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ICNAF Documents

Before 1965 all ICNAF documents had the designation "Meeting Documents", with no distinction between those presented for consideration at scientific meetings and those for consideration by commissioners. From 1965 to 1972, meeting documents were issued in two series, designated as "Commissioners' Documents" and "Research Documents".

Starting in 1973, a further subdivision occurred with the issue of the "Summary Documents" series, to which were assigned all mid-term reports of meetings of the Commission and of its committees, subcommittees and working groups, all research and statistical papers prepared by the ICNAF Secretariat, all national research reports, and reports of meetings of other organizations on matters relevant to ICNAF.

ICNAF - Research Documents

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1968

Doc. No

Serial No.



68/1 1962 ICNAF Report of third meeting of the ICES/ICNAF Joint Working Party on North Atlantic Salmon, Hamburg, 7-8 October 1967
68/2 1983 TEMPLEMAN, W. Experimental snella-fishing for cod on West Greenland banks, August 1965, and comparison of a snella and an otter-trawl catch of cod from the same locality of Store Hellefiske Bank (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 53-64)
68/3 1984 TEMPLEMAN, W. Temperatures and salinities, 1967, at Station 27 and in the St. John's-Flemish Cap section (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 37-39)
68/4 1985 BUCKI, F., W. STRZYZEWSKI, and G. ZDZIEBKOWSKI The selectivity of codend with "Polish" chafer, made of 10-mm stylon, for cod and redfish catches
68/5 1986 TEMPLEMAN, W. and F. D. McCRACKEN Canadian research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 3-23)
68/6 1987 HANSEN, P. M. Danish research report, 1967 (Pub1. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 24-29)
68/7 1988 MORICE, J., and C. ALLAIN French research report, 1967 (Pub1. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 30-41)
68/8 1989 MEYER, A., J. MESSTORFF, and K. SCHUBERT Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 42-64)
68/9 1990 JONSSON, J. Icelandic research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 65-66)
68/10 1991 BRATBERG, E., and J. BLINDHEIM Norwegian research report, 1967 (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 67-74)
68/11 1992 CHRZAN, F. Polish research report (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 75-84)
68/12 1993 LIMA-DrAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1968(II): 85-91)
68/13 1994 NICULESCU-DUVAZ, M. Romanian research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(II): 92-98)
68/14 1995 RODRIGUEZ MARTIN, O. Spanish research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1968(II): 99-101)
68/15 1996 KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 102-124)
68/16 1997 GARROD, D. J., and B. B. PARRISH United Kingdom research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(11): 125-128)
68/17 1998 GRAHAM, H. W. United States research report, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(II): 129-143)
68/18 2041 ICNAF Secretariat 1967 nominal catches from the ICNAF Convention and Statistical Areas (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 17)
68/19 2052 ICNAF Secretariat Report of the statistical activities of the ICNAF Secretariat, 1967/68
68/20 2087 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of fishing effort in the Convention Area for 1967 (see ICNAF List of Vessels, 1968)
68/21 2003 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of statistics on discards and industrial fish 1966 (see ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 29-36)
68/22 2005 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of data on the length and age sampling by species, subareas and country in relation to the nominal catch in 1964-66
68/23 2010 ICNAF Secretariat Partial bibliography of data available on length, weight and girth relationships for ICNAF species
68/24 2091 ICNAF Report of ICNAF Working Group of Redfish Experts, Lowestoft, 20-22 May 1968
68/25 2096 ICNAF Secretariat Trawl materials and mesh size sampling data, 1967 (see ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 189-202)
68/26 2021 CWP Secretary Progress report on North Atlantic species names, their coding, grouping and rearrangement for statistical purposes
68/27 2035 CWP Secretary Proposals for amendments in the representation on the Continuing Working Party on Fishery Statistics in the North Atlantic area
68/28 2016 CWP Secretary Proposals for standardizing abbreviations, symbols, etc., in tabular statistical publications of ICNAF, ICES and FAO
68/29 2004 SANDEMAN, E. J. Age determination and growth rate of redfish (Sebastes spp.) from selected areas around Newfoundland (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 79-106)
