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Scientific Council Research Documents (SCR)

1986 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents


Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR 86/1 HALLGRÍMSSON & SKÚLADÓTTIR The Icelandic shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery in Denmark Strait in 1985 342 kb
SCR 86/2 SKÚLADÓTTIR & HALLGRÍMSSON The sustainable yield of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait area, 1978 to 1984 153 kb
SCR 86/3 KANNEWORFF Biomass of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in NAPO Subarea 1 in 1981-1985 estimated by means of bottom photography 1476 kb
SCR 86/4 PARSONS & VEITCH The northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery in Division OA, 1985. 722 kb
SCR 86/5 CARLSSON Data on the shrimp fishery at East Greenland in 1985 compared to earlier years 524 kb
SCR 86/6 POULARD et al. Catch, effort and biological data of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the French fishery off East Greenland in 1985 503 kb
SCR 86/7 POULARD Data on French shrimp fishery off West Greenland in 1985 207 kb
SCR 86/8 SMEDSTAD Preliminary report of a cruise with M/T "Hasi" to East Greenland waters in September 1985 454 kb
SCR 86/9 SMEDSTAD & TORHEIM Investigations on shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Norwegian fishery off East Greenland in 1985 919 kb
SCR 86/10 CARLSSON Data on the shrimp fishery in NAPO Subarea 1 in 1984 and 1985 1274 kb
SCR 86/11 BULATOVA & SAVVATIMSKY Distribution of cod on the Labrador-Newfoundland shelf in the fishery zone of Canada and outside it 491 kb
SCR 86/12 KULKA Estimates of discarding by the Newfoundland offshore fleet in 1984 with reference to trends over the past four years 467 kb
SCR 86/13 BAKANEV & MAMYLOV Acoustic estimation of capelin abundance and biomass in NAFO Div. 2J+3K in 1985 427 kb
SCR 86/14 NAKASHIMA School surface area of capello schools from aerial photographs as an index of relative abundance 322 kb
SCR 86/15 NAKASHIMA & HARNUM The 1985 inshore capello fishery in Div. 3L 325 kb
SCR 86/16 HALLIDAY & SINCLAIR Fishing grounds of groundfish longliners from the Cape Sable Island area (southwestern Nova Scotia) in 1982-84 336 kb
SCR 86/17 BECK et al. The 1985 fishery for squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Newfoundland area, with length, sex and maturity composition from inshore commercial samples. 295 kb
SCR 86/18 HUNT Results of Canada-USSR silver hake otolith exchange 120 kb
SCR 86/19 STEIN & MESSTORFF An attempt to estimate environmental influences on the distribution of cod (Div. 2J) 91 kb
SCR 86/20 STEIN Again warm water off West Greenland 493 kb
SCR 86/21 BOWERING & BRODIE An evaluation of the status of Greenland halibut (Relnhardtlus hippoglossoides) in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KL 819 kb
SCR 86/22 BOWERING An evaluation of the witch flounder resource in NAFO Div. 3NO 281 kb
SCR 86/23 PINHORN Relationship between inshore cod catch and abunqance in the Div. 2J+3KL cod stock 134 kb
SCR 86/24 PINHORN The use of fishing effort as a basis for estimating fishing mortality in Div. 2J+3KL cod 244 kb
SCR 86/25 AKENHEAD The decline of summer subsurface temperatures on the Grand Bank, at 47°N, 1978-1985 298 kb
SCR 86/26 ROWELL & SCATTOLON The 1985 fishery and biological characteristics of Illex illecebrosus in Subarea 4 406 kb
SCR 86/27 POWER & ATKINSON An estimate of redfish year-class strength from surveys to the Flemish Cap 433 kb
SCR 86/28 POWER & ATKINSON An update of the status of redfish in NAFO Div. 3M 256 kb
SCR 86/29 ATKINSON & POWER An update of the status of roundnose grenadier in Subareas 0+1 and 2+3 339 kb
SCR 86/30 RICE & EVANS Reexamining target spawning biomass for the cod stock in NAPO Divisions 2J+3KL 164 kb
SCR 86/31 BRODIE & BAIRD An annotated bibliography of environmental factors affecting assessment of some fish stocks in the Newfoundland area during 1972-1985 261 kb
