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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Coral, Sponge, and Other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Identification Guide, NAFO Area

NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

31 October 2015

NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

Coral, Sponge, and Other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Identification Guide, NAFO Area

Kenchington, E., L. Beazley, F. J. Murillo, G. Tompkins MacDonald, E. Baker.

NAFO E-Newsletter 2015

30 September 2015

NAFO E-Newsletter 2015

September 2015

2015 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

25 September 2015

2015 NAFO Annual Meeting Press Release - September

37th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 21-25 September, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Making Waves on Bottom Fishing

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2014-Aug 2015

2015 Press Release - July

10 July 2015

2015 Press Release - July

NAFO Scientific Council and its Standing Committees, 29 May-11 June, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

SC Reports - 2014

31 January 2015

SC Reports - 2014

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2014 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume  (10.10 MB)

2014 Fisheries Commission Documents

2014 - Fisheries Commission-Scientific Council Documents

2014 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

2014 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 46 (2014)

30 November 2014

NAFO SC Studies No. 46 (2014)

Protocols of the EU bottom trawl survey of Flemish Cap

Vázquez A., J. M. Casas and R. Alpoim. 


2014 Press Release - September

26 September 2014

2014 Press Release - September

36th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 22–26 September, Vigo, Spain

NAFO Continues Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2013–Aug 2014

2014 - Special Requests from Fisheries Commission

31 August 2014

2014 - Special Requests from Fisheries Commission

In addition to single stock assessment each year various special requests for information are made by the Fisheries Commission to the Scientific Council.

In addition to single stock assessment each year various special requests for information are made by the Fisheries Commission to the Scientific Council (see SCS Doc. 14/01). The reference to the Fisheries Commission Request and the summary response are presented below and the detailed responses can be accessed by clicking on the Full Response (). Complete information can be found in the Scientific Council Reports and SCR and SCS Documents.

2014 Press Release - July

8 July 2014

2014 Press Release - July

NAFO Scientific Council and its Standing Committees, 30 May–12 June, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Outcomes of the 2014 June Scientific Council Meeting

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2014 30 April 2014

Annual Report 2014

8.8 mb

Download the pdf (8.8 MB)

Annual Report 2013

SC Reports - 2013

31 January 2014

SC Reports - 2013

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2013 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete Volume (6.31 MB)

2013 Fisheries Commission Documents

2013 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2013 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 45 (2013)

30 November 2013

NAFO SC Studies No. 45 (2013)

Stock-by-Stock Research Vessel Surveys Reported During 2001–2010

NAFO Secretariat

ICES/NAFO Gadoid Fisheries: The Ecology and Management of Rebuilding (2013)

31 October 2013

ICES/NAFO Gadoid Fisheries: The Ecology and Management of Rebuilding (2013)


14 to 18 October 2013, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada

2013 Press Release

27 September 2013

2013 Press Release

35th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 23—27 September, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Improves Information Sharing

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2012–Aug 2013

2013 - Special Requests from Fisheries Commission

31 August 2013

2013 - Special Requests from Fisheries Commission

In addition to single stock assessment each year various special requests for information are made by the Fisheries Commission to the Scientific Council.

In addition to single stock assessment each year various special requests for information are made by the Fisheries Commission to the Scientific Council (see SCS Doc. 13/01). The reference to the Fisheries Commission Request and the summary response are presented below and the detailed responses can be accessed by clicking on the Full Response (). Complete information can be found in the Scientific Council Reports and SCR and SCS Documents.

Annual Report 2012

SC Reports - 2012

31 January 2013

SC Reports - 2012

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2012 are here.


Complete volume (4 198 kb)

2012 Fisheries Commission Documents

2012 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2012 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 44 (2012)

30 November 2012

NAFO SC Studies No. 44 (2012)

Report of the Workshop on Implementation of Stock Reproductive Potential into Assessment and Management Advice for Harvested Marine Species

M. J. Morgan, C. T. Marshall, L. O'Brien, I. Mosqueira and S. Cerviño

2012 Press Release

21 September 2012

2012 Press Release

34th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 17-21 September, St. Petersburg, Russia

NAFO Continues to Move Forward


31 August 2012


Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2011–Aug 2012

Recent History - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)

ICNAF Symposia

30 August 2012

ICNAF Symposia

At the first meeting of ICNAF in 1951, several biological seminars were held during the evenings to determine “what scientific knowledge is lacking in the NW Atlantic fisheries and how should it be acquired”. essentially the first ICNAF symposia. 

ICNAF Management

30 August 2012

ICNAF Management

Regulation of the fisheries

ICNAF - Catches

30 August 2012

ICNAF - Catches

Landings of groundfish

Science and Statistics

30 August 2012

Science and Statistics

The development of fisheries, biological and hydrographic data collection, scientific research, assessment methods and provision of advice

To support scientific evaluation of the effects of exploitation, STACRES considered the following: landed weights by year, area and species for at least five principal species; by size; annual fishing effort; and estimates of discards, for the development of means for maintaining maximum sustained yield. Thus, the concept of MSY (maximum sustainable yield) was expressed early on by ICNAF as a management objective. This concept was broadened in 1971 to one of achieving optimal utilization.

The Commission

30 August 2012

The Commission

The decision making body and its committees

The Commission, composed of up to three representatives of each Contracting Party, was responsible for carrying out the tasks laid out in the Convention. The composition of Contracting Parties changed over time as countries became more or less involved in fisheries in the Convention area.


30 August 2012


Additional Information:

ICNAF Handbook. ICNAF Secretariat.1965

The Delimitation of Fishing Areas in the Northwest Atlantic, By R. G. Halliday and A. T. Pinhorn, JNAFS, Vol. 10

ICNAF Convention

30 August 2012

ICNAF Convention

International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Commission

The treaty, entered into force on July 3, 1950 to
"investigate, protect and conserve fisheries of the northwest Atlantic Ocean, in order to make possible the maintenance of a maximum sustained catch from those fisheries".
Thus, the concept of sustainable use of fishery resources was introduced.

International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF)

30 August 2012

International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF)

1949 to 1978

Formation of ICNAF – events leading up to the 1949 conference 

The first regulatory convention that pertained to the North Atlantic was the 1943 Draft Convention relating to the Policing of Fisheries and Measures for the Protection of Immature Fish (Halliday and Pinhorn 1996, Sen 1997). However, Canada and USA shared doubts that North American interests would be well served by a North Atlantic-wide organization dominated by European states. That convention never came into force in the northwest Atlantic.

Annual Report 2011

Formation of ICNAF – events leading up to the 1949 conference

13 February 2012

Formation of ICNAF – events leading up to the 1949 conference

The first regulatory convention that pertained to the North Atlantic was the 1943 Draft Convention relating to the Policing of Fisheries and Measures for the Protection of Immature Fish (Halliday and Pinhorn 1996, Sen 1997). However, Canada and USA shared doubts that North American interests would be well served by a North Atlantic-wide organization dominated by European states. That convention never came into force in the northwest Atlantic.

SC Reports - 2011

31 January 2012

SC Reports - 2011

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2011 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume (5 MB)

2011 Fisheries Commission Documents

2011 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

