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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Environmental and Ecosystem Histories in the Northwest Atlantic - What Influences Living Marine Resources? (September 2006)

2006 Press Release

22 September 2006

2006 Press Release

28th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 18-22 September 2006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

NAFO Working Group on Reproductive Potential (August 2006)

31 August 2006

NAFO Working Group on Reproductive Potential (August 2006)

18-21 August 2006, Klaustur (Iceland)

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2005‒Aug 2006

Annual Report 2005

Annual Report 2005 31 January 2006

Annual Report 2005

Download the pdf (1.43 MB)

SC Reports - 2005

31 January 2006

SC Reports - 2005

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2005  are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2005 Fisheries Commission Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 39 (2005)

31 December 2005

NAFO SC Studies No. 39 (2005)

D. W. Kulka, L. Hendrickson, N. Bez, R. Schlitzer, G. A. P. Black and M. R. Simpson

For September 2003, the Scientific Council initiated its Special Session titled Workshop on Mapping and Geostatistical Methods for Fisheries Stock Assessment, as a specifi c topic of interest to the Scientific Council. The Council invited David Kulka (Canada) and Lisa Hendrickson (USA) to design and convene the workshop. It was suggested that the focus should be to provide a basic understanding of the geostatistical concepts and methods and tools that could be used by the Scientific Council in the context of stock assessments.

During 10–12 September 2003, the Scientific Council held the Special Session in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of NAFO, at the Holiday Inn in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. David Kulka (Canada) and Lisa Hendrickson (USA) were conveners, and Nicholas Bez (France), Reiner Schlitzer (EU – Germany), Jerry Black (Canada) and Mark Simpson (Canada) were invited instructors.

At its meeting of 15–19 September 2003, the Council noted the success of the Workshop and that the complete report will be published as SCS Doc 03/22. During the September 2004 many scientists proposed that the report should be published in the Scientific Council Studies series, and the Council intersessionally agreed to make this Studies publication. This publication endorses the success of the workshop and the possibilities opened to apply geostatistical analyses in stock assessments.

2005 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2005 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 38 (2005)

30 November 2005

NAFO SC Studies No. 38 (2005)

Yellowtail Flounder Ageing Manual

Karen Dwyer

Annual Report 2004

Annual Report 2004 30 September 2005

Annual Report 2004

Download the pdf (3.67 MB)

2005 Press Release

23 September 2005

2005 Press Release

27th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 19-23 September 2005,Tallinn, Estonia

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2004‒Aug 2005

SC Reports - 2004

28 February 2005

SC Reports - 2004

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2004 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2004 Fisheries Commission Documents

2004 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2004 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Symposium on The Ecosystem of the Flemish Cap (September 2004)

30 September 2004

Symposium on The Ecosystem of the Flemish Cap (September 2004)

8-10 September 2004, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Symposium on The Ecosystem of the Flemish Cap was held in Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia from 8-10 September 2004.


2004 Press Release

17 September 2004

2004 Press Release

26th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 13-17 September 2004, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2003‒Aug 2004

NAFO Convention

NAFO Study Group on Limit Reference Points (LRPSG) (April 2004)

30 April 2004

NAFO Study Group on Limit Reference Points (LRPSG) (April 2004)

15-20 April 2004, IFREMER, Lorient, France

Annual Report 2003

SC Reports - 2003

28 February 2004

SC Reports - 2003

This volume of NAFO Scientific Coucil Reports was compiled based on an annual meeting cycle instead of the usual calendar year. Subsequently it was decided by Scientific Council to continue to publish this volume based on a calendar year. The links to meeting reports are listed here for the 2003 meetings.

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2003 are in the READ MORE section

2003 Fisheries Commission Documents

2003 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2003 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Workshop on "Mapping & Geostatistical Methods for Fisheries Stock Assessments" (September 2003)

30 September 2003

Workshop on "Mapping & Geostatistical Methods for Fisheries Stock Assessments" (September 2003)

September 2003, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Workshop was convened by David Kulka (Canada) and Lisa Hendrickson (USA) and the instructors were:
Dr. Nicolas Bez (Centre de Géostatistique, Fontainebleau, France), Dr. Reiner Schlitzer (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany), and Jerry Black, Dr. Mark Simpson, and David Kulka (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada). There were 28 participants from Canada, Denmark (Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, the European Union (France, Germany, Portugal, and Spain), the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.

