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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1971

Doc. No

Serial No.



71/1 2485 BOHL, H. Selection of cod by polyamide trawl codends in ICNAF Div. 4Vn (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 57-71)
71/2 2487 LEAR, W. H. Food and feeding of Atlantic salmon at sea (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 27-39)
71/3 2488 NYMAN. O. L . and J. H. C. PIPPY Techniques to identify continental origin of Atlantic salmon caught at sea
71/4 2489 NYMAN. O. L., A. W. MAY, and A. L. MEISTER Continental origin of Atlantic salmon from West Greenland and the Labrador Sea in 1970
71/5 2491 PARRISH. B. B. Report on Stock and Recruitment Symposium
71/6 2495 PARSONS. L. S. and V. M. HODDER Variation in the incidence of larval nematodes in herring from Canadian Atlantic waters (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 5-14)
71/7 2476 SERGEANT. D. E. Calculation of production of harp seals in the Western North Atlantic (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 157-184)
71/8 2509 ØRITSLAND. T. Progress report on Norwegian studies of harp seals at Newfoundland (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 185-209)
71/9 2510 HORSTED. Sv. Aa. Recent trends in catch, stock size and fishing mortality of Subarea 1 cod. and information on migration to East Greenland-Iceland of cod tagged at Greenland
71/10 2573 PINHORN, A. T. Virtual population assessment of ICNAF Division 2J cod (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 75-85)
71/11 2511 KONSTANTINOV. K. G. The status of stocks and the prospects of cod fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic
71/12 2499 HALLIDAY. R. G. A preliminary report on an assessment of the offshore cod stock in ICNAF Div. 4X + Addendum
71/13 2512 HALLIDAY. R. G. Recruitment and stock abundance estimates to 1973 for Div. 4T-V-W haddock
71/14 2599 BROWN. B. E. and R. C. HENNEMUTH Assessment of the yellowtail flounder fishery in Subarea 5
71/15 2493 KOHLER. A. C. Past Canadian groundfish landings from the proposed closed area in ICNAF Division 4W - March-May
71/16 2492 KOHLER. A. C. Species mix in Canadian groundfish landings from ICNAF Division 4V and 4W
71/17 2496 ICNAF Secretariat Resolutions from the 58th Statutory Meeting of ICES, 1970, of interest to ICNAF
71/18 2617 CWP Secretary Progress report to ICNAF on various statistical matters
71/19 2570 CWP Secretary Draft prospectus of the 7th Session of the CWP, November 1971, Rome, Italy
71/20 2516 CWP Secretary Classification of fishing gear for statistical purposes
71/21 2517 CWP Secretary Conversion factors: North Atlantic species, 1970 (FAO Bulletin of Fishery Statistics No. 25)
71/22 2515 TEMPLEMAN. W. Temperatures and salinities in the eastern Newfoundland area in 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 5-16)
71/23 2518 CWP Secretary Notes for the completion of STATLANT form 21A and 21B
71/24 2500 JENSEN. J. M. Length and age distribution of Atlantic salmon from the offshore fishery at West Greenland, 1970
71/25 2501 JENSEN. J. M. The Danish drift net fishing for salmon in West Greenland, 1970
71/26 2624 ICNAF Secretariat 1970 nominal catch from the ICNAF areas (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 20)
71/27 2614 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of statistics on discards and industrial fish, 1969 (ICNAF Statistical Form 4) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 297-302)
71/28 2583 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of fishing effort in the ICNAF Statistical Area during 1969 (see List Fish. Vessels, 1971: 106-112)
71/29 2586 ICNAF Secretariat Trawl material and mesh size sampling data, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1972(111): 87-96)
71/30 2628 ICNAF Secretariat Report of the statistical activities of the Secretariat 1970-71
71/31 2627 ICNAF Secretariat Proportion of fishing effort obtained by estimates in 1969
71/32 2502 ICNAF Report of the ICNAF Working Group on Coordinated Groundfish Surveys + Addendum
71/33 2503 JENSEN. J. M. The size-composition of salmon landed during the autumn of 1969 in Fiskenaesset, Div. lD, West Greenland
71/34 2504 ICES ICES Special Meeting on Measurement of Fishing Effort, Copenhagen, September 1970
71/35 2520 HALLIDAY. R. G. and A. C. KOHLER Groundfish survey programs of the St. Andrews Biological Station, Fisheries Research Board of Canada - objectives and characteristics
71/36 2527 PINHORN. A. T. Objectives and characteristics of existing and proposed groundfish surveys by the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biological Station, St. John's, Newfoundland
71/37 2522 HALLIDAY. R. G ., M. D. GROSSLEIN and A. C. KOHLER Comparisons of abundance indices from research vessel surveys and commercial statistics for cod and haddock in ICNAF Subarea 4 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 229-238)
71/38 2528 PINHORN. A. T. Accuracy of abundance indices for cod from St. Pierre Bank (ICNAF Division 3Ps) based on Canada (Nfld) research vessel surveys in terms of comparisons with commercial abundance indices (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 239-248)
71/39 2521 CARROTHERS. P. J. G. and T. J. FOULKES Measured towing characteristics of Canadian east coast otter trawls (Publ. in ICNAF Res. BuZZ. No.9: 11-20)
71/40 2525 DECAMPS. P. Study of the biological characteristics of spring and autumn herring taken off Cape Breton Island and Burgeo Bank
71/41 2523 BARINOV, A. A., and V. A. BRYANTSEV A volumetric statistical T-S analysis of the Nova Scotia Shelf and Georges Bank water masses (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 21-25)
71/42 2529 SEREBRYAKOV, V. P. On haddock spawning in the Northwest Atlantic area (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 83-91)
71/43 2514 TEMPLEMAN, W., and F. D. McCRACKEN Canadian research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 3-26)
71/44 2530 ANON. (Spain) Spanish statistical report, 1970
71/45 2531 IKEDA, I. Japanese research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(II): 90-96)
71/46 2581 ALLAIN, C., and J. MORICE French research report, 1970 (Pub1. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 34-64)
71/47 2626 MEYER, A., J.MESSTORFF, and W. LENZ Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 65-89)
71/48 2582 RUCABADO, J., and M. G. LARRANETA Spanish research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 116-122)
71/49 2615 SMIDT, E., and F. HERMANN Danish research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 27-33, and in Redbook 1971(111): 17-28)
71/50 2588 CHRZAN, F. Polish research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 97-105)
71/51 2616 LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1971(II) : 106-115)

