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FC Documents

1981 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N282 FC Doc. 81/1
(46 kb)
Comment by the Faroese Delegation re management of the Flemish Cap cod stock 1981
N283 FC Doc. 81/2
(1373 kb)
Conservation and Enforcement Measures in the NAFO Regulatory Area
N284 FC Doc. 81/3
(1000 kb)
Report of the Working Group on Conservation and Enforcement Measures for NAFO - 30 March 1981
N286 FC Doc. 81/4
(502 kb)
Report of the Second Special Meeting - March/April 1981
N313 FC Doc. 81/5
(29 kb)
Canadian Proposal re Change to Rules of Procedure for the Fisheries commission
N374 FC Doc. 81/7
(347 kb)
Report of the Third Special Meeting of the Fisheries Commission - June 1981, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
N385 FC Doc. 81/8
(1106 kb)
Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N386 FC Doc. 81/9
(172 kb)
Notes on NAFO/SCS Doc. 81/IX/21 - Proposal of Gear Definitions to the Working Group on Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N398 FC Doc. 81/10
(31 kb)
Proposal for 3M Enforcement Program
N407 FC Doc. 81/11
(73 kb)
Cuban Delegation considerations concerning NAFO/FC Doc. 81/IX/8 Conservation and Enforcement Measures in the NAFO Regulatory Area
N416 FC Doc. 81/12
(82 kb)
Declaration by the Spanish Observer Delegation on Items 16 and 17 of the Fisheries Commission Agenda (Management Measures for Fish Stocks in the Regulatroy Area and of Fish Stocks Overlapping National Fishing Limits)
N404 FC Doc. 81/13
(115 kb)
Intervention of Spanish Delegation on Item 7 of Fisheries Commission Agenda (Report of the 3rd Special Meeting)
N451 FC Doc. 81/14
(1548 kb)
Report of the Fisheries Commission - Third Annual Meeting - Septemebr 1981
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
