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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

1989 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

SC Reports - 1989

31 December 1989

SC Reports - 1989

View the list of SC Reports for 1989 here, including the link to the complete volume.
(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (4.8 MB)

1989 Fisheries Commission Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 13 (1989)

30 November 1989

NAFO SC Studies No. 13 (1989)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

Meeting Proceedings - 1989

31 October 1989

Meeting Proceedings - 1989

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 36 for the year 1986

30 October 1989

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 36 for the year 1986

25.76 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with three of the usual four parts: Part I
contains summaries of catches of selected finfish and invertebrate species by country
and subarea for 1972-86; Part II contains the statistics of nominal catches and
fishing effort for 1986; Part III contains the seal catches and hunting effort for
1986. Part IV, if present, would contain corrections to previous issues of the
Bulletin. In tables where various groups of species are used, they are in accordance
with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further details of the
tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part.

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some
final statistics.

1988 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

1988 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

SC Reports - 1988

31 December 1988

SC Reports - 1988

View the list of SC Reports for 1988 here, including the link to the complete volume.

(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (4.3 MB)

1988 Fisheries Commission Documents

Meeting Proceedings - 1988

31 October 1988

Meeting Proceedings - 1988

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

NAFO SC Studies No. 12 (1988)

31 March 1988

NAFO SC Studies No. 12 (1988)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

1987 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

1987 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 35 for the year 1985

31 December 1987

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 35 for the year 1985

24.8 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1971-85; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1985; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1985;
and Part IV, if present, contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various
groups of species are used, the groups and group names are in accordance with those in the " List of
Northwest Atlantic Species". Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the
beginning of each Part and in the section entitled " Definitions and Abbreviations".

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin . In addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and its Standing Committee on
Research Coordination and the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been

The delayed publication of this issue (Vol. 35) was due to the very late receipt of final statistics from the
Gulf Region of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans .

SC Reports - 1987

31 December 1987

SC Reports - 1987

View the list of SC Reports for 1987 here, including the link to the complete volume.

(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (3.8 MB)

1987 Fisheries Commission Documents

Meeting Proceedings - 1987

31 October 1987

Meeting Proceedings - 1987

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

NAFO SC Studies No. 11 (1987)

31 March 1987

NAFO SC Studies No. 11 (1987)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

1986 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

1986 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

SC Reports - 1986

31 December 1986

SC Reports - 1986

View the list of SC Reports for 1986 here, including the link to the complete volume.

(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (4.7 MB)

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 34 for the year 1984

31 December 1986

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 34 for the year 1984

23.42 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1970-84; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1984; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1984 ;
and Part IV, if present, contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various
groups of species are used , the groups and group names are in accordance with those in the " List of
Northwest Atlantic Species" . Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the
beginning of each Part and in the section entitled "Definitions and Abbreviations".

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin . In addition , the guidance of the Scientific Council and its Standing Committee on
Research Coordination and the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been

The delayed publication of this issue (Vol. 34) was due to the very late receipt of final statistics from the
Gulf Region of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans .

1986 Fisheries Commission Documents

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 33 for the year 1983

30 December 1986

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 33 for the year 1983

21.97 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for the 1969-83 period; Part II contains statistics
of nominal catches and fishing effort for 1983; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for
1983; and Part IV contains corrections to Statistical Bulletin Vol. 32 for 1982. In tables where various
groups of species are used, the groups and group names are in accordance with those given in the List of
Northwest Atlantic Species. Further details of the tabular presentation of the data are given in the text at
the beginning of each Part and in the section entitled "Definitions and Abbreviations".

Meeting Proceedings - 1986

31 October 1986

Meeting Proceedings - 1986

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

NAFO SC Studies No. 10 (1986)

31 August 1986

NAFO SC Studies No. 10 (1986)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

SC Reports - 1985

31 December 1985

SC Reports - 1985

View the list of SC Reports for 1985 here, including the link to the complete volume.
(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (4.8 MB)

1985 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

1985 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

1985 Fisheries Commission Documents

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 27 for the year 1977

31 December 1985

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 27 for the year 1977

22.23 MB

Following the publication of Vol. 27 in November 1979, the Secretariat
was informed of numerous errors in the fishing effort data reported by two
countries for 1977-81. The revised effort data affect a significant number of
effort records in ICNAF Statistical Bulletin Vol. 27 and 28 and NAFO
Statistical Bulletin Vol. 29-31. The Scientific Council of NAFO has
recommended that the Secretariat should issue revised editions of these
volumes as time and finances permit.

Of the five volumes to be revised, Vol. 30 was reissued in October 1984,
Vol. 29 was reissued in November 1984, Vol. 31 was reissued in March 1985, and
Vol. 28 was reissued in September1985. This volume (27) is the last of the
series that required revision. Recipients should discard the earlier edition
of this volume.

NAFO SC Studies No. 9 (1985)

30 November 1985

NAFO SC Studies No. 9 (1985)

Special Session on Squids September 1984

During 5-7 September 1984, the special session on "Biology and Ecology of Squids in the Northwest Atlantic" was held at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, with T. W. Rowell (Canada) and Ch, M. Nigmatullin (USSR) as conveners. Keen interest in the contributions and associated discussion prompted the participants to propose that the Scientific Council consider publishing all suitable papers in a single volume.

