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FC Documents

1986 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N1256 FC Doc. 86/6
(51 kb)
Scientific Council request for advice from the Fisheries Commission
N1257 FC Doc. 86/7
(28 kb)
EEC proposal on the establishment and mandate for a working group on Joint International Enforcement in the Regulatory Area
N1259 FC Doc. 86/9
(52 kb)
EEC proposal for Fisheries Commission request for scientific advice on management in 1988 of certain stocks in Subareas 2 to 4
N1260 FC Doc. 86/10
(48 kb)
Revised Canadian proposal for Fisheries Commission request for scientific advice on management in 1988 or certain stocks in Subareas 2 to 4
N1261 FC Doc. 86/11
(21 kb)
Canadian proposal for changes to NAFO conservation and enforcement measures regarding by-catch limits
N1262 FC Doc. 86/12
(23 kb)
Canadian proposal for continuation of the moratorium on fishing for cod in Division 3L of the Regulatory Area
N1263 FC Doc. 86/13
(37 kb)
Canadian proposal on the establishment and mandate for a working group on Joint International Enforcement in the Regulatory Area
N1267 FC Doc. 86/14
(1116 kb)
Report of the Fisheries Commission - Eight Annual Meeting - September 1986
N1287 FC Doc. 86/15
(51 kb)
Fisheries Commission request for scientific advice on management in 1988 of certain stocks in Subareas 2 to 4
N1293 FC Doc. 86/16
(30 kb)
Report of the working group to study the conversion factors used by the different Contracting Parties
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
