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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

Special Publication No. 1 (Issued June 1958)

Some Problems for Biological Fishery Survey and techniques for their Solution (A Symposium held at Biarritz, France, 1-10 March 1956)

Special Publications No. 1

(Issued June 1958) (5056 kb)

Some Problems for Biological Fishery Survey and techniques for their Solution (A Symposium held at Biarritz, France, 1-10 March 1956)

WALFORD, L.A. Chairman's summary of discussion
TAYLOR, C.C. (Convener's report) The problem of sampling oceanic stocks which partly are demersal, partly pelagic, whose distribution differs with size and age, and which are fished by diverse techniques and by diverse countries
MARTIN, W.R. (Convener's report) Characteristics of the catches of the salt cod fleet
HOLT, S.J. (Convener's report) Population dynamics: devise means of reducing the time required to obtain data necessary for making assessments of stocks, especially those required as the basis for a program of conservation
BEVERTON, R.J.H. and J.A. GULLAND Mortality estimation in partially fished stocks
GRAHAM, M. Fish population assessment by inspection
GULLAND, J.A. Sampling of semi-oceanic stocks of fish
HOLT, 5.J. The evaluation of fisheries resources by the dynamic analysis of stocks,
and notes on the time factors involved
LE CREN, E.D. Some observations on methods of speeding up fish population assessments
WALFORD. L.A. (Conveners' report) To make the best use of the scientific talent, arrange that men with special skills are most effectively used for the needs of the whole Commission
GRAHAM. H.W. (Convener's report) Effects of haddock mesh regulation in Subarea 5
PARRISH, B.B. (Convener's report) Comparison of European and North American techniques of measuring nets, of reading ages of fish and of studying growth
KESTEVEN, G.L. Some considerations concerning the instrumentation for fishery biology
PARRISH. B.B. Some notes on methods used in fishery research
GULLAND, J.A. Age determination of cod by fin rays and otoliths
CLARK, J.R. Consistency of scale reading
JENSEN, A.C., and J.R. CLARK Time of formation of scale annuli
KOHLER, A.C., W. TEMPLEMAN. J.R. CLARK, and A.C. JENSEN Haddock scale-otolith comparisons (Abstract only)
SAETERSDAL. G. Use of otoliths and scales of the Arctic haddoc
TROUT, G.C. Otoliths in age determination
KELLY, G.F., and R.S. WOLF Age and growth of redfish, Sebastes marinus (Linnaeus), in the Gulf of Maine (Abstract)
KOTTHAUS. A. Age and growth of red fish (Sebastes marinus L.)
RASSMUSSEN. B. Notes on the otoliths of S. marinus and S. viviparus
SANDEMAN, E.J. Growth of young redfish (Abstract)
JONES, R. Lee's phenomenon of "apparent change in growth ratell with particular reference to haddock and plaice
TAYLOR, C.C. A note on Lee's phenomenon in Georges Bank haddock
von BRANDT. A. Measurements of meshes of trawl nets
WENT, A.E.J. Measurement of the meshes of nets
LUCAS. C.E. (Convener's report) Differentiation of fish stocks
ALVARINO. A. Zooplankton from Newfoundland waters (Abstract)
COLTON. J.B., Jr. Adaptability of the Hardy Plankton Recorder to research ship studies (Abstract)
COLTON. J.B., Jr. Report on studies of fluctuations of year-class strength of haddock (Abstract)
CORLETT, J. Distribution of larval cod in the western Barents Sea
FRASER, J .H. The drift of the planktonic stages of fish in the Northeast Atlantic and its possible significance to the stocks of commercial fish
STEELE, D.H. The redfish (Sebastes marinus L.) in the Western Gulf of St. Lawrence
TANING, A.V. Observations on supposed intermingling or a certain connection between some stocks of boreal and subarctic demersal food fishes of the eastern and western Atlantic
AURICH, H.J. Causes of the changes in the stocks of some summer spawners in the
southern North Sea - a working hypothesis
FLEMING, A.M. Differentiation of cod groups in the Newfoundland and Labrador region (Abstract)
CLARK, J.R. The identification of haddock stocks based on vertebral enumeration
KELLY, G.F. and T.W. MARTIN Variations in body proportions of redfish from the Gulf of Maine, Nova Scotian Banks and the Grand Banks
ROLLEFSEN, G. (Convener's report) Review of knowledge about the Atlantic halibut

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

