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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

1992 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N2045 FC Doc. 92/1
(1499 kb)
Report of the Meeting of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 February 1992.
N2142 FC Doc. 92/2
(772 kb)
Report of STACTIC Working Group Meeting, NAFO Hail System, Dartmouth N.S., Canada, 28-29 April 1992.
N2143 FC Doc. 92/3
(1466 kb)
Report of the Special Meeting of the Fisheries Commission, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada 11-14 May 1992.
N2144 FC Doc. 92/4
(583 kb)
Report of the Special Meeting of the Standing Commitee on International Control (STACTIC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-24 July 1992.
N2148 FC Doc. 92/6
(24 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures regarding observations by inspector of incidental by-catches in excess of precribed limits.
N2149 FC Doc. 92/7
(29 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures regarding action by Contracting Parties to prevent infringments of measures by their vessels.
N2150 FC Doc. 92/8
(33 kb)
Amendment to NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures referring to production logbooks and stowage plans.
N2151 FC Doc. 92/9
(61 kb)
Amendment to STACTIC Form 1 (09/83), STACTIC Form 2A (09/83) and STACTIC form 2B (09/83), used for annual reports by Contracting Parties of inspections, apparent infringements and their disposition.
N2152 FC Doc. 92/10
(26 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures to regulate the mesh size of nets on board vessels operating in the Regulatory Area.
N2153 FC Doc. 92/11
(29 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures regarding definition of an inspection party.
N2154 FC Doc. 92/12
(25 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures re new item "E-Other Measures".
N2155 FC Doc. 92/13
(60 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures on a pilot project for a NAFO observer scheme.
N2156 FC Doc. 92/14
(28 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures in respect of minimum mesh sizes for groundfish fisheries in the Regulatory Area.
N2157 FC Doc. 92/15
(27 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures on minimum fish size.
N2160 FC Doc. 92/17
(64 kb)
Fisheries Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 1994 of Certain Stocks in Subareas 3 and 4.
N2162 FC Doc. 92/19
(1340 kb)
Report of the Fisheries Commission, 14th Annual Meeting, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada, 14-18 September 1992.
N2164 FC Doc. 92/20
(37 kb)
Determination of the optimum volume and funding of scientific research in the NAFO Regulatory Area.
N2165 FC Doc. 92/21
(1470 kb)
NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures.
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

