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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

ICNAF - Commissioners' Documents - 1978

International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF)

30 August 2012

International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF)

1949 to 1978

Formation of ICNAF – events leading up to the 1949 conference 

The first regulatory convention that pertained to the North Atlantic was the 1943 Draft Convention relating to the Policing of Fisheries and Measures for the Protection of Immature Fish (Halliday and Pinhorn 1996, Sen 1997). However, Canada and USA shared doubts that North American interests would be well served by a North Atlantic-wide organization dominated by European states. That convention never came into force in the northwest Atlantic.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 28 for the year 1978

30 September 1985

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 28 for the year 1978

23.36 MB

Following the publication of Vol. 28 (Revised) in November 1980, the
Secretariat was informed of numerous errors in the fishing effort data reported
by two countries for 1977-81. The revised effort data affect a significant
number of effort records in ICNAF Statistical Bulletin Vol . 27 and 28 and NAFO
Statistical Bulletin Vol. 29-31. The Scientific Council of NAFO has recommended
that the Secretariat should issue revised editions of these volumes as time and
finances permit.

Of the five volumes to be revised, Vol. 30 was reissued in October 1984~
Vol. 29 was reissued in November 1984, and Vol. 31 was reissued in March 1985.
This volume (28) is the fourth of the series that required revision. Recipients
should discard the earlier edition of this volume.

Vol. 29

30 June 1980

Vol. 29


Annual Report (formerly Annual Proceedings)

Download the pdf

Redbook 1978

31 December 1978

Redbook 1978

Vol. 28

31 December 1978

Vol. 28


Annual Report (formerly Annual Proceedings)

Download the pdf

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1978

ICNAF - Summary Documents - 1978

Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of ICNAF

Selected Papers No. 5

31 August 1978

Selected Papers No. 5

(Issued August 1978)

Selected Papers No. 4

30 August 1978

Selected Papers No. 4

Special issue on shrimp (Pandalus borealis) (Issued August 1978)

Selected Papers No. 3

28 February 1978

Selected Papers No. 3

(Issued January 1978)


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

