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ICNAF Documents

Before 1965 all ICNAF documents had the designation "Meeting Documents", with no distinction between those presented for consideration at scientific meetings and those for consideration by commissioners. From 1965 to 1972, meeting documents were issued in two series, designated as "Commissioners' Documents" and "Research Documents".

Starting in 1973, a further subdivision occurred with the issue of the "Summary Documents" series, to which were assigned all mid-term reports of meetings of the Commission and of its committees, subcommittees and working groups, all research and statistical papers prepared by the ICNAF Secretariat, all national research reports, and reports of meetings of other organizations on matters relevant to ICNAF.

ICNAF - Research Documents

ICNAF - Research Documents - 1970

Doc. No

Serial No.



70/1 2312 ELSON, P. F. Canadian tagging and recapture data for Atlantic salmon, updated to 31 December 1969
70/2 2323 MAY, A. W. Drift-net tagging of Atlantic salmon
70/3 2324 MAY, A. W. Size and age of salmon from West Greenland, 1968 and 1969
70/4 2325 MAY, A. W. Canadian salmon statistics, 1917-1969
70/5 2326 NYMAN, O. L. Origin of salmon at West Greenland
70/6 2327 PIPPY, J. H. C. Use of fluorescence to find parasitic nematodes
70/7 2328 NYMAN, O. L., and J. H. C. PIPPY Studies on the nematode parasites of Atlantic salmon and related species from other hosts - summary
70/8 2329 PIPPY, J. H. C. Summary of salmon parasite investigations, 1969
70/9 2330 MAY, A. W. Relative catching efficiency of salmon drift-nets and relative viability of salmon caught
70/10 2367 TEMPLEMAN, W., and J. S. SCOTT Canadian research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(II): 3-29)
70/11 - Part 1 2386 HORSTED, Sv. Aa. , and H. VALEUR Danish research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(11): 30-40)
70/11 - Part 2 2386 HERMANN, F. Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland during 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(III): 3-10)

Document not issued

70/13 2401 MEYER, A., J. MESSTORFF, K. SCHUBERT, and W. LENZ Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(II): 41-76)
70/14 2390 JONSSON , J. Icelandic research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970 (II) : 77-78)
70/15 2384 BRATBERG, E. Norwegian research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970 (II): 79-86)
70/16 2402 CHZAN, F. Polish research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAFRedbook 1970(11):87-95)
70/17 2392 LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1970(I1): 96-107)

Document not issued

70/19 2397 LARRANETA, M. G., and J. RUCABADO Spanish research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(11): 108-112)
70/20 2385 KONSTANT1NOV, K. G., and A. S. NOSKOV USSR research report for 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(11): 113-146)
70/21 2357 GARROD, D. J. United Kingdom research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook1970(I1):147-149)
70/22 2405 GRAHAM, H. W. United States research report, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(I1): 150-160)
70/23 2407 ICNAF Secretariat Report on the statistical activities of the ICNAF Secretariat, 1969/70

Document not issued

70/25 2377 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of statistics on discards and industrial fish, 1968 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 181-188)

