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Commission Documents

2023 Commission Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N7368 Com Doc. 23-01 (Rev.) NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N7386  COM Doc. 23-02 Report of the NAFO Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), Intersessional Meeting, 03-05 May 2023
N7433 COM Doc. 23-03 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting, 21 March 2023, Virtual Meeting
N7434 COM Doc. 23-04 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting, 25 May 2023, Virtual Meeting
N7439 COM Doc. 23-05 Administrative and Activity Report by the NAFO Secretariat
N7442 COM Doc. 23-06 Report of the STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group (WG-OPR) Meeting, 11-13 July 2023 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
N7455 COM Doc. 23-07 Report of the STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group (WG-OPR) Meeting, 11 September 2023, Virtual Meeting
N7459  COM Doc. 23-09 The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2025 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N7460 COM Doc. 23-10 NAFO Quota Table 2024 – NAFO CEM Annex I.A and I.B including a comparison of the Scientific Councils advice on NAFO fish stocks and the management measures decided by the Commission
N7461 COM Doc. 23-11 Review of NAFO CEM Article 5.5(j)
N7462 COM Doc. 23-12 Establishment of New Measures in the Yellowtail Fishery (Article 6)
N7463 COM Doc. 23-13 Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on NAFO Fisheries
N7464 COM Doc. 23-14 Catch reporting (Article 28(6) NAFO CEM)
N7465 COM Doc. 23-15 Edits to the time format in the NAFO CEM
N7466 COM Doc. 23-16 Edits to Article 5.3(b) of the NAFO CEM
N7467 COM Doc. 23-17 Edits to Articles 6.2(c) and 6.3(e) of the NAFO CEM
N7468 COM Doc. 23-18 Edits to Article 5.11 and 9.4 of the NAFO CEM
N7469 COM Doc. 23-19 Edits to Article 12.1 (d bis) of the NAFO CEM
N7470 COM Doc. 23-20 Squid Fishery
N7471 COM Doc. 23-21 NAF Field Character Limit Increase
N7472 COM Doc. 23-22 Modifications to Article 4.7 (Research Vessels)
N7473 COM Doc. 23-23 Revisions to the NAFO Observer Scheme
N7474 COM Doc. 23-24 Annual Fisheries and Compliance Review 2023 (Compliance Report for Fishing Year 2022)
N7475 COM Doc. 23-25 Terms of Reference (ToR) for a NAFO STACTIC Observer Program Review Working Group (WG-OPR)
N7476 COM Doc. 23-26 Non-Binding Resolution on Core Principles on Labour Standards in NAFO Fisheries
N7458 COM Doc. 23-27 The 2023 Status Report of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the 2018 Performance Review Panel (Prepared by the NAFO Secretariat)
N7479 COM Doc. 23-28 Report of the NAFO Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies (STACTIC and STACFAD) 45th Annual Meeting of NAFO 18-22 September 2023
Categories: Commission

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590