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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

ICNAF - Meeting Documents - 1951

Doc. No

Serial No.



51/1   ICNAF Proposed agenda for the First Meeting of the Commission (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 29)
51/2   ICNAF Proposed rules of procedure for the Commission (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 30)
51/3   ICNAF Proposed agenda for the Panels (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 29)
51/4   ICNAF Proposed rules of procedure for the Panels (see MD 51/34 below)
51/5   ICNAF Memorandum on finance (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 36-39)
51/6   ICNAF Guide for delegates to the First Meeting of the Commission, April 1951
51/7 1 ICNAF Provisional list of members of delegations and officers of the Secretariat (see MD 51/30 below)
51/8   ICNAF Proposed order of business, 2 April 1951
51/9 2 ANON. (USA) Review of United States fisheries in the Convention Area
51/10 24 ICNAF Financial regulations for the Commission (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 36).
51/11 3 ANON. (USA) United States statistics on the fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic
51/12   ICNAF Minutes of the First Plenary Session, 2 April 1951
51/13   ICNAF Minutes of the First Executive Session, 3 April 1951
51/14 4 ICNAF Report of the first meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Administration and Finance, 3 April 1951
51/15   ICNAF First report of the Credentials Committee, 2 April 1951
51/16   ICNAF Minutes of the Second Executive Session, 4 April 1951
51/17 5 ICNAF Report of the second meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Administration and Finance, 4 April 1951
51/18   ICNAF Report of the first meeting of the ad hoc Drafting Committee, 3 April 1951
51/19   ICNAF Report of the second meeting of the ad hoc Drafting Committee, 4 April 1951
51/20 6 ICNAF Report of the third meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Finance and Administration, 5 April 1951
51/21   ICNAF Draft budget resolution, 5 April 1951 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1:40)
51/22   ICNAF Resolution regarding temporary headquarters of the Commission, 5 April 1951 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 40)
51/23   ICNAF Resolution regarding the Working Capital Fund (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 40)
51/24   ICNAF Minutes of the Third Executive Session, 5 April 1951
51/25 7 ICNAF Proposed general long-term program of research work for Subarea 1, Northwest Atlantic Commission, 5 April 1951 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 42)
51/26 8 ICNAF Report of the first meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Research and Statistics, 5 April 1951
51/27   ICNAF Report of the ad hoc Committee on Credentials, 5 April 1951
51/28   ICNAF Minutes of the Fourth Executive Session, 6 April 1951
51/29 9 ICNAF Minutes of Panel 4 meeting, 6 April 1951
51/30   ICNAF List of members of delegations and officers of the Secretariat (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 26-28)
51/31 10 ICNAF Minutes of Panel 1 meeting, 6 April 1951
51/32 11 ICNAF Minutes of Panel 2 meeting, 6 April 1951
51/33 12 ICNAF Minutes of Panel 3 meeting, 6 April 1951
51/34 23 ICNAF Rules of procedure for Panels 1, 3, 4 and 5, 6-7 April 1951 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 34)
51/35   ICNAF Report of ad hoc Committee on Relations with Other International Organizations + Corrigendum A
51/36 13 ICNAF Minutes of Panel 5 meeting, 5 April 1951 + Corrigendum A
51/37   ICNAF Minutes of the Fifth Executive Session, 7 April 1951
51/38 14 ICNAF Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, 7-9 April 1951
51/39 15 ICNAF Report of first meeting of Standing Committee on Finance and Administration, 9 April 1951
51/40 16 ICNAF Outline of report by the Chairman of the First Meeting of the Commission (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 1)
51/41 17 ICNAF Minutes of the second meeting of Panel 5, 9 April 1951
51/42   ICNAF Minutes of the Final Plenary Session, 10 April 1951
51/43   ICNAF Press release, 10 April 1951 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 50)
51/44 18 ICNAF Report by the Chairman concerning the First Meeting of the Commission (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 1: 1)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