Document not issued

71/53 2603 KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 123-152)
71/54 2571 GARROD, D. J., G. A. ROBINSON, and K. A. PYEFINCH UK research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 153-155)
71/55 2558 HENNEMUTH, R. C., and J. A. POSGAY United States research report, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(11): 156-169)
71/56 2524 COLTON, J. B. Short-term variations in estimates of chlorophyll abundance (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 81-84)
71/57 2621 GROSSLEIN, M. D., B. L. GRISWOLD, and V. A. RICHTER USA-USSR cooperative fishery research in 1970
71/58 2631 SMIDT, E. Standard trawl stations for controlling pre-recruit West Greenland cod
71/59 2598 GROSSLEIN, M. D. Some observations on accuracy of abundance indices derived from research vessel surveys (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 249-266)

Document not issued

71/61 2595 GROSSLEIN, M. D. Variability in wingspread and headrope measurements of trawls in joint USA-USSR groundfish studies
71/62 2532 FONTAINE, B. Commercial. fishes taken on the shrimp grounds of the Northwest Atlantic (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 267-273)
71/63 2533 MAY, A. W. Size and age data for Atlantic salmon from West Greenland and Canadian fisheries
71/64 2534 MUNRO, W. R. A report on the salmon scale samples collected by the Danish research vessel Tornak in 1969
71/65 2535 CHRISTENSEN, O. Observations on selectivity and relative efficiency of salmon drift nets in connection with population studies on salmon at West Greenland (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 139-146)
71/66 2536 MAY, A. W. Canadian drift-net fishing and tagging of Atlantic salmon in the Labrador Sea and at West Greenland in 1970
71/67 2537 SWAIN, A. West coast of Greenland inshore gill netting and tagging of salmon on Tornak in 1970
71/68 2538 MUNRO, W. R. Greenland salmon research programme on Adolf Jensen in 1970
71/69 2539 PAYNE, R. Notes on recent research progress at the MAFF Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Population Genetics Unit
71/70 2540 MEISTER, A. L. Summary of recaptures of salmon tags from USA stocks in ICNAF waters
71/71 2541 TURNER, G. E. A report on recaptures from a 1968 native salmon smolt tagging project on the Miramichi River
71/72 2542 HORSTED, Sv. Aa. On the interrelationship between some parameters used for assessing the effects of the West Greenland salmon fishery
71/73 2543 ELSON, P. F. Some aspects of Canadian Atlantic salmon fisheries in relation to the new Greenland and high seas fisheries
71/74 2544 CHRISTENSEN, O. The Danish salmon fishery in the Norwegian Sea in 1970
71/75 2545 STRUTHERS, G. Report on a salmon long-lining cruise off the Faroes during April 1970
71/76 2546 MUNRO, W. R. Scottish salmon catch statistics, 1952-1969
71/77 2547 MUNRO, W. R., and I. J. R. HYND The length, weight and age composition of the commercial catches from the rivers Tweed, Tay and Spey in 1969
71/78 2548 MUNRO, W. R., and I. J. R. HYND The length, weight and age composition of the commercial catches from the rivers Tweed, Tay and Spey in 1970
71/79 2549 SHEARER, W. M. The length, weight and age composition of the salmon catch of the North Esk (Scotland) from 1967 to 1970 and the estimated number of two-sea-winter salmon occurring in the catches from 1962-1970
71/80 2550 WYKES, C. E. Methods of estimating Atlantic salmon catch per unit effort for the Maritime Provinces of Canada
71/81 2551 ICES ICES Liaison Committee Report to NEAFC, 1971
71/82 2585 L'HERROU, R., and J. P. MINET Environmental studies in ICNAF Div. 3P and 4V in spring of 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 29-48)
71/83 2600 HAMON, P. Y. Study of redfish taken on Burgeo, Scatari, Saint Ann and Saint Pierre banks during Thalassa survey, 1970
