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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

1999 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 99/01
Canadian request for scientific advice on management in 2000 of certain stocks in Subareas 0 to 4. 14 kb
SCS 99/02
Denmark (Greenland) request for scientific advice on management of certain stocks in Subareas 0 and 1. 12 kb
SCS 99/03
Meeting of FAO and Non-FAO Regional Fishery Bodies or arrangements.
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 11-12 February 1999.
16 kb
SCS 99/04
Report of Scientific Council Meeting on Precautionary Approach, 27 April-1 May 1999. 7 kb
SCS 99/05 Russian research report for 1998. 46 kb
SCS 99/06 Spanish research report for 1998. 41 kb
SCS 99/07 Cuban research report for 1998. 117 kb
SCS 99/08 United States research report for 1998. 126 kb
SCS 99/09 German research report for 1998. 54 kb
SCS 99/10 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 1998. 30 kb
SCS 99/11 Provisional index and list of titles of research and summary documents of 1998. 103 kb
SCS 99/12 List of biological sampling data for 1998. 52 kb
SCS 99/13 Joint ICES/NAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals, Tromsø, Norway. 106 kb
SCS 99/14 Notes on acquisition and publications of statistics since June 1998. 17 kb
SCS 99/15 French Research report for 1998. 25 kb
SCS 99/16 Portuguese Research Report for 1998. 548 kb
SCS 99/17 Denmark/Greenland research report for 1998. 23 kb
SCS 99/18 Report of the NAFO Observer at the Eleventh ICES Dialogue Meeting, 26-27 January 1999 (Nantes, France). 12 kb
SCS 99/19 Report of the NAFO Observer to ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 1999. 11 kb
SCS 99/20 Canadian Research Report for 1998. 47 kb
SCS 99/21 Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 3-16 June 1999.  
SCS 99/22 Report of CWP-18 Session, Luxembourg, 6-9 July 1999. 184 kb
SCS 99/23 Report of Scientific Council, Annual Meeting, 7, 13-17 September 1999.  
SCS 99/24 Report of Scientific Council, 11-17 November 1999.  

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