Document not issued

70/27 2420 PITT, T. K. Trends in the American plaice fishery in ICNAF Subarea 3 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 103-110)
70/28 2394 CWP Secretary Notes on possible discrepancies in annual statistical reports due to differences between the year of catch and the year of landing
70/29 2395 CWP Secretary Notes on fishing effort measures and data
70/30 2387 CWP Secretary Notes for completion of STATLANT forms
70/31 2418 ICNAF Secretariat 1969 nominal catches for the ICNAF Convention and Statistical Areas (see ICNAF Stat. 13uU. Vol. 20)
70/32 2336 TWOMEY, E. Homewater stocks and exploitation of Irish salmon
70/33 2337 KANE, M. B. Parasitic investigations in juvenile and adult salmon in 1968 and 1969 in selected Irish waters
70/34 2348 IOC Manual on international oceanographic data exchange (IOC Tech. Ser. No. 4, UNESCO 1967)
70/35 2354 TRESCHEV, A. I. Fishing unit measures (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1973(111): 233-247)
70/36 2355 TEMPLEMAN, W. Temperatures and salinities in the eastern Newfoundland area in 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 11-21)
70/37 2362 BOHL, H. Preliminary results of German mesh selection experiments on cod and redfish off Iceland and Newfoundland
70/38 2363 IOC General. plan and implementation program of IGOSS for Phase I
70/39 2368 RIKHTER, V. A. Dynamics of some biological indices, abundance and fishing of red hake (Urophycis chuss) in the Northwest Atlantic, 1965-68
70/40 2369 MUNRO, W. R. Notes on the salmon longlining cruise by the R/V Jens Svabo off Faroe, April 1969
70/41 2370 MUNRO, W. R. Recent trends in Scottish salmon and grilse catches
70/42 2371 KANNEWORFF, P. Length and age distribution of Atlantic salmon from West Greenland, 1969
70/43 2372 PYEFINCH, K. A. Notes on spawning and recruitment in a tributary of a Scottish river system
70/44 2373 MUNRO, W. R. Greenland salmon research program, 1969: pelagic longlining cruises by R/V Adolf Jensen
70/45 2374 ANON. (UK) Scottish juvenile salmon tagging data, 1965-69
70/46 2378 KONSTANTINOV, K. G. On the expediency of a decrease in yield of cod on Flemish Cap (ICNAF Div. 3M) (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 49-55)
70/47 2379 CHEKHOVA, V. A. Depth distribution of "beaked" redfish (Sebastes mentella Travin) on Flemish Cap Bank (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 153-158)
70/48 2390 SHESTOV, V. P. Variability in the number of vertebrae in haddock from the Newfoundland area (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 75-83)
70/49 2381 BURMAKIN, V. V. Hydrological conditions in Labrador and Newfoundland areas, 1969
70/50 2382 KARAULOVSKY, V. P., and I. K. SIGAEV Annual variations in thermic background in the waters of the northwestern Atlantic shelf (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 22-30)
70/51 2383 BULATOVA, A. Y. Abundance of young cod in the waters off Newfoundland (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 56-64)
70/52 2388 TIBBO, S. N., and L. M. LAUZIER Seasonal distribution of larval herring in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine
70/53 2351 OECD Secretariat Report on fishing vessel characteristics
70/54 2352 HAMON, P. Y. Preliminary study of redfish from commercial catches off Saint Pierre
70/55 2389 TIBBO, S. N. ICNAF scale and otolith exchange program, 1969-70
70/56 2391 MØLLER, D. Polymorphism of serum transferrins in Atlantic salmon
70/57 2393 CWP Secretary Notes on catch statistics of North Atlantic halibut and Greenland halibut
70/58 2396 CWP Secretary Progress report on various statistical matters
70/59 2398 COLTON, JR, J. B. Comparison of 1968 and 1969 temperature conditions in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent waters (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 31-36)
70/60 2399 BUCKI, F., W. STRZYZEWSKI, and G. ZDZIEBKOWSKI The effect of the thickness of cord in Polish topside chafer (large-mesh type) on cod selection factor (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 10: 117-124)
70/61 2400 SERGEANT, D. E. Results of research on harp seals in 1969-70
70/62 2403 CHRZAN, F., and B. DRAGANIK Length and age composition of herring in Polish catches from ICNAF Subareas 4, 5 and 6, 1969
70/63 2404 DRAGANIK, B., and B. RAST The fecundity of Georges Bank herring (Publ. In ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 117-122)
