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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Redbook 1973

Part I. Proceedings of STACRES
(Issued Aug 1973) (2932 kb)
ICNAF Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, 1968 Annual Meeting (with 2 Appendices)
Part II. Research Reports
(Issued Sep 1973) (3349 kb)
FLEMING, A.M. and J.S. SCOTT Canadian research report, 1972
HORSTED. Sv.Aa., and H. VALEUR Danish research report, 1972
MORICE, J. and R.H. LETACONNOUX French research report, 1972
MEYER, A. J. MESSTORFF, K. SCHUBERT, and W. LENZ Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1972
IKEDA, I. Japanese research report, 1972
ULLTANG, Ø. Norwegian research report, 1972
STANEK, E. Polish research report, 1972
LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1972
RUCABADO, J., E. LOPEZ-VEIGA, and M.G. LARRANETA Spanish research report, 1972
KONSTANTINOV, K.G., and A.S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1972
GARROD, D. J., H. W. HILL, T. WILLIAMS, K. A. PYEFINCH, snd G. A. ROBINSON United Kingdom research report, 1972
ANON. United States research report, 1972
Part III. Selected Papers
(Issued Dec 1973) (4608 kb)
FUTAK, A. Environmental conditions in the region of Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine, Nantucket Shoal and western part of Nova Scotia Shelf, Oct. 1972
BURMAKIN. V.V. Water temperatures in Labrador and Newfoundland areas at the end of 1971 and during 1972
TEMPLEMAN, W. Temperatures and salinities in the eastern Newfoundland area in 1972
HERMANN, F., W. LENZ, and R.W. BLACKER Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 1972
LENZ. W. On the hydrography of the southern Laurentian Channel (ICNAF Div. 3P and 4V)
PINHORN, A. T. Comparison of mortalities calculated from virtual population assessments and from research vessel survey data for cod stocks in ICNAF Divisions 3NO and 3Ps
MEYER, A. Mena length and weight for various age-groups of cod in the northern and the southern divisions of West Greenland
PINHORN. A.T. and R. WELLS Evaluation of research survey indices of abundance for cod stocks in ICNAF Subareas 2 and 3
SMIDT, E. Mean length of cod age-groups in northern and southern divisions of Subarea 1 (West Greenland)
NIKOLSKAYA, T.L. Distribution of beaked redfish (Sebaates mentella Travin) by depth in areas off Newfoundland and south Labrador
MINET, J.P. Food and feeding of the American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides F.) on St. Pierre Bank and on Cape Breton Shelf
PITT. T.K. Catch per unit effort relationship in Grand Bank American plaice (ICNAF Div. 3L and 3N)
EFANOV. V.M., and V.I. VINOGRADOV Feeding patterns of yellowtail of two New England stocks
HALLIDAY, R.G. The flatfish fisheries of the Scotian Shelf
PETROV, V.N. Maturity, feeding and length and age composition of white hake, Urophycis tenuis (Mitch.), in ICNAF Subarea 3, 1969-72
DRAGANIK. B. Estimates of fishing mortality and stock size for Georges Bank herring
DECAMPS, Ph., and D. BRIAND Some biological data on the herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, southwestern Newfoundland and Banquereau areas, 1972
lLES, T.D. and D.S. MILLER. Length-weight relationships for herring of the Bay of Fundy (ICNAF Division 4X)
KOVALYOV, S.M.and B.D. KUDRIN Soviet investigations on capelin in the Northwest Atlantic in 1971 and 1972
DRAGESUND. O. and T. MONSTAD Observations on capelin (Mallotus villosus) in Newfoundland waters
CAMPBELL. J.S and G.H. WINTERS Some biological characteristics of capelin, Mallotus villosus, in the Newfoundland area
IKEDA, I., F. NAGASAKI, and H. IMANAGA Stock assessment of common American squid in ICNAF Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6
MERCER, M.C. Nominal catch of squid in Canadian Atlantic waters (Subareas 2-4), 1920 to 1968
GROSSLEIN, M.D. and F. BOWMAN Mixture of species in Subareas 5 and 6
LENARZ, W.H. and B.E. BROWN Factors affecting estimates of relative catchabilities of fishing units in ICNAF Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6
BROWN, B.E., J.A. BRENNAN, E.G. HEYERDAHL. and R.C. HENNEMUTH Effect of by-catch on the management of mixed species fisheries in Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6
TRESCHEV. A.I. Fishing unit measures
ICNAF Secretariat (V.M. HODDER) Summary of information on discards and industrial fish for the year 1971

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

