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FC Documents

2007 Fisheries Commission Documents


Serial No.
Doc. No.
N5335 FC Doc. 07/1 (Rev.) (600kb) NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N5412 FC Doc. 07/2 (121kb) Report of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC), 5-7 June 2007, Gdynia, Poland
N5422 FC Doc. 07/4 (218kb) Summary of Status of Proposals and Resolutions of NAFO - 2000-2007 (to Aug)
N5432 FC Doc. 07/5 (14kb) Annex I.A - Annual Quota Table - Redfish 3M (new footnote)
N5433 FC Doc. 07/6 (148kb) Amendment to NAFO CEM Article 9.1 a)
N5434 FC Doc. 07/7 (6308kb) Amendment re minimum authorized mesh size of mid-water trawls in redfish fishery in Div. 3O of the NRA (CEM, Article 10)
N5435 FC Doc. 07/8 (33kb) Cod Recovery Strategy for Divisions 3NO
N5436 FC Doc. 07/9 (20kb) Amendment to Article 7 - Greenland halibut in Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO
N5437 FC Doc. 07/10 (318kb) Boarding Ladders
N5438 FC Doc. 07/11 (16kb) Definition of Transhipment
N5439 FC Doc. 07/12 (18kb) Proposal to revise Annex XX(C) Product Form Codes
N5440 FC Doc. 07/13 (42kb) Annex XIII - Port Inspection Report
N5441 FC Doc. 07/14 (18kb) Amendments to Chapter VII - Electronic Reporting, Satellite Tracking and Observers, Article 57 - Follow-up
N5442 FC Doc. 07/15 (29kb) Catch Reporting and Notification Procedures between Divisions 3M and 3L
N5443 FC Doc. 07/16 (19kb) Amendment of NAFO CEM re IUU fishing (Article 49, para 6)
N5444 FC Doc. 07/17 (16kb) Chartering Arrangements (Article 15)
N5445 FC Doc. 07/18 (122kb) Interim Measures to Prevent Significant Adverse Impacts on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
N5446 FC Doc. 07/19 (14kb) Amendment of CEM - Add to Article 3
N5447 FC Doc. 07/20 (26kb) Intersessional Fisheries Commission Meeting - Management of Shrimp - Division 3L and 3M; Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems - Agenda
N5448 FC Doc. 07/21 (43kb) Fisheries Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2009 of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4
N5449 FC Doc. 07/22 (15kb) Proposal to Amend FC Rule of Procedure 5.1
N5450 FC Doc. 07/23 (81kb) Annual Compliance Review
N5479 FC Doc. 07/24 (608kb) Report of the Fisheries Commission, 29th Annual Meeting, 24-28 September 2007, Lisbon, Portugal
Categories: FC Documents

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
