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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2015 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N6409 FC Doc. 15/01 (4.6 MB) NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N6459 FC Doc. 15/02 (1.1 MB) Report of the STACTIC Intersessional Meeting, 6-8 May 2015
N6471 FC Doc. 15/03 (619kb) Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting, 20-21 May
N6472 FC Doc. 15/04 (836kb) Report of the STACTIC Ad hoc Working Group on Port State Control Alignment Meeting, 4-5 May
N6473 FC Doc. 15/05 (363kb) Report of the STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group, 15-16 April
N6474 FC Doc. 15/06 (1.3 MB) Report of the Fisheries Commission Ad hoc Working Group to Reflect on the Rules Governing Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity in the NAFO Regulatory Area, 13-14 July
N6475 FC Doc. 15/07 (682kb) Summary of Status of Proposals and Resolutions of NAFO (2011–Aug. 2015)
N6498 FC Doc. 15/08 (493kb) Review of Annex 1.A  footnotes (EDG) 
N6499 FC Doc. 15/09 (321kb) Improvements in Reporting Apparent Infringements and follow up actions (Article 40) 
N6500 FC Doc. 15/10 (219kb) Improvements in Reporting Apparent Infringements and follow up actions (Article 40.4)
N6501 FC Doc. 15/11 (239kb) Format of Haul by Haul Logbook Data to the Secretariat 
N6502 FC Doc. 15/12 (337kb) Notification process for the closure of the redfish fishery in NAFO Division 3M 
N6503 FC Doc. 15/13 (336kb) Seamount Closures: gear specification for the use of midwater trawls and reporting of VMEs
N6504 FC Doc. 15/14 (375kb) Revision of Text in Article 9
N6505 FC Doc. 15/15 (322kb) Revision of Article 17 of the NCEM
N6508 FC Doc. 15/16 (274kb) Recommendations from the WG-EAFFM to forward to FC and SC
N6513 FC Doc. 15/17 Rev. (165kb) Fisheries Commission's request for scientific advice on management in 2017 and beyond of certain stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and other matters
N6514 FC Doc. 15/18 (406kb) Improving Efficiency of NAFO Working Group Process
N6515 FC Doc. 15/19 (130kb) Scope of the review of the NAFO Precautionary Approach Framework (PAF)
N6516 FC Doc. 15/20 (149kb) Revision of Text in Article 9
N6517 FC Doc. 15/21 (976kb) Annual Compliance Review 2015 - Compliance Report for Fishing Year 2014
N6518 FC Doc. 15/22 Rev. (140kb) Recommendations from the WG-BDS to forward to the Fisheries Commission
N6526 FC Doc. 15/23 (2.2 MB) Report of the Fisheries Commission and its Subsidiary Body (STACTIC)
N6531 FC Doc. 15/24 (321kb) Report of the STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group, 8-10 December 2015
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

