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Early Stages of Fishes in the Western North Atlantic Ocean

(Davis Strait, Southern Greenland and Flemish Cap to Cape Hatteras)

Volume 1: Acipenseriformes through Syngnathiformes. p. 1 - 931.
Volume 2: Scorpaeniformes through Tetraodontiformes. p. 932 - 1696.

Michael. P. Fahay

This comprehensive scientific publication is the only up-to-date textbook providing detailed descriptions and accurate drawings of the early life-history stages of the fishes from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean north of 35°N and west of 40°W. The region covers the world’s most famous fishing grounds and includes the Davis Strait, southern Greenland, Flemish Cap, Georges Bank, northern Sargasso Sea and Middle Atlantic Bight to Cape Hatteras. This beautifully produced and published work includes:


  • A checklist of 1075 fish species occurring in the study area
  • Descriptions of egg, larval and juvenile stages of 760 species from 196 families
  • Synopses of habitats from estuarine to abyssal
  • Updated ranges and many species’ range extensions, often based on early stages
  • Identification facilitated by numerous descriptive tables
  • Morphological characters of developmental stages summarized and tabulated for 28 orders of teleosts, 15 suborders of Perciformes, 26 families of Percoidei and several other major groups
  • Appendices with tabulations of meristic characters, museum reference material sources and collection data for original material
  • Some 3000 drawings of eggs, larvae and juveniles and 2000 references

The set of volumes is CAN$ 120.00 (North American orders) or CAN$ 135.00 (international orders).
Prices include postage, shipping and handling.

Please order by phone or fax at the NAFO Secretariat or email Alexis Pacey (
fax - +902 468-5538
phone - +902 468-5590 ext. 208

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
