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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO Sub Division 3M

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 4.

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 4.

The Scotian Shelf and Eastern Gulf of Maine

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 5 and 6

30 August 2018

The 2017 Ocean Climate Status Summary for NAFO S. A. 5 and 6

Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine and the Mid-Atlantic Bight

NAFO Performance Review Panel Report

SC Reports - 2017

2018 COM-SC Documents

Annual Report 2017

NAFO Scientific Council Report of the Review of Input Data for 3M Cod Benchmark Assessment, 13 March 2018

7 May 2018

NAFO Scientific Council Report of the Review of Input Data for 3M Cod Benchmark Assessment, 13 March 2018

via WebEx

NAFO Scientific Council Report of the Review of Input Data for 3M Cod Benchmark Assessment, 13 March 2018

Download PDF (472 kb)

2018 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

26 April 2018

2018 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

SCR Docs. 2018
(These documents are the final versions. Links will be activated as the papers are processed.)

2018 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

9 April 2018

2018 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

(These documents are the final versions. Links will be activated as the papers are processed.)

2018 Commission Documents

Stan Goodick

Stan Goodick 20 February 2018

Stan Goodick

Deputy Executive Secretary & Senior Finance & Staff Administrator

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Fred Kingston

Fred Kingston 20 February 2018

Fred Kingston

Executive Secretary

(Ext. 202)

NAFO SC Studies No. 48 (2017)

20 December 2017

NAFO SC Studies No. 48 (2017)

Annual Temperature Curves in Twelve Regions of the Gulf of Maine 1985–2013

Ernest D. True

Download pdf (1 MB)

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2017- August 2018

16 October 2017

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission September 2017- August 2018

This issue of the Meeting Proceedings of the Commission contains the meeting reports of the Commission (COM) and the joint Commission-Scientific Council (COM-SC), including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held between 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018. This follows a NAFO cycle of meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

Com docs.


22 September 2017


2017 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission May 2017 - August 2017

31 August 2017

Meeting Proceedings of the Commission May 2017 - August 2017


This series reflects the meetings and working groups between May 2017-Aug 2017. It is the new series continuing from the NAFO Meeting Proceedings of the General Council and Fisheries Commission The NAFO Convention on Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries came into force 18 May 2017 and precipitated the new publication Meeting Proceedings of the Commission.

COM Docs. 2017

2017 COM-SC Documents

Report of the SC Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment, 9-17 November 2016

Annual Report 2016

Annual Report 2016 1 June 2017

Annual Report 2016

Download PDF (10.3 MB)

SC Reports - 2016

28 April 2017

SC Reports - 2016

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2016 are in the READ MORE section.



2017 Commission Documents

2017 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

1 March 2017

2017 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

SCR Docs. 2017
(These documents are the final versions. Links will be activated as the papers are processed.)

2017 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

1 March 2017

2017 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents


(These documents are the final versions. Links will be activated as the papers are processed.)SCS Docs. 2017


2017 - Fisheries Commission-Scientific Council Documents

2017 Fisheries Commission Documents

STATLANT 21A Deadline

16 February 2017

STATLANT 21A Deadline

2016 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

NAFO E-Newsletter 2016

12 December 2016

NAFO E-Newsletter 2016


Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2016-Aug 2017

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2015-Aug 2016

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2015-Aug 2016 28 October 2016

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2015-Aug 2016

General Council and Fisheries Commission

This issue of the Proceedings contains the meeting reports of the General Council (GC) and Fisheries Commission
(FC) including their subsidiary bodies and working groups held in the twelve months preceding the Annual
Meeting in September 2015 (between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016). This follows a NAFO cycle of
meetings starting with an Annual Meeting rather than by calendar year.

View meeting reports in READ MORE

Download the complete volume (11 MB)

2016 Fisheries Commission Documents

2016 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

2016 - Fisheries Commission-Scientific Council Documents

2016 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

18 August 2016

2016 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

(These documents are the final versions. Links will be activated as the papers are processed.)
SCS Docs. 2016

2015 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

SC Reports - 2015

Annual Report 2015

2015 Fisheries Commission Documents

2015 - Fisheries Commission-Scientific Council Documents

2015 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

Coral, Sponge, and Other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Identification Guide, NAFO Area

NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

31 October 2015

NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

Coral, Sponge, and Other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Identification Guide, NAFO Area

Kenchington, E., L. Beazley, F. J. Murillo, G. Tompkins MacDonald, E. Baker.

NAFO E-Newsletter 2015

30 September 2015

NAFO E-Newsletter 2015

September 2015

2015 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

25 September 2015

2015 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

37th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 21-25 September, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Making Waves on Bottom Fishing

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2014-Aug 2015

2015 Press Release - July

10 July 2015

2015 Press Release - July

NAFO Scientific Council and its Standing Committees, 29 May-11 June, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

SC Reports - 2014

31 January 2015

SC Reports - 2014

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2014 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume  (10.10 MB)

2014 Fisheries Commission Documents


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