SCR 86/32 LEAR The stock complex of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L 704 kb
SCR 86/33 LEAR & STANSBURY Estimates of mortality from cod tagged in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL during the winter-spring of 1978-82 339 kb
SCR 86/34 POULARD Contribution to the assessment of the cod stock in Subdivision 3Ps 278 kb
SCR 86/35 BISHOP & BAIRD An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 3NO 813 kb
SCR 86/36 BISHOP & BAIRD An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps 993 kb
SCR 86/37 ATKINSON & POWER The status of redfish in NAFO Divisions 3LN 547 kb
SCR 86/38 ATKINSON & POWER The stock complex of redfish in NAFO Divisions 3KLNOPs 589 kb
SCR 86/39 WALSH Juvenile yellowtail surveys onthe Grand Bank (NAFO Divisions 3LNO) 434 kb
SCR 86/40 BRODIE An assessment of yellowtail flounder in NAPO Div. 3LNO 172 kb
SCR 86/41 BRODIE An assessment of the American plaice stock on the Grand Bank (NAPO Divisions 3LNO) 1030 kb
SCR 86/42 HANSEN & LEHMANN Distribution of young cod in coastal regions of West Greenland, 1985 242 kb
SCR 86/43 HANSEN Changes in size of age of cod off West Greenland, 1979-84 230 kb
SCR 86/44 RIGET Distribution pattern of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.) and spotted wolffish (A. minor Olafsen) in offshore waters of southwest Greenland 164 kb
SCR 86/45 RIGET Migrations of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen) in West Greenland 146 kb
SCR 86/46 BUCH Fluctuations in climate over Greenland and their influence on the marine environment and the cod stock 178 kb
SCR 86/47 BAIRD & BISHOP Assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL 1398 kb
SCR 86/48 BUCH A review of the hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 1980-85 281 kb
SCR 86/49 SØRENSEN Horizontal distribution of capelin (Mallotus villosus) during the spawning season in inshore areas off West Greenland 201 kb
SCR 86/50 BAIRD & WELLS An update on the status of the cod stock in Division 3M 50 kb
SCR 86/51 BAIRD & BOWERING Biomass estimates for cod and Greenland halibut beyond the Canadian 200-mile economic zone in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL 133 kb
SCR 86/52 ROWELL & YOUNG Biological characteristics and biomass estimates of the squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf (Div. 4VWX) in 1985 283 kb
SCR 86/53 CARSCADDEN The Southeast Shoal (Div. 3NO) capelin stock 198 kb
SCR 86/54 KOELLER et al. Canadian juvenile silver hake abundance estimates from joint Canada-USSR surveys on the Scotian Shelf 187 kb
SCR 86/55 HORSTED Status of Subarea 1 cod and the fisheries (An extract of the Report of the ICES Working Group on cod stocks off East Greenland, January 1986) 539 kb
SCR 86/56 SHOWELL & WALDRON Investigations into the relationship between shelf bottom temperature and the silver hake catch rate on the Scotian Shelf 204 kb
SCR 86/57 RIKHTER et al. Distribution of silver hake and other numerous fish species on the Scotian Shelf slopes in 1985 from the data of Soviet observers 548 kb
SCR 86/58 RIKHTER & PETEROPSH Estimating of total instantaneous mortality rate for fishes using the weighting procedure by an example of Divisions 4VWX silver hake 129 kb
SCR 86/59 SENINA & STULOVA Comparison of the results of silver hake ageing from the USSR and Canada data 90 kb
SCR 86/60 NOSKOV Assessment of the silver hake (Merluccius bl1inearis) stocks and allowable catch on the Scotian Shelf (Div. 4VWX) 1n 1987 215 kb
SCR 86/61 BAJDALINOV et al. On the transition to a new system of measurement of the North Atlantic roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) length 185 kb
SCR 86/62 WALDRON & FANNING Assessment of the Scotian Shelf silver hake population in 1985 594 kb
SCR 86/63 AKHTARINA & CHECHENIN Results of ichthyoplankton survey on the Flemish Cap Bank in May June 1985 107 kb
