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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Report of the NAFO Joint Commission–Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Approach Framework to Fisheries Management (WG-EAFFM) Meeting

Report of the NAFO Joint Commission-Scientific Council Working Group on Risk-Based Management Strategies (WG-RBMS) Meeting

Vacancy Announcement – New Position Science Coordinator – NAFO Secretariat

19 September 2024

Vacancy Announcement – New Position Science Coordinator – NAFO Secretariat

Qualified candidates should submit the following: Cover letter and CV.
Location: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization 1601 Lower Water Street, Suite 401, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3P6, Canada
Deadline for Application: 31 October 2024
Anticipated Start Date: Early 2025
Please send your Cover Letter and CV to:
Mr. Stan Goodick, Deputy Executive Secretary/Senior Finance and Staff Administrator
Short listed candidates shall be required to provide the names and contact details of three references.


Report of the Scientific Council Intersessional Meeting, 22-23 July 2024, via Webex

Report of the Scientific Council Meeting, 31 May-13 June 2024 - Halifax, Nova Scotia

Report of the Precautionary Approach Working Group (PA-WG), 13 May 2024

SC Reports - 2023

21 May 2024

SC Reports - 2023

386 pages - 9.3 MB

NAFO and Sargasso Sea Commission Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

2024 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2024 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2024 COM-SC Documents

20 December 2023

2024 COM-SC Documents

2024 Commission Documents

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2022 - August 2023

24 November 2023

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2022 - August 2023

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

NAFO and ICES Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

NAFO Headquarters Agreement

Report of the Scientific Council and STACFIS Shrimp Assessment Meeting

NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures

NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures 2023-Revised

2023 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

Working Groups operating under the direction of the NAFO Commission

24 August 2023

Working Groups operating under the direction of the NAFO Commission

  • NAFO Commission Ad Hoc Working Group on Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity (WG-BDS) in the NRA 
    Terms of Reference: NAFO/FC Doc. 13-25
  • NAFO Ad hoc virtual NAFO Website Re-design Working Group: Phase II – Data Classification

Working Groups operating under the direction of the Standing Committee of International Control (STACTIC)

24 August 2023

Working Groups operating under the direction of the Standing Committee of International Control (STACTIC)

  • NAFO STACTIC Editorial Drafting Group of the NAFO CEM (EDG)
  • NAFO STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group (WG-OPR)
    Terms of Reference: NAFO/COM Doc. 17-24

Working Groups operating under the direction of the NAFO Scientific Council

24 August 2023

Working Groups operating under the direction of the NAFO Scientific Council

  • NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WG-ESA)

Working Groups operating under the joint direction of the Commission and Scientific Council

24 August 2023

Working Groups operating under the joint direction of the Commission and Scientific Council

  • NAFO Joint Commission-Scientific Council Working Group on Risk-Based Management Strategies (WG-RBMS)
    Terms of Reference: NAFO/FC Doc. 13-18
  • NAFO Joint Commission-Scientific Council Working Group on Improving Efficiency of NAFO Working Group Process (E-WG)
    Terms of Reference: NAFO/FC-SC Doc. 16-05

R Run-to-code script - JNAFS

23 June 2023

R Run-to-code script - JNAFS

Instructions for creating plots in R for JNAFS

R package - NAFOdown

23 June 2023

R package - NAFOdown


NAFOdown is an R package designed to simplify the process of creating and updating NAFO documents. 


  • Paul Regular
    Author, maintainer
  • Bob Rogers

The 2022 Environmental Observations in the NAFO Convention Area

15 June 2023

The 2022 Environmental Observations in the NAFO Convention Area

Source: Alcinov, T. (2023). NAFO STACFEN MEDS Report 2022, NAFO SCR Doc. 23/019


NAFO Subareas 1 - 2022 Overview of the Hydrographic Conditions off Southwest Greenland

14 June 2023

NAFO Subareas 1 - 2022 Overview of the Hydrographic Conditions off Southwest Greenland

Source: Mortensen, J. (2023). Report on hydrographic conditions off Southwest Greenland June-July 2022, NAFO SCR Doc. 23/005.

