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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2022 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR Doc. 22/001

N7263 G. Søvik, F. Zimmermann and T. H. Thangstad

Results of the Norwegian Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICES Divisions 3.a and 4.a East) in 2022

SCR Doc. 22/002 N7266 Mariano Koen-Alonso, Pierre Pepin, Mike Fogarty, and Robert Gamble Review and Assessment of the Ecosystem Production Potential (EPP) model structure, sensitivity, and its use for fisheries advice in NAFO
SCR Doc. 22/003 N7267 Mariano Koen-Alonso Supporting material for the independent scientific review of the estimation of fisheries production potential and total catch indices, and their adequacy for their proposed used within the NAFO Roadmap
SCR Doc. 22/004 N7268 Diana González-Troncoso, Irene Garrido, Sonia Rábade, Mariña Fabeiro, Esther Román, César Tarrío, Jose Miguel Casas Sánchez and Ricardo Alpoim Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2021
SCR Doc. 22/005 N7269 Irene Garrido, Diana González-Troncoso, Fernando González-Costas, Esther Román and Lupe Ramilo Results of the Spanish survey in NAFO Division 3NO
SCR Doc. 22/006 N7270 John Mortensen Report on hydrographic conditions off Southwest Greenland May 2021
SCR Doc. 22/007 N7271 R.M. Rideout, B. Rogers, L. Wheeland, M. Koen-Alonso Temporal And Spatial Coverage Of Canadian (Newfoundland And Labrador Region) Spring And Autumn Multi-Species RV Bottom Trawl Surveys, With An Emphasis On Surveys
Conducted In 2021
SCR Doc. 22/008 N7272 Rasmus Nygaard  Trawl and gillnet survey results from the Disko Bay, NAFO Division 1A Inshore
SCR Doc. 22/009 N7273 Rasmus Nygaard  Survey results from the Upernavik Gillnet survey, NAFO Division 1Ainshore
SCR Doc. 22/010 N7274 Rasmus Nygaard  Survey results from the Uummannaq gillnet survey in NAFO Division 1A inshore.
SCR Doc. 22/011 N7275 Rasmus Nygaard, Søren L. Post, Anja Retzel, Karl Zinglersen, Lars Heilmann, Sofie R. Jeremiassen, Signe Jeremiassen, Louise Mølgaard and Jørgen Sethsen Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks in the Nuuk fjord
SCR Doc. 22/012 N7279 Steingrund and Ridao Cruz Survey results of the longline survey on NAFO Division 3M
SCR Doc. 22/013 N7284 Bob Rogers, Andrea Perreault, Mark Simpson, Divya Varkey Assessment of 3LN redfish using the ASPIC model in 2022 (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus)
SCR Doc. 22/014 N7286 D. Maddock Parsons, R. Rideout and B. Rogers An assessment of the Witch flounder resource in NAFO Divisions 3NO
SCR Doc. 22/015 N7287 P.M. Regular, D. Butterworth, R. Rademeyer Effect of missing values from the Canadian spring and fall surveys of NAFO Divisions 3LNO on the calculation of the TAC using the Greenland halibut HCR
SCR Doc. 22/016 N7288 Perreault A., Rogers B., González Troncoso D., Rideout R., Simpson M., Dwyer K., Varkey D. Data review for 3LN redfish in preparation for an updated management strategy evaluation
SCR Doc. 22/017 N7289 Frank Oliva, Trajce Alcinov Inventory of environmental data in the NAFO convention area - Report 2021
SCR Doc. 22/018 N7291 Paula Fratantoni Hydrographic Conditions on the Northeast United States Continental Shelf in 2021 – NAFO Subareas 5 and 6
SCR Doc. 22/019 N7292 D. Bélanger, P. Pepin, G. Maillet Biogeochemical oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Atlantic (NAFO subareas 2-3-4) during 2020
SCR Doc. 22/020 N7293 F. Cyr, P. S. Galbraith, C. Layton, D. Hebert, N. Chen, G. Han Environmental and Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Eastern Canadian shelves  (NAFO Sub-areas 2, 3 and 4) during 2021.
SCR Doc. 22/021 N7294 Bélanger and Cyr  Environmental indices for NAFO subareas 0 to 4 in support of the Standing Committee on Fisheries Science (STACFIS).
SCR Doc. 22/022 N7295 M. A. Treble and A. Nogueira Assessment of the Greenland Halibut Stock Component in NAFO Subarea 0 + 1 (Offshore)
SCR Doc. 22/023 N7296 M. A. Treble and K. Hedges Product to round weight conversion factors for the Subarea 0 Greenland halibut fishery
SCR Doc. 22/024 N7297 Frederik Bjare  & Rasmus Nygaard A new longline based CPUE for Greenland halibut in NAFO division 1A inshore based on factory landing reports
SCR Doc. 22/025 N7298 Diana González-Troncoso, Fernando González-Costas and Irene Garrido Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M
