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Commission Documents

2019 Commission Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N6901 COM Doc. 19-01 NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N6914 COM Doc. 19-02 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) meeting, 19–20 Mar.
N6915   COM Doc. 19-03 Report of the Working Group to Address the Recommendations of the 2018 Performance Review Panel (WG-PR) meeting, 03 Apr. 
N6916   COM Doc. 19-04 Report of the NAFO Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC) Intersessional meeting, 07– 09 May
N6967 COM Doc. 19-05 NAFO Commission Ad Hoc Working Group on Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity (WG-BDS) in NAFO Regulatory Area, 15 July 
N6968 COM Doc. 19-06 Administrative Report for the period September 2018 to August 2019 and Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2019
N6974 COM Doc. 19-07 Changes in NAFO CEM from the Editorial Drafting Group
N6975 COM Doc. 19-08 Addition of footnote to Annex I.C of the NAFO CEM 
N6976 COM Doc. 19-09 Editorial changes in the NAFO CEM from the Editorial Drafting Group 
N6977 COM Doc. 19-10 Amendment of NAFO CEM Annexes II.F and II.G
N6978 COM Doc. 19-11 Reference to "the smallest geographical area" in Article NAFO CEM 28.2.a and 28.3.b
N6979 COM Doc. 19-12 NAFO CEM Article 28 - Monthly Catch report (Article 28.8.a)
N6980 COM Doc. 19-13 Adjustments to Multiple flap-type topside chafers in NAFO CEM Annex III.B.2
N6981 COM Doc. 19-14 Production Logbook and Stowage Plans Updated at the Request of Inspectors (NAFO CEM Article 28)
N6982 COM Doc. 19-15 Amendment of MZZ in NAFO CEM Article 28.6.g
N6983 COM Doc. 19-16 Revisions to Inspection Form (NAFO CEM Articles 36 and 37, Annex IV.B)
N6984 COM Doc. 19-17 Amendment of NAFO CEM Annex II.J
N6985 COM Doc. 19-18 Potential edits to the 2019 NAFO CEM flagged by the NAFO Secretariat for review
N6986 COM Doc. 19-19 Revised template for NAFO CEM Annex II.M - Observer Report
N6987 COM Doc. 19-20 Observer tasks related to sharks
N6988 COM Doc. 19-21 Time of closure of RED 3M Fishery
N6989 COM Doc. 19-22 MCS website – amendments to ensure open access of all information to all CPs, and to define procedure for posting of information via the NAFO Secretariat
N6990  COM Doc. 19-23 Procedure for defining the process to grant access to the MCS Website to individuals within Contracting Parties
N6991  COM Doc. 19-24 Distribution of Notification of Infringements (NAFO CEM Article 37.5)
N6992  COM Doc. 19-25 Content Adjustment to Add the RJ field to COX report (NAFO CEM Annex II.F.6)
N6993  COM Doc. 19-26 Adjustments to the OBR Report in NAFO CEM Annex II.D.c and II.G
N6994 COM Doc. 19-27 Interim measure for Shrimp 3M for 2020
N6995 COM Doc. 19-28 Annual Fisheries and Compliance Review 2019 (Compliance Report for Fishing Year 2018)
N6996  COM Doc. 19-29 The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2021 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N6997 COM Doc. 19-30 Improving the basis for the long-term management of 3M Cod
N6998 COM Doc. 19-31 Recommendations of the WG-BDS, July 2019
N6999  COM Doc. 19-32 Recommendations of the WG-PR, April 2019
N7000  COM Doc. 19-33 Providing Information on the Implementation of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement
N7021 COM Doc. 19-34 (Rev.) Report of the NAFO Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies (STACTIC and STACFAD), 41st Annual Meeting of NAFO, 23-27 September 2019 in Bordeaux, France

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
