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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2010 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

Sponge Identification Guide NAFO Area

15 December 2010

Sponge Identification Guide NAFO Area

NAFO SC Studies No. 43 (2010)


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NAFO SC Studies No. 43 (2010)

30 November 2010

NAFO SC Studies No. 43 (2010)

Sponge Identification Guide NAFO Area

M. Best, E. Kenchington, K. MacIsaac, V. Wareham, S. D. Fuller, and A. B. Thompson

2010 Press Release

24 September 2010

2010 Press Release

32nd Annual Meeting of NAFO, 20-24 September, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Takes Stock - Further Progress made on International Fishery Management

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2009–Aug 2010

Annual Report 2009

Annual Report 2009 30 April 2010

Annual Report 2009

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SC Reports - 2009

31 January 2010

SC Reports - 2009

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2009 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2009 Fisheries Commission Documents

2009 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

2009 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

ICES PICES UNCOVER Symposium on Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks - Biology, Ecology, Social Science and Management Strategies (2009)

30 November 2009

ICES PICES UNCOVER Symposium on Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks - Biology, Ecology, Social Science and Management Strategies (2009)

(November 2009 co-sponsored by NAFO)

36 November 2009  • Warnemünde, Germany

Coral Identification Guide NAFO Area

30 November 2009

Coral Identification Guide NAFO Area

NAFO SC Studies No. 42 (2009)

coral guide


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NAFO SC Studies No. 42 (2009)

30 November 2009

NAFO SC Studies No. 42 (2009)

Coral Identification Guide NAFO Area

E. Kenchington, M. Best, A. Cogswell, K. MacIsaac, F. J. Murillo-Perez, B. MacDonald, V. Wareham, S. D. Fuller, H. I. Ø. Jørgensbye, V. Sklyar and A. B. Thompson

2009 Press Release

25 September 2009

2009 Press Release

31st Annual Meeting of NAFO, 21-25 September, 2009, Bergen, Norway

NAFO Flemish Cap Cod is Back

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2008–Aug 2009

Early History of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries

30 April 2009

Early History of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries

International commercial fishing in Northwest Atlantic waters dates back to the discovery of the rich cod resources off Newfoundland by John Cabot in 1497. His famous quote was:

... and they affirm that the sea is covered with fish which are caught not merely with nets but with baskets, a stone being attached to make the baskets sink with the water .... and thus I heard the said Zoane Cabot relate.


30 April 2009


Historical Overview of the Northwest Atlantic Fishery

John Cabot, n.d.
John Cabot in the Matthew off Cape Bonavista in 1497.

Painting by C. Dinsmore.
From J. R. Smallwood, ed., The Book of Newfoundland, Vol. 2 (St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1937). 

Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2008 28 February 2009

Annual Report 2008

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SC Reports - 2008

31 January 2009

SC Reports - 2008

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2008 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2008 Fisheries Commission Documents

2008 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2008 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

The Role of Marine Mammals in the Ecosystem in the 21st Century (2008)

31 October 2008

The Role of Marine Mammals in the Ecosystem in the 21st Century (2008)

29 September – 1 October 2008, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

The symposium will present new findings on the syntheses of information over ecosystem components, on biological and physical aspects of the environment, and on new research approaches to understanding the role of marine mammals.

2008 Press Release - September

26 September 2008

2008 Press Release - September

30th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 22-26 September, 2008, Vigo, Spain

NAFO advances its Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2007–Aug 2008

NAFO SC Studies No. 41 (2008)

30 June 2008

NAFO SC Studies No. 41 (2008)

Report of the Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) Age Determination Workshop

M. A. Treble and K. S. Dwyer

2008 Press Release - May

7 May 2008

2008 Press Release - May

30 April to 7 May 2008, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

NAFO takes action to protect the deep seas.

Special meeting of the NAFO Fisheries Commission 30 April to 7 May 2008

SC Reports - 2007

31 March 2008

SC Reports - 2007

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2007 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

Annual Report 2007

Annual Report 2007 29 February 2008

Annual Report 2007

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2007 Fisheries Commission Documents

2007 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2007 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 40 (2007)

31 December 2007

NAFO SC Studies No. 40 (2007)

Identification of Wolffish, Hake and Rockling in the Northwest Atlantic

D. Kulka, C. Miri, and A. B. Thompson

Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks (2007)

31 October 2007

Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks (2007)

1–3 October 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), announce a joint symposium on "Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks", to be held on 1-3 October 2007, at the Altis Hotel, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The symposium will provide a scientific forum to present and discuss study findings on reproduction, early life history and recruitment of exploited marine finfish and invertebrate stocks. Continued low abundance and low recruitment of many stocks necessitates a broad examination of key biological processes underlying potential stock recovery.

2007 Press Release

28 September 2007

2007 Press Release

29th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 24-28 September, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

NAFO Celebrates a Modern Convention

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2006–Aug 2007

Identification of Wolffish, Hake and Rockling in the Northwest Atlantic

SC Reports - 2006

28 February 2007

SC Reports - 2006

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2006 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

Annual Report 2006

Annual Report 2006 31 January 2007

Annual Report 2006

Download the pdf (1.30 MB)

2006 Fisheries Commission Documents

2006 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2006 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Environmental and Ecosystem Histories in the Northwest Atlantic - What Influences Living Marine Resources? (September 2006)

2006 Press Release

22 September 2006

2006 Press Release

28th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 18-22 September 2006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Working Group on Reproductive Potential (August 2006)

31 August 2006

NAFO Working Group on Reproductive Potential (August 2006)

18-21 August 2006, Klaustur (Iceland)

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2005‒Aug 2006

Annual Report 2005

Annual Report 2005 31 January 2006

Annual Report 2005

Download the pdf (1.43 MB)

SC Reports - 2005

31 January 2006

SC Reports - 2005

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2005  are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2005 Fisheries Commission Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 39 (2005)

31 December 2005

NAFO SC Studies No. 39 (2005)

D. W. Kulka, L. Hendrickson, N. Bez, R. Schlitzer, G. A. P. Black and M. R. Simpson

For September 2003, the Scientific Council initiated its Special Session titled Workshop on Mapping and Geostatistical Methods for Fisheries Stock Assessment, as a specifi c topic of interest to the Scientific Council. The Council invited David Kulka (Canada) and Lisa Hendrickson (USA) to design and convene the workshop. It was suggested that the focus should be to provide a basic understanding of the geostatistical concepts and methods and tools that could be used by the Scientific Council in the context of stock assessments.

During 10–12 September 2003, the Scientific Council held the Special Session in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of NAFO, at the Holiday Inn in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. David Kulka (Canada) and Lisa Hendrickson (USA) were conveners, and Nicholas Bez (France), Reiner Schlitzer (EU – Germany), Jerry Black (Canada) and Mark Simpson (Canada) were invited instructors.

At its meeting of 15–19 September 2003, the Council noted the success of the Workshop and that the complete report will be published as SCS Doc 03/22. During the September 2004 many scientists proposed that the report should be published in the Scientific Council Studies series, and the Council intersessionally agreed to make this Studies publication. This publication endorses the success of the workshop and the possibilities opened to apply geostatistical analyses in stock assessments.


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
