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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2009 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N5614 FC Doc. 09/1 (681kb) NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N5625 FC Doc. 09/2 (5MB) Report of the ad hoc Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists, 19-20 March 2009, Vigo, Spain
N5628 FC Doc. 09/3 (761kb) Report of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), 5-7 May 2009, Saint-Pierre, St. Pierre et Miquelon
N5689 FC Doc. 09/4 (227kb) Summary of Status of Proposals and Resolutions of NAFO - 2003-2009 (to Aug)
N5693 FC Doc. 09/6 (1.2MB) WGFMS Report, September 2009
N5699 FC Doc. 09/7 (35kb) Use of VMS Information for Search and Rescue
N5700 FC Doc. 09/8 (74kb) Proposal for improved VMS reporting
N5701 FC Doc. 09/9 (24kb) Proposal for improved catch reporting
N5702 FC Doc. 09/10 (15kb) "Port State Measures" Administrative Changes
N5703 FC Doc. 09/11 (403kb) Interim Measures to Protect Significant Coral Concentrations
N5704 FC Doc. 09/12 (663kb) Interim Measures to Protect Significant Sponge Concentrations
N5705 FC Doc. 09/13 (19kb) Encounter Provisions for Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
N5706 FC Doc. 09/14 (50kb) Exploratory Fishery Data Collection Form
N5707 FC Doc. 09/15 (15kb) Reopening of Cod in Division 3M and Redfish in 3LN
N5708 FC Doc. 09/16 (179kb) Annual Compliance Review 2009 (Compliance Report for Calendar Year 2008)
N5709 FC Doc. 09/17 (46kb) Fisheries Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2011 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N5710 FC Doc. 09/18 (24kb) Risk Management/Management Strategy Evaluation Approach to Greenland Halibut
N5711 FC Doc. 09/19 (18kb) Follow-up by the Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists
N5712 FC Doc. 09/20 (1.4MB) Delineation of Existing Bottom Fishing Areas in the NAFO Regulatory Area
N5735 FC Doc. 09/21 (2.9MB) Report of the Fisheries Commission and its Subsidiary Body (STACTIC), 31st Annual Meeting, 21-25 September 2009, Bergen, Norway
N5737 FC Doc. 09/22 (23kb) Proposal (reduction for 2010 of fishing days for 3M shrimp)
N5738 FC Doc. 09/23 (25kb) Request to the Scientific Council for Scientific Advice on Future Management of 3M Shrimp, from the intersessional meeting of the NAFO Fisheries Commission in London, 16 November 2009
N5739 FC Doc. 09/24 (282kb) Report of the Fisheries Commission, Intersessional Meeting, 16 November 2009, London, UK
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