71/84 2552 CADDY, J. F. Recent scallop recruitment and apparent reduction in cull size by the Canadian fleet on Georges Bank (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 147-155)
71/85 2554 CADDY. J. F., J. J. GRAHAM, T. D. ILES, A. M. PANKRATOV, I. K. SIGAJEV, and S. B. CHENOWETH A preliminary report on the combined USSR, USA and Canadian surface ship and submersible study of herring spawning grounds, Georges Bank, 1970 (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 10: 123-162)
71/86 2556 SVETLOV, I. I. Water temperature as an index of cod distribution in Subarea 1 (West Greenland) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 73-82)
71/87 2559 EFANOV, V. N. Distribution and abundance of yellowtail flounder populations on Georges Bank-and off southern New England according to trawl survey data (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 211-220)
71/88 2560 KONDRATOVICH, K. V. A quantitative evaluation of the atmospheric circulation and a long-range forecast of the monthly pressure fields and temperatures over the North Atlantic area
71/89 2564 PODRAZHANSKAYA, S. G. Feeding and migrations of the roundnose grenadier, Maarourus rupestris, in the Northwest Atlantic and Iceland waters (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 115-123)
71/90 2566 CHEKHOVA, V. A. On methods for the determination of age and growth rate in redfish
71/91 2567 BURMAKIN, V. V., and B. P. KUDLO Hydrologic conditions in the Northwest Atlantic in 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 49-56)
71/92 2584 ZENKIN, V. S. Immunogenetic studies of herring from Georges Bank and the American Shelf
71/93 2589 SAVVATIMSKY, P. I. Studies ·of the age and growth of roundnose grenadier (Macrourus rupestris Gunn) in the North Atlantic in 1967-1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 125-138)
71/94 2563 ANON. (UK) Salmon catches for England and Wales (including grilse), 1970
71/95 2565 BECKETT, J. S. Interim report of herring tagging in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1970
71/96 2607 BURMAKIN, V. V. Seasonal and year to year variability of water temperature in the areas of Labrador and Newfoundland
71/97 2574 ILES, T. D. Programmes and priorities for herring research in the ICNAF area
71/98 2575 ILES, T. D. The retention inside the Bay of Fundy of herring larvae spawned off the southwest coast of Nova Scotia (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(III): 93-103)
71/99 2576 BOYAR, H. C., and F. E. PERKINS The occurrence of a larval nematode (Anisakis spp.) in adult herring from ICNAF Subareas 4 and 5, 1962-1969
71/100 2577 BOYAR, H. C., R. R. MARAK, F. E. PERKINS, and R. A. CLIFFORD Seasonal distribution of larval herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area from 1962 to 1970
71/101 2578 BOYAR, H. C., and F. E. PERKINS Age, length and maturity of adult herring in ICNAF Subareas 4 and 5, 1970
71/102 2579 GRAHAM, J. J., and S. B. CHENOWETH Distribution and abundance of larval herring, Clupea harengus harengus Linnaeus, over egg beds on Georges Bank (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 10: 141-149)
71/103 2609 ERNST, P., and C. ZUKOWSKI Some observations on cod (Gadus morhua L.) of Western Greenland, summer of 1970
71/104 2610 STANEK, E. Some changes in the stock of cod, Gadus morhua L., of Labrador and Newfoundland area in 1970
71/105 2611 DRAGANIK, B. Polish research studies on Georges Bank herring
71/106 2587 STERN, H. Definition of United States method of estimating and reporting "Days fished"
71/107 2590 PARSONS, L. S. Use of meristic characters and a discriminant function for classifying spring- and autumn-spawning Atlantic herring (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 5-9)
71/108 2591 WINTERS, G. H. Migrations of the southwest Newfoundland stock of herring as indicated by tag recaptures
71/109 2592 WINTERS, G. H. Population estimates of the southwestern Newfoundland stock of herring from tag recaptures
