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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Redbook 1965

Part I. Proceedings of STACRES
(Issued Sep 1965) (1930 kb)
ICNAF Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, 1965 Annual Meeting (with 9 Appendices)
Part II. Research Reports
(Issued Nov 1965) (3069 kb)
TEMPLEMAN, W., and J.L. HART Canadian research report, 1964
HANSEN, P.M., and F. HERMANN Danish research report, 1964
MEYER, A. and J. MESSTORFF Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1964
JONSSON, J. Icelandic research report, 1964
BRATBERG, E. Norwegian research report, 1964
CHRZAN, F. Polish research report, 1964
LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1964
ARAMBARRI. J.L., O. CENDRERO. and A. FIGUERAS Spanish research report, 1964
BOGDANOV, A.S., K.G. KONSTANTINOV, and A.S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1964
LUCAS, C.E., R.J.R. BEVERTON, and R.S. GLOVER United Kingdom research report, 1964
GRAHAM, H.W. United States research report, 1964
Part III. Selected Papers
(Issued Nov 1965) (1374 kb)
HENNEMUTH, R.C. Analysis of age reading from cod otolith exchange program
MEYER, A. Results of cod tagging by the Federal Republic of Germany in the Greenland area from 1959 to 1964
TEMPLEMAN. W. Some of the unknowns in research information necessary for calculation of maximum sustained yields of commercial fishes in the ICNAF Area
GULLAND, J.A. The use of redfish statistical data by depth zones
LAUZIER, L.M. Another cold year: 1964
HORSTED, Sv.Aa. Defects in the recovering and reporting of cod tagged by Denmark in Subarea 1
TOKAREVA, G.I. Assessment of the crop of separate year-classes of the beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella Travin)
ANTHONY, V.C., and J. CHENOWETH Changes in length and weight of Maine sardines due to freezing, brining and salting
HUMPHREYS, R.D. The effect of storage on the length and weight of herring
HANSEN. P.M. Report on recaptures in Greenland waters of salmon tagged in rivers in America and Europe

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