68/30 2006 ICNAF Secretariat Extracts from ICES Meeting, October 1967
68/31 2007 SHEARER, W. M. The length, weight and age composition of the salmon catch from the River North Esk (Scotland) from 1962 to 1966
68/32 2008 MUNRO, W. R. Salmon studies in Greenland, 1967
68/33 2009 ROSSELAND, L. The Norwegian statistics for the salmon and sea-trout fishery, 1876-1965, with some comments
68/34 2011 SHERMAN, K., and K. A. HONEY Observations on the catching efficiencies of two zooplankton samplers (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 75-80)
68/35 2012 PERKINS, F. E. Age, length and maturity of adult herring in Subareas 4 and 5, 1967
68/36 2013 KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Change in cod distribution in the Labrador area (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 3-6)
68/37 2015 BURMAKIN, V. V. Hydrological conditions in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas in 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 40-47)
68/38 2017 RIKHTER, V. A. Results of research on the distribution, age, growth and general mortality of stocks of red hake (Urophycis chuss) on Georges Bank and in adjacent waters, 1965-66)
68/39 2019 COLTON Jr., J. B. Recent trends in subsurface temperatures in the Gulf of Maine and contiguous waters (Abstract only in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 48; full text in J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 25: 2427-2437)
68/40 2022 JENSEN, A. C. Spiny dogfish tagging and migration in North America and Europe (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 72-78)
68/41 2023 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish research program for Greenland investigations, 1968
68/42 2024 MUNRO, W. R. Scottish salmon catch statistics
68/43 2025 UNITED KINGDOM Notes on the relationship between the West Greenland salmon fishery and salmon stocks in Scottish home waters
68/44 2026 CANADA Canadian tagging data for Atlantic salmon to 29 March 1968
68/45 2027 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish salmon tagging data, 1963-66
68/46 2028 PIPPY, J. H. C. Studies on the parasites of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
68/47 2029 LEAR, W. H. Length-weight relationship of commercial-size Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 119-121)
68/48 2030 PINHORN, A. T., A. W. MAY, and E. DUNNE Breakdown of catch by type of gear in the Newfoundland inshore cod fishery in 1966
68/49 2031 HOURSTON, A. S. The Newfoundland herring fishery and its implications concerning the resource (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 67-74)
68/50 2032 SHERMAN, K., and K. A. HONEY Seasonal variations in the food of larval herring in coastal waters of central Maine
68/51 2033 GARROD, D. J. Schaefer-type assessments of catch/effort relationships in North Atlantic cod stocks (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 26-34)
68/52 2034 KOSIER, A. Some biological data on yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea from the southern part of Georges Bank, November 1967
68/53 2114 CHRZAN, F., and B. DRAGANIK Observations on herring caught on Georges Bank (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 53-61)
68/54 2042 ZUKOWSKI, C. Some data on catches and biology of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) from Georges Bank and Sable Island Bank)
68/55 2036 JENSEN, J. M. Some meristic and morphometric characters of salmon in Greenland waters
68/56 2037 JENSEN, J. M. Statistics of landings of Atlantic salmon in Greenland, 1967
68/57 2038 HORSTED, Sv. Aa. Cod in Subarea 1: review and revision of parameters and a reassessment (Pub1. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 65-71)
68/58 2039 TRESCHEV, A. T., and G. N. STEPANOV Comparative selectivity of trawl nets made of kapron and manila (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 95-100)
68/59 2040 CADDY, J. F., and E. I. LORD Recent developments in Georges Bank scallop fishery (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 89-93)
68/60 2043 TIBBO, S. N. Herring otolith exchange, 1967
68/61 2045 KOHLER, A. C. Fish stocks in ICNAF Area
68/62 2046 BARRETT, B. E. The fecundity of Canadian Atlantic herring
68/63 2047 ELSON, P. F. Canadian research cruise on salmon to West Greenland
68/64 2048 McCRACKEN, F. D. Estimating fishing activity in Subarea 4
68/65 2049 JENSEN, J. M. Reports on recaptures in Greenland waters of salmon tagged in rivers in America and Europe, and of recaptures from tagging experiments in Greenland (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 81-88)
68/66 2050 ELSON, P. F. Utilization of recaptured Canadian tagged salmon, 1964-67
68/67 2054 TIBBO, S. N., and C. D. BURNETT Herring landings by types of gear in the Bay of Fundy region, 1963-66
68/68 2055 MESSIEH, S. N., C. D. BURNETT, and S. N. TIBBO Length and age structure of herring stocks in Bay of Fundy (Division 4X)