71/110 2593 MAY, A. W. Canadian tagging and recapture data for Atlantic salmon, 1959 through 1970
71/111 2596 PITT, T. K. Assessment of American plaice stocks in ICNAF Divisions 3L and 3N
71/112 2597 PITT, T. K., and A. T. PINHORN General localities of unsuitable fishing bottom in some areas adjacent to eastern Canada
71/113 2602 RIDGWAY, G.J., and J. E. WATSON The Northwest Atlantic herring fisheries: the need for conservation and management
71/114 2608 VINOGRADOV, V. I. Studies of feeding of silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill), and red hake, Urophycis chuss Walbaum, in the Northwest Atlantic area, 1965-1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 41-50)
71/115 2605 BROWN, B. E., and R. C. HENNEMUTH Prediction of yellowtail flounder population size from pre-recruit catches (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 221-228)
71/116 2606 POPE, J. G. An investigation of the accuracy of virtual population analysis (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 65-74)
71/117 2604 GRISWOLD, B. L., Y. KURLYANDSKY, and P. J. TWOHIG Performance of trawls used in joint USA-USSR groundfish studies
71/118 2612 PITT, T. K. Age composition and estimates of total mortality for Grand Bank yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)
71/119 2613 PITT, T. K. A report on the tagging of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) on the Northeast coast of Newfoundland
71/120 2618 HODDER, V. M., and L. S. PARSONS Preliminary comparison of Scotian Shelf and southwest Newfoundland herring taken during the winter of 1971 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 67-73)
71/121 2619 HODDER, V. M. Status of the southwest Newfoundland herring stocks, 1965-70 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1971(111): 105-114)
71/122 2620 BOYAR, H. C., and R. A. CLIFFORD Mean lengths of herring of various age-groups and year-classes obtained during the onset and peak of the spawning season from ICNAF Subareas 4 and 5, 1966-1970
71/123 2632 ICNAF Secretariat Trawl material and mesh size sampling data, 1970 (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1972(III): 87-96)
71/124 2622 BROWN, B. E. An analysis of data on population abundance of herring in ICNAF Subareas 5 and 6
71/125 2623 BROWN, B. E. A preliminary review of the status of the Subarea 5 cod stock
71/126 2625 SCHUMACHER, A., and H. DORNHEIM Estimation of fishing mortality in the Georges Bank herring stock
71/127 2630 KOSSWIG. K. Investigations into age determination of redfish (Sebastes marinus L. and S. mentella Travin) by means of polarized light
71/128 2634 GROSSLEIN. M. D., and A. T. PINHORN Progress in development of a coordinated groundfish survey program in the ICNAF area
71/129 2635 SMITH. G. F. M. Status of the fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 5 in 1970 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 53-55)
71/130 2636 SMITH. G. F. M. Status of the harp seal fishery and research carried out (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 55)
71/131 2637 COLE. H. A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 3 in 1970 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 49-50)
71/132 2638 ØRITSLAND. T. Catch and effort statistics for Norwegian sealing in Front area, Newfoundland, 1971 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 21 (1971)
71/133 2639 MEYER, A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 1 and East Greenland in 1970 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 45-47)
71/134 2640 POSGAY. J. A. Status of the fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 4 in 1970 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 51-53)
71/135 2641 TEMPLEMAN. W. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 2 in 1970 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 21: 47-49)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

