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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2011 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N5867 FC Doc. 11/1 (1MB) (updated 29 Jul 2011) NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N5879 FC Doc. 11/2 (65kb) Report of the FC Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies (WGFMS-CPRS), 7 April 2011 via WebEx
N5892 FC Doc. 11/3 (379kb) Report of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), 9-10 May 2011, London, UK
N5931 FC Doc. 11/4 (302kb) Report of the Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies (WGFMS-CPRS), 26-28 June 2011, Halifax, NS, Canada
N5932 FC Doc. 11/5 (622kb) Report of the FC Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (WGFMS-VME), 29-30 June 2011, Halifax, NS, Canada
N5933 FC Doc. 11/6 (282kb) Summary of Status of Proposals and Resolutions of NAFO - 2003-2011 (to Aug)
N5940 FC Doc. 11/8 (83kb) Report of the FC Working Group on Greenland Halibut Management Strategy Evaluation (WGMSE), 7 September 2011 (via WebEx)
N5943 FC Doc. 11/9, Rev. (51kb) Fisheries Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management Options in 2013 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N5944 FC Doc. 11/10 (27kb) Recommendation from the FC Working Group on Greenland Halibut Management Strategy Evaluation (WGMSE) to the Fisheries Commission
N5945 FC Doc. 11/11 (18kb) Terms of Reference - Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies
N5946 FC Doc. 11/12 (15kb) Proposal for a Reassessment of the Impacts of NAFO Managed Fisheries on Known or Likely Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
N5947 FC Doc. 11/13 (26kb) VME Indicator Species (Sponge Fields) Encounter Thresholds
N5948 FC Doc. 11/14 (16kb) Thorny skate in Division 3LNO
N5949 FC Doc. 11/15 (72kb) Greenland Halibut Management Strategy Evaluation
N5950 FC Doc. 11/16 (165kb) Proposal for a Resolution concerning the extension of Closes Area 5 (Flemish Cap Northeast Prong)
N5951 FC Doc. 11/17 (21kb) Cod in Division 3NO
N5952 FC Doc. 11/18 (18kb) White Hake in Divisions 3NO
N5953 FC Doc. 11/19 (18kb) Amendment to NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures (Annex I.A, footnote 21)
N5954 FC Doc. 11/20 (17kb) Amendment to NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures (Article 16 - Coral and Sponge Protection Zones)
N5955 FC Doc. 11/21 (22kb) Interim 3LNO American Pplaice Conservation Plan and Rebuilding Strategy
N5956 FC Doc. 11/22 (23kb) Interim 3NO Cod Conservation Plan and Rebuilding Strategy
N5958 FC Doc. 11/23 (53kb) Proposal to amend NCEM Article 15.2
N5959 FC Doc. 11/24 (25kb) Modification to Shark Bycatch Reporting
N5960 FC Doc. 11/25 (24kb) NAFO CEM - Annex XX(c) - Product Form Codes
N5961 FC Doc. 11/26 (20kb) Proposal to improve NCEM - Vessel Type
N5962 FC Doc. 11/27 (28kb) Amendment to NAFO CEM Annex XIX (4.4 Communication Security)
N5963 FC Doc. 11/28 (33kb) Communication of catches - Editorial corresondence for CA, OB, RJ and US field codes
N5964 FC Doc. 11/29 (31kb) Communication of catches - Daily declaration of discarded fish within the CAT message; Deletion of the CAX message; Identification of vessels with an observer on board
N5965 FC Doc. 11/30 (14kb) Communication in case of defective VMS
N5966 FC Doc. 11/31 (16kb) Serious infringements
N5967 FC Doc. 11/32 (1.7MB) Proposed Revisions to NAFO's Conservation and Enforcement Measures - Final Product of the Editorial Drafting Group (EDG)
N5968 FC Doc. 11/33 (672kb) Annual Compliance Review 2011
N5969 FC Doc. 11/34 (14kb) Follow-up of editorial redrafting of the NAFO CEM by EDG
N5970 FC Doc. 11/35 (96kb) NAFO Inspectors Web Area
N5971 FC Doc. 11/36 (404kb) Amendment to NCEM Chapter Ibis - Bottom Fisheries in the NAFO Regulatory Area (as recommended by the WGFMS-VME)
N5972 FC Doc. 11/37 (16kb) Terms of Reference - Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
N6000 FC Doc. 11/38 (1.5MB) Report of the Fisheries Commission, 33rd Annual Meeting, 19-23 September 2011, Halifax, NS, Canada
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

