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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1969

Doc. No

Serial No.



69/1 2142 GRAHAM, H. W. Informal meeting of ICNAF advisers on cooperative research in Boothbay Harbour, Maine, 9-12 December 1968
69/2 2151 HALLIDAY, R. G., and B. ROSCOE The effects of icing and freezing on the length and weight of groundfish species (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 79-89)
69/3 2160 CWP Secretary Report of Sixth Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics, Charlottenlund, Denmark, 3-7 February 1969
69/4 2162 ICNAF Secretariat Extracts from report of the 56th Statutory Meeting of ICES, Copenhagen, 30 September-9 October 1968
69/5 2163 ICNAF Report of the Fifth Meeting of the ICES/ICNAF Joint Working Party on North Atlantic Salmon, Copenhagen, 1 October 1968
69/6 2270 WILKINS, N. P. Serological and biochemical studies on Atlantic salmon: progress report
69/7 2181 TEMPLEMAN, W., and F. D. McCRACKEN Canadian research report, 1968 ( ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 3-22)
69/8 2207 SMIDT, E. Danish research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 23-30)
69/9 2275 DENMARK Hunting statistics based on the Green1anders: lists of game killed seals in Greenland (Subarea 1 and East Greenland) in the period from April 1954 to March 1966
69/10 2229 MEYER, A., J. MESSTORFF, and K. SCHUBERT German (FRG) research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 31-51)
69/11 2217 JONSSON, J. Icelandic research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 52-53)
69/12 2176 BRATBERG, E., and J. BLINDHEIM Norwegian research report, 1968 (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 54-62)
69/13 2206 CHRZAN, F. Polish research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 63-75)
69/14 2220 LIMA-DIAZ, M. Portuguese research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1969 (II): 76-88)
69/15 2235 NICULESCU-DUVAZ, M. Romanian research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 89-95)
69/16 2182 SPAIN Spanish research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 96-98)
69/17 2224 KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 99-117)
69/18 2197 GARROD, D. J., and B. B. PARRISH United Kingdom research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(11): 118-120)
69/19 2173 GRAHAM, H. W. United States research report, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1969(II): 121-136)
69/20 2233 ICNAF Secretariat Report of the statistical activities of the ICNAF Secretariat, 1968/69
69/21 2234 ICNAF Secretariat Nominal catches from the ICNAF Convention areas, 1968, and cod and haddock catches in the ICNAF Area, 1958-68 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 18)
69/22 2259 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of fishing effort in the ICNAF Convention Area for 1968 (see ICNAF List of Vessels 1968)
69/23 2183 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of statistics on discards and industrial fish, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 115-123)
69/24 2191 CWP Secretary Quantity conversion factors for use in fishery statistics of the North Atlantic
69/25 2192 CWP Secretary Notes for completion of STANA forms
69/26 2193 CWP Secretary Northwest Atlantic statistical area: FAO Fishing Area 21 (see ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 124-128)
69/27 2194 CWP Secretary Classification and codification of fishing effort
69/28 2271 ØRITSLAND, T. Additional results of Norwegian research on seals, 1964-1969
69/29 2268 TIBBO, S. N. ICNAF scale and otolith exchange program for herring, 1968-69
69/30 2269 ICNAF Secretariat Trawl materials and mesh size sampling data, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 189-202)
69/31 2171 SERGEANT, D. E. On the population dynamics and size of stocks of harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic
69/32 2267 ØRITSLAND, T. Catch and effort statistics for Norwegian sealing in Front area, Newfoundland, 1968 (revised) and 1969 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 18 and 19)
69/33 2262 ICNAF Report of the ICES/ICNAF Joint Working Party on North Atlantic salmon, May 1969
69/34 2168 UNITED STATES Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit Summary report of US Coast Guard oceanographic cruises in the ICNAF Convention Area during 1968