2003 Press Release

19 September 2003

2003 Press Release

25th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 15-19 September 2003, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2002‒Aug 2003

NAFO SC Studies No. 37 (2003)

31 August 2003

NAFO SC Studies No. 37 (2003)

The Availability of Data for Estimating Reproductive Potential for Selected Stocks in the North Atlantic

M. J. Morgan, J. Burnett, J. Tomkiewicz, F. Saborido-Rey

The Scientific Council Special Session, the Symposium on Variations in Maturation, Growth, Condition and Spawning Biomass Production in Groundfish held at the Altis Hotel in Lisbon Portugal during 9--11 September 1998 in conjunction with the 20th NAFO Annual Meeting, resulted with the Scientific Council establishing the Working Group on Reproductive Potential. The Working Group (Chair E. Trippel) through its deliberations concerning fish stocks in the North Atlantic recommended to the Scientific Council that

i) a complete collection of scientific papers relating to the subject be peer reviewed and considered for publication in the Journal a/Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science,


ii) a compilation of available data for those stocks be published in the Scientific Council Studies.

The Scientific Council endorsed the recommendation, and this issue of the Scientific Council Studies series is dedicated to the compilation regarding the available data. Many members of the Working Group and scientists both within the Scientific Council circles and outside these circles have spent a great deal of time and effort collecting, collating and refining the information base. The comprehensive coverage achieved in this publication is timely and important for scientists dealing with fish stocks and stock complexes in the North Atlantic, particularly in the NAFO and ICES areas.

NAFO SC Studies No. 36 (2003)

31 May 2003

NAFO SC Studies No. 36 (2003)

Workshop on Assessment Methods

During 13-15 September 2000, the Scientific Council held the Special Session in conjunction with the 22nd Annual Meeting of NAFO, at the Boston Back Bay Hilton, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. D. Rivard (Canada) and C. Darby (EU-United Kingdom) were conveners, and R. K. Mayo (USA) played a key role in the preparation of the Workshop and the presentation of tutorials.

At its meeting of 18-22 September 2000, the Council evaluated this Workshop as a very informative and a valuable contribution to the work of the Scientific Council. While recommending that a workbook should be published in the Scientific Council Studies series. the Council noted the publication could constitute previously published information as well as public domain material. While there was a considerable time lapse in the preparation of the final texts and tutorials for this publication, the comprehensive coverage achieved in this publication is believed to be timely and important for scientists throughout the world dealing with stock assessments.

Workshop on "Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management" (April 2003)

30 April 2003

Workshop on "Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management" (April 2003)

March/April 2003 in St. John's, NL, Canada

SC Reports - 2002

28 February 2003

SC Reports - 2002

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2002 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2002 Fisheries Commission Documents

2002 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2002 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 35 (2002)

31 December 2002

NAFO SC Studies No. 35 (2002)

The Canada-United States Yellowtail Flounder Age Reading Workshop

Walsh, S. J. and J. Burnett (eds.).

This issue of NAFO Scientific Council Studies contains the proceedings and papers presented at The Canada-United States Yellowtail Flounder Age Reading Workshop as proposed for publication by the Standing Committee on Publications (STACPUB) of the Scientific Council.

2002 Press Release

20 September 2002

2002 Press Release

24th Annual Meeting of NAFO, 16-20 September 2002, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain

Symposium on Elasmobranch Fisheries (September 2002)

1 September 2002

Symposium on Elasmobranch Fisheries (September 2002)

Elasmobranch Fisheries: Managing for Sustainable Use and Biodiversity Conservation

11‒13 September 2002, Santiago de Compostela, Spain



Meeting Proceedings - 2002

31 August 2002

Meeting Proceedings - 2002

This volume was prepared for the Annual Meeting in 2002. In 2003 the compilation changed to reflect a meeting year so there is a duplication in reports for the Annual Meeting and subsequent STACTIC WG meeting in 2002.

Download the entire volume (2.7 MB)

Mini-Symposium on Hydrographic Variability in NAFO Waters (June 2002)

Annual Report 2002

Annual Report 2001

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 49 for the year 1999

31 January 2002

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 49 for the year 1999

14.77 MB

This issue of the NAFO Statistical Bulletin is set out with three parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of
selected species items by Country and Subarea for 1985-99; Part II contains the statistics of nominal catches and fishing
effort for 1999; and Part III contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1999. In tables where various groups of
species items are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further details of
the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part.

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts and assistance of the officers of statistical agencies of countries
contributing data as well as the national representatives who assisted in obtaining the data for this publication. In
addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and the cooperation of Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics
(CWP) have been invaluable .

The delayed publication of this issue was due to delays in submission of some final statistics. It is noted the
Scientific Council at its meeting in June 2001 agreed to proceed with this publication although the absence of complete
data from USA makes some tabulations incomplete.

SC Reports - 2001

31 January 2002

SC Reports - 2001

Links to the individual SC Reports for 2001 are in the READ MORE section.

Complete volume

2001 Fisheries Commission Documents

2001 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

2001 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

