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Commission Documents

2018 Commission Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N6767 COM Doc. 18-01 NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N6785 COM Doc. 18-02 Report of the NAFO Standing Committee on International Control STACTIC Intersessional meeting
N6813 COM Doc. 18-03 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting
N6846 COM Doc. 18-04 Report of the NAFO Commission Ad hoc Working Group to Reflect on the Rules Governing Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity (WG-BDS) in the NAFO Regulatory Area Meeting
N6854 COM Doc. 18-05 (Rev.)  Administrative Report for the period September 2017 to August 2018 and Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2018
N6856 COM Doc. 18-06 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 29 and Annex II.E - Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)
N6857 COM Doc. 18-07 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 10 - Stowage plan requirement at Checkpoint 
N6858 COM Doc. 18-08 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 35 – Collection of DNA samples by inspectors during sea Pilot project on DNA Analysis
N6859 COM Doc. 18-09 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 28.5 - Amendments to Stowage of Catch
N6860 COM Doc. 18-10 Amendments to NAFO CEM Chapter VII - Port State Control
N6861 COM Doc. 18-11 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 37.4 - Distribution of Notification of Infringements 
N6862 COM Doc. 18-12 Reinstatement of Footnote 14 into Article 6.3 for American Plaice bycatch provisions in the 3NO directed Yellowtail fishery  
N6863 COM Doc. 18-13 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 12 - Catch reporting of individual sharks
N6864 COM Doc. 18-14 Amendments to NAFO CEM Article 30 - Revision of the NAFO Observer Program
N6865 COM Doc. 18-15 Recommendations of the WG-RBMS, August 2018
N6866 COM Doc. 18-16 Recommendations of the WG-EAFFM, August 2018
N6857 COM Doc. 18-17 Amendments to NAFO CEM - Measure to Conserve Greenland Sharks
N6868 COM Doc. 18-18 Action Plan to minimize or eliminate discards in NAFO
N6876 COM Doc. 18-19 Annual Compliance Review 2018 (Compliance Report for Fishing Year 2017)
N6877 COM Doc. 18-20 The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2020 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N6878 COM Doc. 18-21 (Rev.) NAFO Working Group to Address the Recommendations of the 2018 Performance Review Panel
N6885 COM Doc. 18-22 Recommendations of the WG-BDS, May 2018
N6886 COM Doc. 18-23 Recommendations of the CESAG, 2018
N6891 COM Doc. 18-24 Headquarters Agreement & Memorandum of Understanding
N6892 COM Doc. 18-25 Amendments to the NAFO Rules of Procedure
N6893 COM Doc. 18-26 Amendments to the NAFO Financial Rules
N6895 COM Doc. 18-27 Follow-up Procedure Regarding Haul-by-Haul Submissions
N6896 COM Doc. 18-28 Report of the NAFO Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies (STACTIC and STACFAD), 40th Annual Meeting of NAFO 17-21 September 2018 Tallinn, Estonia


Clarifying Access to Information in the NAFO CEM


Revision of New England Seamounts Closure


The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2019 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters



Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
