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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2018 Commission Documents

2017 Commission Documents

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2011–Aug 2012

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2010–Aug 2011

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2009–Aug 2010

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2007–Aug 2008

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2005‒Aug 2006

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2004‒Aug 2005

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2003‒Aug 2004

Meeting Proceedings - Sep 2002‒Aug 2003

Meeting Proceedings - 2002

31 August 2002

Meeting Proceedings - 2002

This volume was prepared for the Annual Meeting in 2002. In 2003 the compilation changed to reflect a meeting year so there is a duplication in reports for the Annual Meeting and subsequent STACTIC WG meeting in 2002.

Download the entire volume (2.7 MB)

Meeting Proceedings - 1999

Meeting Proceedings - 1995

Meeting Proceedings - 1994

Meeting Proceedings - 1993

Meeting Proceedings - 1992

Meeting Proceedings - 1991

31 October 1991

Meeting Proceedings - 1991

October 1990 - September 1991

Download the entire volume (5.3 MB)

Meeting Proceedings - 1990

31 December 1990

Meeting Proceedings - 1990

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1989

31 October 1989

Meeting Proceedings - 1989

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1988

31 October 1988

Meeting Proceedings - 1988

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1987

31 October 1987

Meeting Proceedings - 1987

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1986

31 October 1986

Meeting Proceedings - 1986

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1985

31 October 1985

Meeting Proceedings - 1985

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1984

31 October 1984

Meeting Proceedings - 1984

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1983

31 October 1983

Meeting Proceedings - 1983

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1982

31 October 1982

Meeting Proceedings - 1982

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1981

31 October 1981

Meeting Proceedings - 1981

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.

Meeting Proceedings - 1980

31 October 1980

Meeting Proceedings - 1980

Between 1980 and 1990 Meeting Proceedings were not published. Meeting reports for meetings held during the year are presented.


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
