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ICNAF Documents

Before 1965 all ICNAF documents had the designation "Meeting Documents", with no distinction between those presented for consideration at scientific meetings and those for consideration by commissioners. From 1965 to 1972, meeting documents were issued in two series, designated as "Commissioners' Documents" and "Research Documents".

Starting in 1973, a further subdivision occurred with the issue of the "Summary Documents" series, to which were assigned all mid-term reports of meetings of the Commission and of its committees, subcommittees and working groups, all research and statistical papers prepared by the ICNAF Secretariat, all national research reports, and reports of meetings of other organizations on matters relevant to ICNAF.

ICNAF Meeting Documents

ICNAF - Meeting Documents - 1955

Doc. No

Serial No.



55/1   ICNAF Secretariat Panel memberships as on 1 June 1955 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 5)
55/2 264 RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, O., and A. ROJO Spanish research report, 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 51-57)
55/3 265 GRAHAM, H. W. United States research in the Convention Area during 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 61-64)
55/4 266 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 3, December 1954
55/5 267 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 4, December 1954
55/5A 268 MARTIN, W. R. Factors affecting annual yield of cod and haddock in Subarea 4
55/5B 269 McCRACKEN, F. D. Gear selection in relation to sizes of cod and haddock caught and landed in Subarea 4
55/6 270 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 5, December 1954
55/6A 271 CLARK, J. R. Preliminary report on the escape of silver hake through trawl meshes
55/7 272 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 3, March 1955
55/8 273 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 4, March 1955
55/8A 274 PALOHEIMO, J.-E. The effect of increased mesh on yield of cod and haddock in Subarea 4
55/8B 275   Interim Report on Otter-Trawl Mesh Sizes used by Countries Fishing Subarea 4
55/9 276 ICNAF Report of scientific advisers to Panel 5, March 1955
55/10 277 ICNAF Meeting of scientific advisers to Panels 3, 4 and 5: special report on redfish, March 1955
55/11 278 RASMUSSEN, B. Norwegian research report for 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 43-49)
55/12 279 LUCAS, C. E., and G. C. TROUT United Kingdom research report for the year 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 58-60)
55/13 280 RASMUSSEN, B. Norwegian experiments on conversion factors for West Greenland cod
55/14 281 HANSEN, P., M., and F. HERMANN Danish research report, 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 28-38)
55/15 282 TEMPLEMAN, W. Groundfish stocks of the western North Atlantic
55/16 283 TEMPLEMAN, W., and W. R. MARTIN Summaries of Canadian groundfish research in the Convention Area during 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 19-27)
55/17 284 JONSSON, J. Icelandic research report, 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 42)
55/18 285 ICNAF Secretariat Lists of fishing vessels operating in the Convention Area, 1952-54
55/19 286 ICNAF Secretariat Compilation of research reports by subareas, 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 65-69)
55/20 287 ICNAF Secretariat Report on the United Nations International Technical Conference on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea, 1955
55/21 288 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of the 1954 landings from the Convention Area (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 4)
55/22 289 ICNAF Secretariat Administrative report for the year ending 30 June 1955 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 5-8)
55/23 290 ICNAF Secretariat The conversion factor for wet salted cod
55/24 291 ANON. (France) Researches carried out on board the French oceanographic vessel President Theodore Tissier in the Newfoundland area, April-May 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 39-41)
55/25 292 LUNDBECK, J. Germany fishery and fishery research in West Greenland waters
55/26 293 ANON. (Portugal) Portuguese research report for 1954 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 5: 50)
55/27 294 ANON. (Canada) Canadian report on conversion factors
55/28 295 LUNDBECK, J. Problems in the researches of redfish in European waters

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