69/35 2169 POSGAY, J. A. International cooperative work on the methods of sampling zooplankton in 1968
69/36 2170 HOLDEN, M. J. Selectivity experiments on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland in 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 109-114)
69/37 2172 NYMAN. O. L. Biochemical studies on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and some of its parasites
69/38 2175 PINHORN, A. T. Cod length conversion factors for Flemish Cap (ICNAF Division 3M) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 90-93)
69/39 2177 TEMPLEMAN, W. Temperatures and salinities, 1968, at Station 27 and in the St. John’s-Flemish Cap section (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 39-44)
69/40 2178 MUNRO, W. R., and I. J. R. HYND The length, weight and age composition of the commercial catches from the River Tay and River Tweed in 1968
69/41 2179 SHEARER, W. M., and I. J. R. HYND Note on the salmon landed by MV Faro Bank, May 1968
69/42 2180 MUNRO, W. R., and I. J. R. HYND Results of the examination of scale samples from salmon taken off Faroe, 1968
69/43 2184 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish salmon tagging data, 1965-67
69/44 2185 COLTON, J. B. Temperature conditions in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent waters during 1968
69/45 2186 PERKINS, F. E. Age, length and maturity of adult herring in Subareas 4, 5 and 6 for 1968
69/46 2187 ICNAF Report of mid-term meeting of Assessments Subcommittee, London, 22-25 January 1969
69/47 2190 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of quantitive data on the length and age sampling by species, subarea and country in relation to the nominal catch in 1967
69/48 2188 MESSIEH, S. N. Growth of immature herring in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.7: 59-66)
69/49 2189 BAUM, E. T., and A. L. MEISTER US salmon research in the State of Maine
69/50 2195 PIPPY, J. H. C. Studies on the parasites of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in 1968
69/51 2196 SVETLOW, I. I. Forecasting cod distribution off West Greenland by means of water temperature (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 7: 15-18)
69/52 2199 RIKHTER, V. A., and V. I. VINOGRADOV Results of a trawl survey carried out on the Scotian Shelf and Georges Bank in July-August 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 129-143)
69/53 2200 SIGAEV, I. K. On the year-to-year variations in water temperature in the Shelf area of Georges Bank and Nova Scotia in 1962-68 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 45-56)
69/54 2201 ØRITSLAND, T. Some results of Norwegian research on seals, 1964 and 1967
69/55 2202 LUX, F. E. Growth of American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius), in ICNAF Subarea 5 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.7: 5-7)
69/56 2203 PINHORN, A. T., A. W. MAY, R. WELLS, and E. DUNNE Breakdown of catch by type of gear in the Newfoundland inshore cod fishery in 1967
69/57 2204 CHRZAN, F., and B. DRAGANIK Results of studies on herring from the region of Nova Scotia, Georges Bank and Statistical Area 6 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 23-32)
69/58 2205 STANEK, E. Observations on the stock of cod in the fishing grounds of Labrador (Div. 2J) and Newfoundland (Div. 3K) in the years 1963-68 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 3-9)
69/59 2210 HERMANN, F. Danish hydrographic investigations in West Greenland waters, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 57-65)
69/60 2211 PERKINS, F. E., and V. C. ANTHONY A note on the fecundity of herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) from Georges Bank, the Gulf of Maine and Nova Scotia (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 33-38)
69/61 2213 HORSTED, Sv. Aa., and P. KANNEWORFF Distribution of Atlantic salmon recaptures in Greenland waters and the recaptures in North American and Europe of the Greenland tagged salmon, as reported to 18 April 1969
69/62 2216 BURMAKIN, V. V. Hydrographic conditions in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(111): 66-70)
69/63 2218 WELCH, W. R. Recent sea water temperatures at Boothbay Harbor, Maine
69/64 2219 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish research program for Greenland and high seas salmon investigations, 1969
