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FC Documents

1979 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N002 FC Doc. 79/1 European Economic Community (EEC) proposals for amendments to the NAFO Scheme of Joint International Enforcement
N004 FC Doc. 79/2 Faroese comments on the stock assessment of cod in Div. 3M (H. J. Kass)
N005 FC Doc. 79/3 Canadian proposal for reporting fish on board vessels entering the Convention Area
N006 FC Doc. 79/4 Canadian proposal for a resolution relating to vessels of non-Member Countries operating in the Convention Area
N008 FC Doc. 79/5 Canadian proposal for a resolution concerning the establishment of a Scientific Observer Scheme
N009 FC Doc. 79/6 Registration of vessels fishing, or intending to fish, in theRegulatory Area, 1979 (+ Addendum and Corrigendum)
N954 FC Doc. 79/7 Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the Fisheries Commission of NAFO, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 7-9 March 1979
N955 FC Doc. 79/8 Draft Report of the First Annual Meeting of the Fisheries Commission of NAFO, Halifax, N. S., Canada, 4-7 June 1979
Categories: FC Documents

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