SCR Doc. 22/026 N7299 K.A. Sosebee, M.R. Simpson, and C.M. Miri Assessment of Thorny Skate (Amblyraja radiata Donovan, 1808) in NAFO Divisions 3LNO and Subdivision 3Ps
SCR Doc. 22/027 N7301 Divya Varkey, Jiaxin Luo, Mark Simpson, Danny Ings, Bob Rogers Update of the Management Strategy Evaluation for Redfish stock in NAFO Divisions 3LN 
SCR Doc. 22/028 N7303   *Retracted
SCR Doc. 22/029 N7304 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in Uummannaq 
SCR Doc. 22/030 N7305  M.A.Treble Summary of surveys in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Subarea 0 , 1999-2019
SCR Doc. 22/031 N7306 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in the Disko Bay
SCR Doc. 22/032REV3 N7307 Diana González Troncoso, Irene Garrido and Fernando González-Costas Effect in survey indices of removing stations in the NAFO closed Areas in the design of the EU surveys including the 2021 closed areas
SCR Doc. 22/033 N7308   *Retracted
SCR Doc. 22/034 N7309 Fernando González-Costas, Diana González-Troncoso, Irene Garrido Information to support decisions on authorizing scientific surveys with bottom-contacting gears in NAFO closed areas
SCR Doc. 22/035 N7310 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in Upernavik. 
SCR Doc. 22/036 N7311 Rasmus Nygaard  An assessment of the Greenland halibut stock in the Disko Bay. 
SCR Doc. 22/037 N7313 Rasmus Nygaard An assessment of the Greenland halibut stock in the Uummannaq fjord. 
SCR Doc. 22/038 N7314 Rasmus Nygaard An assessment of the Greenland halibut stock in the Upernavik area. 
SCR Doc. 22/039 N7315 N. Cadigan, R.M. Rideout, and P.M. Regular A State-Space Assessment Model for 3NO Cod
SCR Doc. 22/040 N7316 N.G. Cadigan and R.M. Rideout A Mixed-Effects Model to Smooth and Interpolate Survey Weights-at-Age for 3NO Cod
SCR Doc. 22/041 N7317 D. Maddock Parsons, Paul Regular and Rasmus Nygaard Exploration of a surplus production model in a Bayesian framework for Greenland Halibut in Disko Bay NAFO Division 1A Inshore
SCR Doc. 22/042 N7319 Paul M. Regular, Andrea M.J. Perreault, Rick M. Rideout, Bob Rogers, Laura J. Wheeland Exploratory analysis of disparate survey indices of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in NAFO divisions 2+3KLMNO
SCR Doc. 22/043 N7320 Paul M. Regular, Mariano Koen-Alonso, Semra Yalcin, Andrea M.J. Perreault, Laura J. Wheeland Approximating uncertainty around indices from stratified-random trawl surveys using the Gamma distribution
SCR Doc. 22/044 N7321 Laura Wheeland, Emilie Novaczek, Paul Regular, Rick Rideout, and Bob Rogers An Assessment of the Status of Redfish in NAFO Division 3O
SCR Doc. 22/045 N7326 Burmeister and Rigét The West Greenland trawl survey for Pandalus borealis 2022 with reference to earlier results
SCR Doc. 22/046 N7327 Burmeister The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off West Greenland, 1970–2022
SCR Doc. 22/047 N7328 Burmeister Catch Table Update for the West Greenland Shrimp Fishery
SCR Doc. 22/048 N7329 Burmeister and Rigét A provisional assessment of the shrimp stock off West Greenland in 2022
SCR Doc. 22/049 N7330 Buch, Rigét, and Burmeister Results of the Greenland Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Off East Greenland (ICES Subarea XIV b), 2008-2022
SCR Doc. 22/050 N7331 Buch, Burmeister, and Rigét  The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Denmark Strait / off East Greenland 1978 – 2022
SCR Doc. 22/051 N7332 Rigét, Burmeister, and Buch  Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the East Greenland Stock of Northern Shrimp
SCR Doc. 22/052 N7337 J.M. Casas Sánchez, I. Chapela, and M. Alvarez Division 3M Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) – Interim Monitoring Update
SCR Doc. 22/053 N7360 E. Kenchington, C. Lirette, F.J. Murillo, V. Hayes Evaluation of the Effect of Spatial Extent on Kernel Density Analyses of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicators in the NAFO Regulatory Area
SCR Doc. 22/054 N7372

Sacau, M., Neves, B. M., Hayes, V., Abalo-Morla, S., and Durán-Muñoz, P.

New preliminary data on VME encounters in NAFO Regulatory Area (Divs. 3MNO) from EU, EU Spain and Portugal Groundfish Surveys (2022) and Canadian Surveys (2022 Spring)
Tags: SCR

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