68/69 2056 BECKETT, J. S., and S. N. TIBBO Recent changes in the size composition of Canadian swordfish catches (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 62-66)
68/70 2057 SERGEANT, D. E. Preliminary report on Canadian research on harp seals in 1968
68/71 2058 STANEK, E. The number of rays in the second dorsal fin and the number of vertebrae in cod from Labrador, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
68/72 2060 CUTTING, R. E., and A. L. MEISTER Atlantic salmon recapture information for Maine tagged fish
68/73 2061 MEISTER, A. L., and R. E. CUTTING A proposed method of tabulating scale interpretations and age classes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
68/74 2062 BLACKER, R. W. Report on the cod otolith photograph exchange scheme, 1963-67 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 7-20)
68/75 2064 GULLAND, J. A. Area reviews on living resources of the world's ocean: Northwest Atlantic
68/76 2065 GULLAND, J. A. A preliminary assessment of silver hake in Subarea 5
68/77 2063 MAY, A. W. Preliminary report on catches of Atlantic salmon in the Labrador Sea, March-April 1968
68/78 2066 MUNRO, W. R. Salmon statistics for Scotland
68/79 2067 UNITED KINGDOM Salmon statistics, England and Wales
68/80 2068 ALLAN, I. R. H. Notes on investigations into Atlantic salmon racial polymorphism
68/81 2069 ALLEN, K. R., R. L. SAUNDERS, and P. F. ELSON Marine growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Northwest Atlantic area
68/82 2070 TWOMEY, E. Irish salmon data
68/83 2071 SANDEMAN, E. J. Diurnal variation in availability of different sizes of redfish, Sebastes mentella (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.6: 35-46)
68/84 2072 NAEVDAL, G. Blood protein polymorphism in harp seals off eastern Canada
68/85 2085 POSGAY, J. A., R. R. MARAK, and R. C. HENNEMUTH Development and tests of new zooplankton samples
68/86 2074 HENNEMUTH, R. C. Results of the joint USA-USSR groundfish studies: Part I. Comparative fishing experiments
68/87 2075 GROSSLE1N, M. D. Results of the joint USA-USSR groundfish studies: Part II. Groundfish survey from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod
68/88 2076 POSGAY, J. A., R. R. MARAK, and R. C. HENNEMUTH USA-USSR joint work on zooplankton sampling methods
68/89 2077 SCHULTZ, R. L. Age compositions and mortalities of silver. hake in Subarea 5
68/90 2093 COLTON Jr., J. B. Temperature conditions in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank area during November 1967
68/91 2086 LUX, F. E. Codend mesh selection studies of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 101-109)
68/92 2080 HENNEMUTH, R. C. Status of the Georges Bank haddock stock and effects of recent high levels of fishing effort
68/93 2081 MAY, A. W. Revision of estimated fishing activity for groundfish in ICNAF Subareas 2 and 3, 1959-67, with remarks on some groundfish stocks and fisheries
68/94 2082 CARROTHERS, P. J. G. Field identification of synthetic fibres used in fish nets (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(III): 49-52)
68/95 2083 FIGUERAS, A., and O. CENDRERO Length, age and growth of cod in Subareas 2 and 3, 1967
68/96 2088 MAY, A. W., and J. MESSTORFF Comparative fishing by research vessels A. T. Cameron and Walther Herwig (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 21-28)
68/97 2089 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Interim report on CGC Evergreen, ICNAF research cruises, FY 1968
68/98 2092 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The United States report on the operation of the 10% annual exemption to the Subarea 5 mesh regulations, 1967
68/99 2094 FAO Fisheries Department Recent catches by ICNAF member countries
68/100 2095 MONTEIRO, R. Some observations on the selectivity of trawl nets with the Polish-type topside chafer (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1968(111): 110-112)
68/101 2097 MESSTORFF, J. Summary of research and status of fisheries in Subarea 1, 1967 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 18: 42-44)
68/102 2098 BOGDANOV, A. S. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 2, 1967 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 18: 44-45)
68/103 2104 COLE, H. A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 3, 1967 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 18: 45-47)
68/104 2102 MONTEIRO, R. Summary of research and status of fisheries in Subarea 4, 1967 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 18: 47-49)
68/105 2103 SMITH, G. F. M. Status of fishery and research carried out in Subarea 5, 1967 (Publ. in ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 18: 49-50)
68/106 2109 ICNAF Second report of the ICES/ICNAF Joint Working Party on North Atlantic Salmon, London, May 1968

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
