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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Research Bulletin No. 14

(Issued Sep 1979)

Research Bulletin No. 14

(Issued Sep 1979) (4031 kb)

TEMPLEMAN, Wilfred Migration and Intermingling of Stocks of Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua, of the Newfoundland and Adjacent Areas from Tagging in 1962-66
CLAY, Douglas Mesh Selection of Silver Hake, Merluccius billnearis, in Otter Trawls on the Scotian Shelf with Reference to Selection of Squid, Illex illecebrosus
DURWARD, R. D., T. AMARATUNGA, and R. K. ODOR Maturation Index and Fecundity for Female Squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur, 1821
BOWERING, W. R. Diurnal Variation in Availability of Witch Flounder, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus and its Effect Upon Estimates of Biomass
TEMPLEMAN, Wilfred, and C. A. BISHOP Sexual Maturity and Spawning in Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of St. Pierre Bank
TEMPLEMAN, Wilfred, and C. A. BISHOP Age, Growth, Year-Class Strength, and Mortality of Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, on St. Pierre Bank in 1948-75 and their Relation to the Haddock Fishery of this Area

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

