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ICNAF Documents

Before 1965 all ICNAF documents had the designation "Meeting Documents", with no distinction between those presented for consideration at scientific meetings and those for consideration by commissioners. From 1965 to 1972, meeting documents were issued in two series, designated as "Commissioners' Documents" and "Research Documents".

Starting in 1973, a further subdivision occurred with the issue of the "Summary Documents" series, to which were assigned all mid-term reports of meetings of the Commission and of its committees, subcommittees and working groups, all research and statistical papers prepared by the ICNAF Secretariat, all national research reports, and reports of meetings of other organizations on matters relevant to ICNAF.

ICNAF - Research Documents

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1967

Doc. No

Serial No.



67/1 1781 IOC Kort proposal for cooperative study of the North Atlantic dynamics and hydrography (IOC Resolution IV-14)
67/2 1767 ICES Report of ICES Statistical Committee, 1966
67/3 1768 ICES Report of ICES Comparative Fishing Committee, 1966
67/4 1769 ICES Report of ICES Salmon and Trout Committee, 1966
67/5 1770 ICNAF Final report of first meeting of ICES/ICNAF joint working party on North Atlantic salmon, Madrid, 25-26 May 1966
67/6 1771 ICNAF Report of the second meeting of the ICES/ICNAF joint working party on North Atlantic salmon, Copenhagen, 4 October 1966
67/7 1786 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of statistics on discards, 1965
67/8 1788 ICNAF Secretariat Decisions taken to March 1967 relating to Kort's proposal for the study of the North Atlantic (IOC Resolution IV-14)
67/9 1947 CWP Secretary Report of the fifth session of Continuing Working Party on fishery statistics in the North Atlantic area, Aberdeen, Scotland, 10-14 April 1967
67/10 1894 ICNAF Secretariat 1966 nominal catches from the ICNAF Convention area (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 16)
67/11 1794 TEMPLEMAN, W., and J. L. HART Canadian research report, 1966 (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 3-25)
67/12 1903 HANSEN, P. M. Danish research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11):26-34)
67/13 1862 LETACONNOUX, R. H. French research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 35-47)
67/14 1865 MEYER, A., and J. MESSTORFF German research report, 1965 (+ Supplement) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 48-63)
67/15 1826 JONSSON, J. Ice1andic research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(II): (64-65)
67/16 1812 BRATBERG, E., and J. BLINDHEIM Norwegian research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(II): 66-77}
67/17 1835 CHRZAN, F. Polish research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 78-89)
67/18 1825 LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(II): 90-106)
67/19 1917 RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, O. Spanish research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 107-111)
67/20 1811 PARRISH, B. B., and A. J. LEE United Kingdom research report, 1966 (+ Corrigendum) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(II): 133-135)
67/21 1821 KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(11): 112-132).
67/22 1793 GRAHAM, H. W. United States research report, 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(II): 136-151)
67/23 1838 ICNAF Secretariat Trawl materials and mesh size sampling data, 1966
67/24 1802 BOYAR, H. C. Age, length and maturity of adult herring in Subareas 4 and 5, 1966
67/25 1803 SHERMAN, K. Seasonal and areal distribution of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1965 and 1966
67/26 1804 TEMPLEMAN, W. Anomalies of sea temperature at station 27 off Cape Spear and air temperature at Torbay-St. John's (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 69-75)
67/27 1814 BLINDHEIM, J. Hydrographic fluctuations off West Greenland during the years 1959-66 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 86-105)
67/28 1806 LUX, F. E. Landings per unit effort, age composition and total mortality of yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) in Subarea 5 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 47-52)
67/29 1807 WATSON, J. E. Age composition of immature herring processed by the Maine sardine industry, 1960-66
67/30 1808 ANTHONY, V. C., and H. C. BOYAR Meristic comparison of adult herring from the Gulf of Maine (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 91-98)
67/31 1809 BOHL, H. Selection of cod by bottom trawl codends in Southwest Greenland waters (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 75-81)
67/32 1810 BOHL, H. Selection experiments with a large-meshed topside chafer (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 82-89)
67/33 1815 SPAIN Tagged cod recaptures by the Spanish fishing fleet in the ICNAF area in 1966
67/34 1816 CANADA Revised statistics on fishing effort by Canada (Maritimes and Quebec) for the years 1960-64 inclusive
67/35 1818 STICKNEY, A. P. Supersaturation of atmospheric gases in coastal waters
67/36 1819 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Report on the operation of the 10 percent annual exemption of the mesh regulation, 1966
67/37 1820 WELCH, W. R. Trends of mean monthly sea water temperatures, 1950-66, at Boothbay Harbour, Maine (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 33-36)
67/38 1868 BRYANTSEV, V. A. , and V. N. YAKOVLEV Forecasting the fluctuations of water mass limits on the Scotian Shelf and Georges Bank
67/39 1822 LEE, A. J. Report on conference on electronic engineering in oceanography, England, 12-15 September 1966
