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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

NAFO SC Studies No. 45 (2013)

Stock-by-Stock Research Vessel Surveys Reported During 2001–2010

Stock-by-Stock Research Vessel Surveys Reported During 2001–2010

(1.0 MB)

NAFO Secretariat
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3B 1K8

NAFO Secretariat. 2013. NAFO Research Vessel Stock-by-Stock Surveys Summary 2000-2010. Scientific Council Studies, 45: 1–91. doi:10.2960/S.v45.m1


The Scientific Council at its meeting in June 1990 agreed to compile an inventory and information on research vessel surveys conducted with respect to stocks assessed by the Scientific Council (SCS Doc. 90/22). This inventory was judged to be a useful reference and very helpful for the establishment of other inventories. During its meeting in June 1991 the Council agreed that the Designated Experts for the stocks should update the information annually (NAFO Sci. Coun. Rep., 1991, p. 37) for review by STACFIS. Since 1991, the inventory has been compiled annually and presented to the Scientific Council in the form of Scientific Council Summary Documents. A collation of this information was published as part of the NAFO Scientific Council Studies series in 2001 (NAFO Scientific Council Studies No. 34).

A review of the annual inventories showed that there often were revisions and updates from one year to the next, and consequently readers of the SCS Document series may experience difficulties in interpreting the information. The Secretariat therefore took the initiative to compile a decadal publication. Noting this represented the best interpretation of the available information; Designated Experts responsible for stock assessments were requested to verify the accuracy of this compilation.
The following tabulations were compiled by the Secretariat in order to provide a comprehensive overview of surveys during the 2001–2010 decade used for stock assessments by the Scientific Council. Information supplied in the SCS Documents were collated and edited as needed, and the SCR Documents cited in them were checked and corrections made to the tables when necessary.

This paper is compiled in the format designed by the Scientific Council in 1990s. Stock-by-Stock tabulations are listed with the northernmost stock first and progressing southwards. The following is the sequence of presentation:

Greenland halibut in Subarea 0 +Divisions lB–lF
Greenland halibut in Division lA
Roundnose grenadier in Subareas 0 and 1
Northern shrimp in Subareas 0+1
Redfish in Subarea 1
Other Finfish in Subarea 1
Northern shrimp in ICES Subarea XIV (Denmark Strait)
Cod in Division 2J and 3KL
Greenland halibut in Divisions 2J and 3KLNMNO
Witch flounder in Divisions 2J and 3KL
Cod in Division 3M
Redfish in Division 3M
American plaice in Division 3M
Northern shrimp in Division 3M
Cod in Divisions 3N and 30
Redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N
American plaice in Divisions 3LNO
Yellowtail flounder in Divisions 3LNO
Northern shrimp in Divisions 3LNO
Witch flounder in Divisions 3LNO
Capelin in Divisions 3NO
White hake in Divisions 3NOPs
Thorny skate in Divisions 3LNOPs
Redfish in Division 3O
Elasmobranchs in Subareas 2–6
Roughhead grenadier in Subareas 2 and 3
Short-finned squid in Subareas 3 and 4
Short-finned squid in Subareas 5 and 6


A print version of Studies No. 45 is also offered in a higher resolution more suited to printing (pdf - 2.4 MB)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

