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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1974

2022 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

ICES/NAFO Symposium on Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010-2019

22 August 2022

ICES/NAFO Symposium on Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010-2019

Bergen, Norway: 20 – 22 June 2022

The Standing Committee on Fisheries Environment (STACFEN) of NAFO was present during the symposium, ICES-NAFO 4th Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010–2019, held in Bergen, Norway (20 – 22 June 2022). Frederic Cyr and Paula Fratantoni from STACFEN were members of the symposium's scientific committee, bridging ICES and NAFO scientists to challenges associated with changes in the climate-ocean system in the North Atlantic.

Annual Report 2021

SC Reports - 2021

SC Reports - 2021 27 May 2022

SC Reports - 2021

457 pages - 13.9 MB

2022 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2022 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2022 COM-SC Documents

31 December 2021

2022 COM-SC Documents

2022 Commission Documents

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2020 - August 2021

7 December 2021

NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2020 - August 2021

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

ABNJ Deep Seas Project

1 November 2021

ABNJ Deep Seas Project

Bottom Fisheries in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

2021 NAFO Virtual Annual Meeting Press Release - September

Guidelines for SCS documents

Guidelines for SCR documents

Guidelines for figures and tables

Guidelines for authors of publications

SC Reports - 2020

SC Reports - 2020 27 May 2021

SC Reports - 2020

462 pages - 15 MB

Annual Report 2020

Report of the Scientific Council (in conjunction with NIPAG) Meeting, 14 September 2020

5 February 2021

Report of the Scientific Council (in conjunction with NIPAG) Meeting, 14 September 2020

Report of the Scientific Council (in conjunction with NIPAG) Meeting, 14 September 2020

Report of the Scientific Council, 21-25 September 2020

1 February 2021

Report of the Scientific Council, 21-25 September 2020

Report of the Scientific Council, 21-25 September 2020

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2019 - August 2020

7 January 2021

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2019 - August 2020

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

2021 COM-SC Documents

23 December 2020

2021 COM-SC Documents

2021 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2021 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2021 Commission Documents

2020 NAFO Virtual Annual Meeting Press Release - September

Annual Report 2019

SC Reports - 2019

22 May 2020

SC Reports - 2019

451 pages - 13 MB

2020 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2020 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2020 COM-SC Documents

2020 Commission Documents

2019 Annual Meeting Press Release - September

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2018 - August 2019

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2018 - August 2019 18 September 2019

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2018 - August 2019

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

Stocks on the Flemish Cap

28 June 2019

Stocks on the Flemish Cap


2019 COM-SC Documents

SC Reports - 2018

Annual Report 2018

2018 Annual Meeting Press Release - September

2019 Scientific Council Research (SCR) documents

2019 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

2019 Commission Documents

27 December 2018

2019 Commission Documents

COM Docs. 2019

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)

Fisheries Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS)

NAFO Areas and Currents

30 August 2018

NAFO Areas and Currents


Click on the subareas of the map to download the reports for each area

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 1-6, Large Scale Forcing

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 1-6, Large Scale Forcing

General Climate Indicators within the NAFO Convention Area: NAO, SST, Air Temperature, and Ice cover

Oceanographic conditions in NAFO waters are to a large degree determined by the strength of the winter atmospheric circulation over the Northwest Atlantic, measured by the NAO Index.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index as defined by Rogers (1984) is the difference in winter (December, January and February) sea level atmospheric pressures between the Azores and Iceland.

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 1-5, Biogeochemical Trends

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 1-5, Biogeochemical Trends

Biogeochemical Indicators within the NAFO Convention Area: Nitrate, Phytoplankton Metrics and Zooplankton Trends

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 1 and the Labrador Sea

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 2

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 2

Labrador and Newfoundland Region

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 3

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 3

Newfoundland Shelf and Grand Banks


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
