1375 kb
SCS 81/25 Canadian proposal re change to rules of procedure for the Scientific Council.
140 kb
SCS 81/26 German Democratic Republic research report for 1980
432 kb
SCS 81/27 Provisional report of the Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 8-18 September 1981
SCS 81/28 Provisional sealing statistics for the Northwest Atlantic, 1981
408 kb
SCS 81/29 Report of Special Meeting of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 23-26 November 1981

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

