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NAFO SC Studies No. 36 (2003)

Workshop on Assessment Methods

APPENDIX 1. The Lowestoft Stock Assessment Suite
Tutorial 1: Data File Input and User-defined VPA (457 kb)
Tutorial 2: Separable VPA (283 kb)
Tutorial 3: Ad hoc VPA (288 kb)
Tutorial 4: Extended Survivors Analysis (XSA) (277 kb)
Tutorial 5: Retrospective Analysis (RETVPA00.EXE) (317 kb)
Tutorial 6: The Multi-fleet Deterministic Projection Program (289 kb)
Tutorial 7: The Multi-fleet Yield-Per-Recruit Program MFYPR (178 kb)
Tutorial 8: Running the PA Software Excel Add-in (PASoft) (280 kb)
APPENDIX 2. Woods Hole Version of ADAPT/VPA Fisheries Assessment Compilation Toolbox (FACT) (270 kb)
APPENDIX 3. St. Andrews (S. Gavaris) Version of ADAPT: Estimation of Population Abundance (1025 kb)
APPENDIX 4. Projections and Risk Analysis with ADAPT (332 kb)
APPENDIX 5. Stochastic Projections in the Context of the Precautionary Approach (210 kb)
APPENDIX 6. AGEPRO Stochastic Simulations: Woods Hole Fisheries Assessment Compilation Toolbox (FACT) - Outlines and Data Sets (155 kb)

Front pages (835 kb)
Back pages (152 kb)

Complete Volume (12,880 kb)


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