Additional information:

NAFO Subareas 2-3-4 - 2022 Overview of the Biogeochemical Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic

14 June 2023

NAFO Subareas 2-3-4 - 2022 Overview of the Biogeochemical Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic

Source: Bélanger, D.D., G. Maillet, and P. Pepin. (2023). Biogeochemical oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Atlantic ( NAFO subareas 2 3 4) during 2022, NAFO SCR Doc. 23/017.

Additional information:

NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 - 2022 Overview of Hydrographic Conditions

14 June 2023

NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 - 2022 Overview of Hydrographic Conditions

Source: Fratantoni, P. (2023). Hydrographic Conditions on the Northeast United States Continental Shelf in 2022 NAFO Subareas 5 and 6, NAFO SCR Doc. 23/018.

Additional information:


14 June 2023


NAFO Environmental Sampling 2022

NAFO Environmental Production Units


NAFO Subareas map

NAFO Currents


Annual Report 2022

STACTIC Rules of Procedure

9 May 2023

STACTIC Rules of Procedure

regarding data confidentiality and participation in meetings

SC Reports - 2022

SC Reports - 2022 21 March 2023

SC Reports - 2022

7.3 MB 365 pages

This forty-fourth issue of NAFO Scientific Council Reports containing reports of Scientific Council Meetings held in 2022, is compiled in five sections: Part A –NAFO Scientific Council Meeting, 03 - 16 June 2022; Part B – NAFO Scientific Council Meeting, 27 July 2022; Part C – NAFO Scientific Council and STACFIS Shrimp Assessment Meeting, 12 – 16 September 2022; Part D – NAFO Scientific Council Meeting, 19 – 23 September 2022; and Part E—the Agendas; Requests; Lists of Research and Summary Documents; List of Representatives, Advisers, Experts and Observers; Merit Awards; and List of Recommendations relevant to Parts A-D.
For the meeting reports of the NAFO Precautionary Approach Working Group (PA-WG), and the NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WG-ESA), visit the NAFO website.


NAFO Subarea 1 - 2021 Overview of the Hydrographic Conditions off Southwest Greenland

7 March 2023

NAFO Subarea 1 - 2021 Overview of the Hydrographic Conditions off Southwest Greenland

Mortensen, J., Pinngortitaleriffik Greenland Institute of Natural Resources

NAFO Subareas 0-4 - 2021 Overview of the Environmental Indices

7 March 2023

NAFO Subareas 0-4 - 2021 Overview of the Environmental Indices

Bélanger, D., and Cyr, F., Fisheries and Oceans Canada

NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 - Newfoundland and Labrador Climate Index and Decadal Variability

7 March 2023

NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 - Newfoundland and Labrador Climate Index and Decadal Variability

Cyr, F., Galbraith, P., and Bélanger, D., Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Additional information:

NAFO Subareas 2-3-4 - 2021 Overview of the Biogeochemical Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic

7 March 2023

NAFO Subareas 2-3-4 - 2021 Overview of the Biogeochemical Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic

Bélanger, D. Maillet, G., and Pepin, P., Fisheries and Oceans Canada

NAFO-Subareas 2-3-4 -2021 Overview of the Environmental and Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Eastern Canadian Shelves

7 March 2023

NAFO-Subareas 2-3-4 -2021 Overview of the Environmental and Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Eastern Canadian Shelves

Cyr, F., Galbraith, P.S., Layton, C., Hebert, D., Chen, N., and Han, G., Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Additional Information:

NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 - 2021 Overview of Hydrographic Conditions

7 March 2023

NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 - 2021 Overview of Hydrographic Conditions

Fratantoni, P., Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NOAA)

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2021 - August 2022

2 February 2023

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2021 - August 2022

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

2023 COM-SC Documents

30 December 2022

2023 COM-SC Documents

2023 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2023 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2023 Commission Documents

Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1979

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1978

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1977

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1976

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1975


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