SCR 86/64 EFIMOV et al. On a feasible formal description of the natural mortality rate variation in relation to age of beaked redfish and capelin from the Northwest Atlantic. 248 kb
SCR 86/65 BAKANEV et al. Size of the Newfoundland capelin stock according to the results of acoustic surveys in Divisions 3LNO in May-June 1985 250 kb
SCR 86/66 BULATOVA & CHUMAKOV USSR trawl surveys in NAFO Subareas 0, 2, 3 335 kb
SCR 86/67 SAVVATIMSKY Changes in composition of the bottom fish catches at different depths along the continental slope in NAFO Subareas 0, 2 and 3 in 1970-85 601 kb
SCR 86/68 ALBIKOVSKAYA & RUDNEVA Some aspects of reproduction, growth and distribution of Benthosema glaciale in the Grand Bank and Flemish Cap slope areas 236 kb
SCR 86/69 KARASIOVA & SHERSTYUKOV Species composition and abundance of ichthyoplankton in the area of the Atlantic Corner Seanounts 243 kb
SCR 86/70 DOMINGUEZ & VAREA Results of silver hake otolith exchange between Cuba, Canada and USSR 75 kb
SCR 86/71 DRINKWATER Mean temperature and salinity conditions at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, 1951-1980 70 kb
SCR 86/72 DRINKWATER & TRITES Overview of environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic in 1985 626 kb
SCR 86/73 STEIN Some comments on paper by E. Buch entitled "Review of the hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 1980-85" (NAFO SCR Doc. 86/48) 90 kb
SCR 86/74 ARMSTRONG Variation in the shelf water front position in 1985 from Georges Bank to Cape Romain 176 kb
SCR 86/75 INGHAM Sea surface temperatures in the Northwestern Atlantic in 1985 415 kb
SCR 86/76 BENWAY Water column thermal structure across the shelf and slope southeast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey in 1985 125 kb
SCR 86/77 PRICE & BARTO Anticyclonic warm core Gulf Stream rings off the northeastern United States during 1985 415 kb
SCR 86/78 KEELEY Marine Environmental Data Service report for 1985/86 366 kb
SCR 86/79 MILLER Estimates of capello (Mallotus villosus) biomass from hydroacoustic surveys in Divisions 3LNO in 1985 and 1986 191 kb
SCR 86/80 LILLY Variability in the quantity of capelin and other prey in stomachs of Atlantic cod off southern Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland (NAPO Divisions 2J+3K) during the autumns of 1978-85 409 kb
SCR 86/81 MESSTORFF Biomass and abundance estimates for Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.) and spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olaisen) in NAFO Subarea 1 from stratified-random bottom trawl survey results, 1982-1985 188 kb
SCR 86/82 WALDRON & PARNELL Comparison of Divisions 4VWX silver hake catch rates from the Scotian Shelf small-meshed fishery 117 kb
SCR 86/83 WELLS Declines in the average length-at-age of cod in Divisions 2J and 3K during 1971-1985 56 kb
SCR 86/84 LILLY & CARSCADDEN Capelin in Division 3L and their occurrence in the NAFO Regulatory Area 356 kb
SCR 86/85 WALDRON et al. Standardization of Div. 4VWX silver hake catch rates from the Scotian Shelf small-meshed fishery 205 kb
SCR 86/86 HORSTED & SCHUMACHER Further analysis of Subarea 1 cod, 1985, and projections for subsequent years 261 kb
SCR 86/87 RICE Report of the 1985 Meeting of Marine Environment and Ecosystems Subcommittee of CAFSAC 119 kb
SCR 86/88 WALDRON & FANNING Calibration of Divisions 4VWX silver hake VPA including calculations of yield-per-recruit 281 kb
SCR 86/89 FANNING Correlations of silver hake abundance indices 69 kb
SCR 86/90 WELLS On the validity of age determinations of cod from the Canadian research vessel cruises to the Flemish Cap, 1977-85 310 kb
SCR 86/91 VAZQUEZ & LARRAÑETA Recruitment of cod in Div. 2J+3KL and the physical environment 88 kb
SCR 86/92 MYERS & DRINKWATER The effects of entrainment of shelf water by warm core rings on Northwest Atlantic fish recruitment 253 kb
SCR 86/93 SMITH & JOHNSON Contrasts in distribution patterns of larval Atlantic herring in the Georges Bank area, early 1970's vs early 1980's 390 kb