69/65 2221 MARAK, R. R., and R. LIVINGSTONE Spawning dates of Subarea 5 haddock (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.7: 56-58)
69/66 2225 SHERMAN, K. A., and K. A. HONEY Size selectivity in the catches of the Gulf III and Bongo zooplankton samplers (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 45-48)
69/67 2226 ELSON, P. F. Canadian tagging data for Atlantic salmon to February 28, 1969
69/68 2228 ICNAF Secretariat List of ICNAF papers on herring and silver hake since 1963
69/69 2264 MUNRO, W. R. Scottish salmon catch statistics, 1952-68
69/70 2265 MUNRO, W. R. UK salmon work in Greenland, 1968
69/71 2266 CARLIN, B. Salmon fishery in the North Atlantic by Swedish fishing vessels in 1968
69/72 2236 ELSON, P. F. Utilization of three stocks of Atlantic salmon tagged and liberated as smolts in the Northwest Miramichi River from 1964 to 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III):71-78)
69/73 2237 KNIGHT, W. Some remarks on the behaviour of growth and mortality estimates based on age-length keys (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull No. 7: 52-55)
69/74 2239 HORSTED, Sv. Aa. On the possibility of assessing stock size and catch quota for Subarea 1 cod (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 10-16)
69/75 2240 LUX, F. E., V. A. RIKHTER, and M. D. GROSSLEIN USA-USSR otter trawl survey, fall 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 144-156)
69/76 2241 WELLS, R. Growth estimates for Grand Bank cod, 1963 and 1965
69/77 2242 WELLS, R. Fork length-head girth relationships for Grand Bank and St. Pierre Bank haddock (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969 (III) : 94-95)
69/78 2243 UNITED KINGDOM Salmon research programme for Greenland and in home waters for England and Wales, 1969
69/79 2244 UNITED KINGDOM Salmon catches for major rivers in five areas of England and Wales, 1965 to 1968
69/80 2245 ALLAN, I. R. H. The proportion occurrence of salmon tagged in UK and in Canada in some offshore drift-net catches made in the East Greenland area, Div. 1B, in 1968
69/81 2246 ALLAN, I. R. H., and A. SWAIN The proportions of grilse in England and Wales catches
69/82 2260 DENMARK Catch statistics for hooded seals and harp seals, Subarea 1, 1967 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 18)
69/83 2249 PINHORN, A. T. Assessments of the effects of increases in the mesh sizes of trawls on the cod fisheries in ICNAF Divisions 3N and 3O (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.7: 32-47)
69/84 2250 MAY, A. W. Catches and estimated fishing activity in Subareas 2 and 3, 1966 and 1967
69/85 2251 HORSTED, Sv. Aa., and D. J. GARROD A yield per recruit function for Subarea 1 cod (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 17-22)
69/86 2252 SCHULTZ, R. L., and R. G. HALLIDAY Abundance, age composition and survival of haddock from southern Nova Scotian grounds, 1962-68
69/87 2253 SREEDHARAN, A. Age-length key studies (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1969(III): 96-108)
69/88 2254 CROSSEN, J. M. A fishing effort data acquisition system (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.7: 46-51)
69/89 2255 GROSSLEIN, M. D. Haddock recruitment predictions from bottom-trawl catches of 0-group fish in Subarea 5 and Division 4X
69/90 2256 HENNEMUTH, R. C. Status of the Georges Bank haddock fishery
69/91 2257 STUDENETSKY, S. A. Present stock condition and some problems of regulation of the Atlantic herring fishery
69/92 2272 BOGDANOV, A. S. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 2 in 1968 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 19: 42)
69/93 2273 COLE, H. A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 3 in 1968 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 19: 42-44)
69/94 2274 SMITH, G. F. M. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 5 in 1968 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 19: 46-47)
69/95 2276 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Harp seal hunting of the USSR in the Newfoundland area
69/96 2278 MONTEIRO, R. Summary of research and status of fisheries in Subarea 4, 1968 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 19: 44-45)
69/97 2279 MEYER, A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 1 in 1968 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 19: 40-41)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

