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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

2004 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents


Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 04/1 (Rev.) Denmark (Greenland) Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2003 of Certain Stocks in Subareas 0 and 1. 18 kb
SCS 04/2 (Rev.) Canadian Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2003 of Certain Stocks in
Subareas 0 to 4.
28 kb
SCS 04/3 Russian Research Report for 2003. 154 kb
SCS 04/4 Provisional index and list of titles of research and summary documents of 2003. Excel format - 260 kb
SCS 04/5 Portuguese Research Report for 2003. 248 kb
SCS 04/6 List of biological sampling data for 2003. Excel file
384 kb
SCS 04/7 United States Research Report for 2003. 426 kb
SCS 04/8 Canadian Research Report for 2003. 195 kb
SCS 04/9 Spanish Research Report for 2003. 75 kb
SCS 04/10 German Research Report for 2003. 40 kb
SCS 04/11 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 2003 and early-2004. 32 kb
SCS 04/12 Report of the NAFO Study Group on Limit Reference Points, Lorient, France, 15-20 April 2004. 1500 kb
SCS 04/13 A report on the deliberations of the ICES North-western Working Group, 2004. 61 kb
SCS 04/14 Denmark/Greenland Research Report, 2003. 142 kb
SCS 04/15 Report of the 3rd Meeting of the NAFO Working Group on Reproductive Potential. 405 kb
SCS 04/16 Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 3-17 June 2004.  1.63 MB
SCS 04/17
30 kb
SCS 04/18 Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 13-17 September 2004 513 kb
SCS 04/19 Report of Scientific Council Special Session "The Ecosystem on the Flemish Cap. 68 kb
SCS 04/20 Report of Scientific Council, 27 October-4 November, Copenhagen , Denmark  530 kb

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
