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Commission Documents

2017 Commission Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N6715 COM Doc. 17-05 (285 kb) Report of the NAFO Commission Ad hoc Working Group to Reflect on the Rules Governing Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity (WG-BDS) in the NAFO Regulatory Area Meeting
N6716 COM Doc. 17-06
(241 kb)
Administrative & Activity Report
N6732 COM Doc. 17-07
(126 kb)
Reformatting Article 12 for consistency with the NAFO CEM
N6733 COM Doc. 17-08
(127 kb)
Reformatting Article 29.10 for consistency with the NAFO CEM
N6734 COM Doc. 17-09
(85 kb)
Amendment of Article 45 – Obligations of the Master of a Fishing Vessel
N6735 COM Doc. 17-10
(280 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO CEM Chapter VI – Joint Inspection and Surveillance Scheme
N6736 COM Doc. 17-11
(160 kb)
Amendment to the NAFO CEM Chapter VIII – Port State Control
N6737 COM Doc. 17-12
(215 kb)
Changes to the NAFO CEM for 2018 following the entry into force of the Amended NAFO Convention
N6738 COM Doc. 17-13
(106 kb)
Clarifying Access to Information in the NAFO CEM
N6739 COM Doc. 17-14
(87 kb)
Reinstatement of footnote 21 of the 2015 NAFO CEM Quota Table
N6740 COM Doc. 17-15
(84 kb)
Revisions to Article 22 and 23 of the NAFO CEM – Reinforcement of the provisions in case of encounter and bottom fishing assessment
N6741  COM Doc. 17-16
(382 kb)
Revision of New England Seamounts Closure
N6742 COM Doc. 17-17
(283 kb)
Changes to the NAFO CEM for 2018 following the adoption of the WG-RBMS Recommendations
 N6747 COM Doc. 17-19
(177 kb)
NAFO Financial Regulations
 N6748 COM Doc. 17-20
(225 kb)
NAFO Staff Rules
 N6754 COM Doc. 17-21
(206 kb)
Second Performance Review of NAFO – REVISED Terms of Reference
N6755 COM Doc. 17-22
(162 kb)
The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2019 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N6756 COM Doc. 17-23
(116 kb)
To examine the feasibility of introducing policies to minimize or eliminate discards in NAFO
 N6757 COM Doc. 17-24
(109 kb)
NAFO STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group (WG-OPR): Revised Terms of Reference
 N6758 COM Doc. 17-25
(288 kb)
Catch Estimates Methodology Study
 N6759 COM Doc. 17-26
(132 kb)
Action Plan in the Management and Minimization of Bycatch and Discards
COM Doc. 17-27
(662 kb)
Annual Compliance Review 2017
 N6764 COM Doc. 17-28
(101 kb)
Resolution on communicating measures taken to protect Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the NAFO area to other national authorities regulating industries other than fishing
 N6766 COM Doc. 17-29 
 (898 kb)
Report of the Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies (STACTIC and STACFAD)


Clarifying Access to Information in the NAFO CEM


Revision of New England Seamounts Closure


The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2019 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters



Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
