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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Research Bulletin No. 5

(Issued 1968)

Research Bulletin No. 5

(Issued 1968) (4486 kb)

WILES, M., and A. W. MAY. Biology and Fishery of the West Newfoundland Cod Stock
ALTUKHOV, Ju. P., K. F. ARTEMJEVA, I. V. BORISOVA, and G. N. NEFYODOV Immunological Analysis of Serum Proteins of Redfish in Connection with Maturation
BOYAR, H. C. Age, Length, and Gonadal Stages of Herring from Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine
TEMPLEMAN, WILFRED Distribution and Characteristics of Atlantic Salmon Over Oceanic Depths and on the Bank and Shelf Slope Areas off Newfoundland, March - May, 1966
ALTUKHOV, Ju. P., and G. N. NEFYODOV A Study of Blood Serum Protein Composition by Agar-gel Electrophoresis in Types of Redfish (genus Sebastes)
ANTHONY, VAUGHN C., and H. C. BOYAR Comparison of Meristic Characters of Adult Atlantic Herring from the Gulf of Maine and Adjacent Waters
McCRACKEN, F. D. Size, Age, and Recruitment Comparisons for Haddock of the Central Scotian Shelf
COLTON, JOHN B., Jr. A Comparison of Current and Long-Term. Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island
ALTUKHOV, Ju. P., G. N. NEFYODOV, and A. N. PA YUSOVA Thermostability of Isolated Muscle in Determining the Taxonomic Relationship of the marinus- and mentella- Types of the Redfish (Sebastes)
WELLS, R. Haddock Length Conversion Factors for St. Pierre Bank

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