67/40 1823 UNITED STATES Coast Guard Description of oceanographic analysis and forecast charts for international ice patrol, North Atlantic area. + Supplement
67/41 1829 MEISTER, A. L., and R. E. CUTTING Activities of State of Maine salmon program, 1966-67
67/42 1830 MEISTER, A. L., and R. E. CUTTING A preliminary report of the composition of the spawning runs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Maine rivers for the period 1962-66 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 53-57)
67/43 1828 TWOMEY, E. Statistics on catch (1960-66), tagging (1966) and capture (1960-66) of Atlantic salmon in Eire
67/44 1831 CWP Secretary Proposals for the collection of statistics for the waters to the south of the ICNAF Convention area
67/45 1836 PINHORN, A. T., and E. DUNNE Landings of Canadian (Nfld) trawlers using small-mesh gear during the 1966 season
67/46 1832 PINHORN, A. T., R. WELLS, and E. DUNNE Breakdown of catch by type of gear in the Newfoundland inshore cod fishery in 1965
67/47 1833 ALTUKHOV, J. P., K. F. ARTEMJEVA, I. V. BORISOVA, and G. N. NEFYODOV Immunological analysis of serum proteins of redfish (genus Sebastes) in connection with maturation (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 44-48)
67/48 1834 ALTUKHOV, J. P., G. N. NEFYODOV, and A. N. PAYUSOVA A study of the thermostability of isolated muscles of the marinus and mentella types of redfish in connection with the problem of their taxonomical relation (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 130-136)
67/49 1837 KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Results of cod tagging off Labrador (Subarea 2) and Newfoundland (Subarea 3)
67/50 1841 LEBEDEV, A. A. Ice conditions in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean in 1966
67/51 1839 ICNAF Secretariat Annual nominal catch and common and scientific names of fish taken from the region southward of the ICNAF Convention area to the latitude of Cape Hatteras, 1963-68 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 22: 218-220)
67/52 1840 ALTUKHOV, J. P., and G. N. NEFYODOV A study of blood serum protein composition by agar gel electrophoresis in marinus and mentella types of redfish (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 86-90)
67/53 1842 DRAGANIK, B., and C. ZUKOWSKI Further studies on herring caught on Georges Bank in November and December 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111):39-46)
67/54 1844 CORLETT, J. Cod tagging off Labrador, November-December 1962
67/55 1845 MEYER, A. The estimation of efficient use of fish stocks: a simple method of showing how a fishery should be carried out to get the highest output from the fish stocks (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 3-21)
67/56 1846 STANEK, E. The rate of growth of cod on the fishing grounds off Labrador and Newfoundland, 1964 and 1965
67/57 1847 CUTTING, R. E., and A. L. MEISTER Marine migration of Atlantic salmon kelts tagged in Maine, USA (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 58-65)
67/58 1848 BALMAIN, K. H. Notes on salmon caught in Greenland 1966
67/59 1849 HERMANN, F. Temperature variations in the West Greenland area after 1950 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 76-85)
67/60 1860 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish salmon catch statistics, 1952-66
67/61 1851 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish salmon tagging data, 1963-65
67/62 1852 UNITED KINGDOM Research programme for Greenland investigations, 1967
67/63 1853 TRESCHEV, A. I., and V. M. NAUMOV The study of the effects of large-meshed chafer on the selectivity of the trawl net (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 90-100)
67/64 1854 RODEWALD, M. Recent variations of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SST) and the "type-tendencies" of the atmospheric circulation (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 6-23)
67/65 1856 TEMPLEMAN, W. Distribution and characteristics of Atlantic salmon over oceanic depths and on the bank and shelf slope areas off Newfoundland, March-May 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 5: 62-85)
67/66 1857 LAUZIER, L. M Recent trends in temperature variations in ICNAF Subarea 4 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 24-32)
67/67 1858 LUX, F. E., and F. E. NICHY Growth rates of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, on three fishing grounds in Subarea 5 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 5-25)
67/68 1859 CHASE, J. Recent trends of temperature along the New England coast (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 37-41)
67/69 1860 MAY, A. W. Biological data for bio-economic assessment of Subarea 2 cod
67/70 1861 COLTON, J. B. A comparison of current and long-term temperatures of continental shelf waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 110-129)
67/71 1863 WOLFF, P. M., T. LAEVASTU, and P. TATRO Synoptic analyses and prediction of conditions and processes in the surface layers of the sea (a summary review of methods, their accuracy and future prospects)
67/72 1866 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Progress report on oceanographic hindcasting using NORWESTLANT data
67/73 1867 LEE, A. J., R. CORKUM, and T. LAEVASTU Large-scale sea surface temperature anomalies in the NW Atlantic from February to July in relation to monthly mean surface pressure (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(IV): 48-68)
67/74 1870 ICNAF Secretariat Report on redfish statistics by depth zones for Poland for the year 1966
67/75 1871 ICNAF Secretariat Compilation of selectivity data presented to the Commission from 1962 to 1966 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 101-115)
