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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

1980 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 80/1 Report of the Scientific Council, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-13 February 1980 4268 kb
SCS 80/2 Results of analysis of the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific Council by the General Council's ad hoc Working Group on Rules of Procedure
2022 kb
SCS 80/3 Romanian research report for 1979
1370 kb
SCS 80/4 Sealing statistics for the Northwest Atlantic, 1979
446 kb
SCS 80/5 Ad hoc Inter-agency Consultation on Atlantic fishery statistics,Warsaw, Poland, 28-29 September 1979
1042 kb
SCS 80/6
+ Corrigendum
Provisional list of conversion factors for selected Northwest Atlantic species
1870 kb
SCS 80/7 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 1979 and supplementary data for 1976-78
2130 kb
SCS 80/8 Provisional list of sampling data for 1978
1878 kb
SCS 80/9 Report of ad hoc Working Group on the Flemish Cap Project, January 1980 (R. Wells, Convener)
843 kb
SCS 80/10 Notes on international classification and definitions used in fishing gear, fishing effort and fishermen statistics
931 kb
SCS 80/11 Historical catches of selected species by stock area and country for the period 1969-78
8244 kb
SCS 80/12 Japanese research report for 1979
2015 kb
SCS 80/13 Efficiency of sampling the major fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic in 1978
3079 kb
SCS 80/14 Notes on the inter-agency 3-alpha identifiers for species items infish catch and landings data
1138 kb
SCS 80/15 Provisional agenda for the Tenth Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics
658 kb
SCS 80/16 Preliminary report of the Larval Herring Task Force, Woods Hole, USA, 28 April-1 May 1980 (M. D. Grosslein, Convener)
519 kb
SCS 80/17 Denmark (Greenland) research report for 1979
1412 kb
SCS 80/18 USSR research report for 1979
2909 kb
SCS 80/19 German Democratic Republic research report for 1979
871 kb
SCS 80/20 Revised outline of NAFO sampling program
2117 kb
SCS 80/21 Report on statistical activities and publications, 1979/80
1730 kb
SCS 80/22 French research report, 1979
928 kb
SCS 80/23 Cuban research report, 1979
488 kb
SCS 80/24 Polish research report, 1979
1207 kb
SCS 80/25
+ Addendum
Report of the Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 3-13 June 1980 7989 kb
SCS 80/26 United States of America report on research in the Northwest Atlantic during 1980
2201 kb
SCS 80/27 Provisional nominal catches in the Northwest Atlantic, 1979
12861 kb
SCS 80/28 Canadian research report, 1979
1956 kb
SCS 80/29 CWP recommendations of direct importance to the NAFO Scientific Council
928 kb
SCS 80/30 Report of Larval Herring Task Force, April 1980 (M. D. Grosslein, Convener)
4829 kb
SCS 80/31 Manual on groundfish surveys in the NAFO area (draft)
5210 kb
SCS 80/32 Report of Scientific Council, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 3-8 September 1980
4315 kb
SCS 80/33 Sealing statistics for the Northwest Atlantic, 1980
508 kb
SCS 80/34 Report of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 18-22 November 1980
4421 kb

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590