SCR 86/94 GOMEZ-MUNOZ Equilibrium yield of Flemish Cap cod from a general stock and recruitment curve 241 kb
SCR 86/95 KULKA Estimates of discarding by the Newfoundland offshore fleet in 1985 with reference to trends over the past 5 years 403 kb
SCR 86/96 ANDERSON Review of recruitment variability in exploited marine fish stocks and survival during the larval stage 409 kb
SCR 86/97 ANDERSON & WEBSTER Variability in abundance and mean length of a marine fish larval (Sebastes sp.) sampling during 24-h at a single station on Flemish Cap 473 kb
SCR 86/98 TREMBLAY & SINCLAIR The horizontal distribution of larval sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) in the Bay of Fundy, on the Scotian Shelf and on Georges Bank 318 kb
SCR 86/99 HURLEY et al. Daily growth increments in the shells of larval sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) 377 kb
SCR 86/100 LOUGH & TRITES Chaetognaths and oceanography on Georges Bank 678 kb
SCR 86/101 LILLY A synopsis of research related to recruitment of cod and redfish on Flemish Cap 596 kb
SCR 86/102 ANNAND & BEANLANDS A genetic stock structure study of dogfish in the Northwest Atlantic 131 kb
SCR 86/103 MESSIEH The enigma of Gulf herring recruitment 600 kb
SCR 86/104 GROSSLEIN Synopsis of knowledge of the recruitment process for Atlantic herring with special reference to Georges Bank 897 kb
SCR 86/105 BOLZ & LOUGH Zooplankton faunal zones and their relationship to hydrography and ichthyoplankton production in the Georges Bank region 714 kb
SCR 86/106 RICE & EVANS Non-parametric prediction of recruitment from stock and the relationship of the residuals to water temperature for cod, in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL and 3M 266 kb
SCR 86/107 WELLS & POWER An estimate of redfish availability to cod on the Flemish Cap in the period 1978-85 217 kb
SCR 86/108 LILLY Abundance and growth rate of juvenile redfish (Sebastes sp.) on Flemish Cap during the period 1978-1985 158 kb
SCR 86/109 LILLY & EVANS Inferences from juvenile redfish found in cod stomachs from Flemish Cap 276 kb
SCR 86/110 COHEN et al. Possible factors responsible for the variable recruitment of the 1981, 1982 and 1983 year-classes of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) on Georges Bank 583 kb
SCR 86/111 WALSH et al. Histological and visual observations on oogenesis and sexual maturity of Flemish Cap~female cod 613 kb
SCR 86/112 WELLS Fecundity of cod on the Flemish Cap 56 kb
SCR 86/113 WELLS Condition factors of cod on the Flemish Cap in 1978-85 184 kb
SCR 86/114 WELLS Variations in the gonad weight and the percentage occurrence at length of maturing female cod on the Flemish Cap 86 kb
SCR 86/115 CAMPBELL & GRAHAM An evaluated model of larval herring recruitment in coastal Maine 610 kb
SCR 86/116 ELLERTSEN et al. Effects of biological and physical factors on survival of Arcto-Norwegian cod and influence on recruitment variability 609 kb
SCR 86/117 NEDREAAS Abundance and distribution of post larvae in the a-group saithe survey in the North-East Arctic in 1985 457 kb
SCR 86/118 LEAR A further discussion of the stock complex of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO Div. 2J, 3K and 3L 736 kb
SCR 86/119 ILES Interaction of external and internal factors in relation to recruitment 589 kb
SCR 86/120 GRIGORYEV Nature of spermatogenesis, type of spawning and maturity scale for testes of Maurolicus muelleri 393 kb
SCR 86/121 KISELEVA & POLETAEV Mesopelagic fishes (Suborder Stomiatoidei) in the Northwest Atlantic 442 kb
SCR 86/122 BAIRD et al. Estimates of age and length at maturity for cod in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KLNO 64 kb
SCR 86/123 LEAR Results of tagging on winter concentrations of cod in NAFO Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L during 1918-83 251 kb
SCR 86/124 BISHOP & BAIRD An assessment of the cod stock 1n NAFO Divisions 3NO 289 kb

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