67/76 1872 MUSICK, J. A. Designation of the hakes, Urophycis chuss and Urophycis tenuis, in ICNAF statistics (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 35-38)
67/77 1873 MAY, A. W. Possible causes of growth variations in Subarea 2 cod
67/78 1874 MAY, A. W. Biological data on cod from the summer fishery on the north shore Strait of Belle Isle (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 5-43)
67/79 1875 WILES, M. Trends in the cod fishery in the northeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence during 1953-65 (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 5-43)
67/80 1876 WILES, M. Changes in the growth rate of cod from the northeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence during 1947-66 (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 5-43)
67/81 1877 WELLS, R. Haddock length conversion factors for St. Pierre Bank (Publ. In ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 137-140)
67/82 1878 GULLAND, J. A. Draft review of living resources of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean area
67/83 1879 SERGEANT, D. E. On the distinctness of hood seal populations
67/84 1880 WILES, M. Mortality in northeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod during 1947-66 (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 5-43)
67/85 1881 McCRACKEN, F. D. Size, age and recruitment comparisons for haddock of the central Scotian Shelf (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.5: 99-109)
67/86 1882 SERGEANT, D. E. Canadian catch statistics for harp and hooded seals by area, 1949-66
67/87 1883 WILES, M. Otolith age validation in cod from the northeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence (see ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 5: 5-43)
67/88 1885 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of fishing effort in the ICNAF Convention area, 1966
67/89 1886 ICNAF Secretariat Report of statistical activities of the ICNAF Secretariat, 1966/67
67/90 1887 FIGUERAS, A. Length, age and growth of cod in Subareas 2 and 3, 1966
67/91 1888 FLITTNER, G. A. Forecasting availability of albacore tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
67/92 1889 CANADA The age composition of salmon from the Miramichi area, New Brunswick
67/93 1890 ALLEN. K. R. A revised estimate of the rate of growth between Greenland and home waters of salmon from the Miramichi River, New Brunswick (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 66-68)
67/94 1891 CANADA Canadian data on Atlantic salmon catches
67/95 1892 CANADA Canadian tagging data for Atlantic salmon
67/96 1893 PIPPY, J. H. C. Preliminary studies on the use of parasites of Atlantic salmon as a means of distinguishing between Eastern and Western Atlantic salmon stocks
67/97 1896 POSTOLAKY, A. I. On the-growth of the Labrador cod (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(III): 22-25)
67/98 1897 NOSKOV, A. S., and V. N. ZINKEVICH Abundance and mortality of herring (Clupea harengus L.) on Georges Bank according to the results of egg calculation in spawning areas in 1964-66
67/99 1898 WILKINS, N. P. Scottish biochemical studies on salmon
67/100 1899 UNITED KINGDOM Atlantic salmon tagging data for England and Wales
67/101 1900 CWP Secretary Proposed refinements of fishing effort measures and their definitions
67/102 1901 JENSEN, J. M. Statistics on landings of Atlantic salmon in Greenland, 1966
67/103 1902 UNITED KINGDOM Salmon catches for England and Wales, 1966, showing proportion of grilse in these catches
67/104 1904 HORSTED, Sv. Aa. Remarks on year-class fluctuations in the West Greenland cod stocks (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 26-34)
67/105 1906 ALLEN, K. R. Atlantic salmon research programme, 1967, in relation to Greenland salmon fishery
67/106 1906 PALOHEIMO, J. E., and A. C. KOHLER Study of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod population
67/107 1907 SCHULTZ, R. United States haddock sampling in Subarea 5 in 1966
67/108 1908 ALLEN, K. R. Results of Atlantic salmon tagging in the Maritime Provinces, Canada, 1964-66 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(III): 69-74)
67/109 1909 NICHY, F. E. Growth patterns on otoliths from young silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 107-118)
67/110 1910 POSGAY. J. A. and R. R. MARAK Tests of zooplankton samplers
67/111 1911 TIBBO, S. N. 1966 ICNAF herring otolith exchange
67/112 1912 VIBE, C. Catch of harp seal, hooded seal and bearded seals at West Greenland, 1793-1964
67/113 1914 BLACKER, R. W. Report on the otolith photograph exchange program
67/114 1915 MEDICO, E. J., and R. C. LEVIE Mesh measurement gauges and methods of applying pressure (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1967(111): 47-52)
67/115 1916 GRAHAM, H. W., and J. A. POSGAY ICNAF Georges Bank surveys (revised plan)
67/116 1918 BURMAKIN, V. V. Hydrological conditions in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas, 1965-66
67/117 1919 BOGDANOV. A. S. Status of fisheries and research in Subarea 2 in 1966 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 17: 37-38)
67/118 1921 STUDENETSKY. S. A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 5 in 1966 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 17: 44-47)
67/119 1922 HANSEN. P. M. Summary of research and status of fisheries in Subarea 1, 1966 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 17: 35-37)
67/120 1919 GRAHAM. H. W. Summary of research and status of fisheries in Subarea 3 during 1966 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 17: 39-41)
67/121 1924 HART, J. L. Summary of status of the fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 4 in 1966 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 17: 41-44)

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