Of the 27 documented contributions, 15 papers and a bibliography were accepted for publication in this issue of Studies after critical review by one or both conveners and the editor, with the occasional assistance of other fishery scientists. The titles and available abstracts of the remaining 11 contributions, which were either not submitted or not suitable for inclusion in this volume, are listed on pages 171-175.

Meeting Proceedings - 1985

31 October 1985

Meeting Proceedings - 1985

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 28 for the year 1978

30 September 1985

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 28 for the year 1978

23.36 MB

Following the publication of Vol. 28 (Revised) in November 1980, the
Secretariat was informed of numerous errors in the fishing effort data reported
by two countries for 1977-81. The revised effort data affect a significant
number of effort records in ICNAF Statistical Bulletin Vol . 27 and 28 and NAFO
Statistical Bulletin Vol. 29-31. The Scientific Council of NAFO has recommended
that the Secretariat should issue revised editions of these volumes as time and
finances permit.

Of the five volumes to be revised, Vol. 30 was reissued in October 1984~
Vol. 29 was reissued in November 1984, and Vol. 31 was reissued in March 1985.
This volume (28) is the fourth of the series that required revision. Recipients
should discard the earlier edition of this volume.

NAFO SC Studies No. 8 (1985)

30 April 1985

NAFO SC Studies No. 8 (1985)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 31 for the year 1981

15 February 1985

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 31 for the year 1981

Of the five volumes to be revised, Vol. 30 with fishery statistics for
1980 was issued in October 1984 and Vol. 29 with fishery statistics for 1979
was issued in November 1984. This volume (31) is the third of the series to be
revised. Recipients should discard earlier editions of these volumes. Revised
editions of the remaining two volumes (27 and 28) will be issued later in 1985.

SC Reports - 1984

31 December 1984

SC Reports - 1984

View the list of SC Reports for 1984 here, including the link to the complete volume.

(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (3.8 MB)

1984 Scientific Council Research (SCR) documents

1984 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

1984 Fisheries Commission Documents

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 32 for the year 1982

28 December 1984

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 32 for the year 1982

xxx MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in three parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for the 1968-82 period; Part II contains statistics
of nominal catches and fishing effort for 1982; and Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for
1982 . In tables where various groups of species are used, the groups and group names are in accordance
with those given in the List of Northwest Atlantic Species. Further details of the tabular presentation of
the data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part and in the section entitled "Definitions and

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 29 for the year 1979 (Rev)

30 November 1984

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 29 for the year 1979 (Rev)

23.58 MB

Following the pub1 ication of Statistical Bulletin Vol. 31 in September
1983, the NAFO Secretariat was informed of numerous errors in the fishing
effort data reported by two countries for 1977-81. The revised data affect a
significant number of effort records published in Table 5 of Vol. 27 to 31
but the nominal catch records remain unchanged. Since Table 5 constitutes
about two-thirds of an entire volume, the Scientific Council of NAFO
recommended that the Secretariat issue revised editions of these volumes as
time and finances permit. Meanwhile, computer listings of the revised data
may be obtained from the NAFO Secretariat upon request.

Volume 30, containing fishery statistics for 1980, and Volume 29,
containing statistics for 1979, were the first and second respectively of the
five volumes to be revised. Recipients should discard the earlier editions of
these volumes. Revised editions of the remaining three volumes will be
forthcoming in 1985 as time and finances permit.

Meeting Proceedings - 1984

31 October 1984

Meeting Proceedings - 1984

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 30 for the year 1980 (Rev)

15 October 1984

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 30 for the year 1980 (Rev)

22.46 MB

Following the publication of Statistical Bulletin Vol. 31 in September
1983, the NAFO Secretariat was informed of numerous errors in the fishing
effort data reported by two countries for 1977-81. The revised data affect a
significant number of effort records published in Table 5 of Vol. 27 to 31 but
the nominal catch records remain unchanged. Since Table 5 constitutes about
two-thirds of an entire volume, the Scientific Council of NAFO recommended
that the Secretariat issue revised editions of these volumes as time and
finances permit. Meanwhile, computer listings of the revised data may be
obtained from the NAFO Secretariat upon request.

Volume 30, containing fishery statistics for 1980, is the first of the
five volumes to be revised, and recipients should discard the earlier edition.
Revised editions of the remaining four volumes will be forthcoming at 3-4
month intervals as time and finances permit.

NAFO SC Studies No. 7 (1984)

31 August 1984

NAFO SC Studies No. 7 (1984)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

SC Reports - 1983

31 December 1983

SC Reports - 1983

View the list of SC Reports for 1983 here, including the link to the complete volume.
(the individual reports are not available, only the full report)

Complete volume (4.6 MB)

1983 Scientific Council Research (SCR) documents

1983 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

NAFO SC Studies No. 6 (1983)

31 December 1983

NAFO SC Studies No. 6 (1983)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