70/64 2406 ZUKOWSKI, C. Some biological data on argentine (Argentina silus Ascanius) for the Nova Scotia area (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.9: 109-116)
70/65 2409 KANNEWORFF, P. Catch statistics and age-length distribution of Atlantic salmon from the southern part of the Davis Strait + Corrigendum
70/66 2411 PINHORN, A. T., R. WELLS, and E. DUNNE Breakdown of catch by type of gear in the Newfoundland inshore cod fishery in 1968
70/67 2412 PINHORN, A. T., and R. WELLS Catch-effort assessment for the major cod stocks in ICNAF Subareas 2 and 3 (Pub1. in ICNAF Redbook1970(III):65-74)
70/68 2413 PINHORN, A. T., and R. WELLS Assessments of the effects of increases in the mesh sizes of trawls on the cod fisheries in Subareas 2 and 3 (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 8: 37-44)
70/69 2414 SHERMAN, K. Seasonal and areal distributions of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1967-68
70/70 2415 ANTHONY, V. C., V. I. SAUSKAN, and I. K. SIGAEV Cooperative herring egg survey, Georges Bank, 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 123-133)
70/71 2416 BOYAR, H. C. Distribution and abundance of larval herring (Clupea harengus harnegus L.) on Georges Bank and adjacent waters in 1962 to 1969
70/72 2417 SHERMAN, K., and K. A. HONEY Seasonal succession of the food of larval herring in a coastal nursery area
70/73 2421 SCHUMACHER, A. Fishing mortality and stock size in the West Greenland cod (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 15-20)
70/74 2422 HALLIDAY, R. G. Recent events in the haddock fishery of the eastern Scotian Shelf (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No. 8:49-58)
70/75 2423 HALLIDAY, R. G. Recruitment and stock abundance of haddock in Div. 4TVW, 1970-72 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 84-95)
70/76 2424 ANTHONY, V. C. Estimates of mortality for Georges Bank herring
70/77 2425 HODDER, V. M., and L. S. PARSONS A comparative study of herring taken at Magdalen Islands and along southwestern Newfoundland during the 1969 autumn fishery (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 59-66)
70/78 2426 ILES, T. D., and S. N. TIBBO Recent events in Canadian Atlantic herring fisheries (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 134-147)
70/79 2427 LUX, F. E., and M. D. GROSSLEIN Distribution and relative abundance of demersal fish from otter trawl surveys in ICNAF Div. 4X, 5Z and 6A
70/80 2428 GROSSLEIN, M. D., and V. I. SAUSKAN USA-USSR cooperative groundfish survey, fall 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 159-180)
70/81 2429 GROSSLEIN, M. D. Should ICNAF coordinate an annual inventory of groundfish stocks with research vessels?
70/82 2431 ILES, T. D. Vertebral numbers of the Bay of Fundy herring and the origin of New Brunswick sardines (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 148-151)
70/83 2432 POSGAY, J. A., and R. R. MARAK The number of haddock spawning on Georges Bank as estimated from egg surveys (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 96-102)
70/84 2433 CROSSEN, J. M. Results of sea testing a device for recording fishing effort data
70/85 2435 BAINBRIDGE, V., and G. A. COOPER Observations on the early stages of Sebastes from continuous plankton records (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 27-36)
70/86 2437 HENNEMUTH, R. C., and F. E. LUX The effects of large meshes in the yellowtail flounder fishery (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 111-115)
70/87 2438 BROWN, B. E. Assessment of the yellowtail flounder fishery in Subarea 5
70/88 2439 WELLS, R., and A. T. PINHORN Growth and mortality changes in cod from ICNAF Subareas 2 and 3
70/89 2440 HODDER, V.M., and G. H. WINTERS Preliminary results of herring tagging in southwestern Newfoundland, March 1970
70/90 2441 SMITH, G. F. M. Status of the fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 5 in 1969 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 20: 45-47)
70/91 2442 MOMBECK, F. Notes on the distinction of Northwest Atlantic hakes, Merluccius albidus and M. bilinearis (Publ. in ICNAF Res. Bull. No.8: 87-89)
70/92 2444 MEYER, A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 1 in 1969 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 20: 39-40)
70/93 2445 ØRITSLAND, T. Provisional catch and effort statistics for Norwegian sealing in the Front area off Newfoundland, 1970 (Publ. in ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 20)
70/94 2446 MESSTORFF, J., and W. LENZ Hydrographic observations in Subareas 2 to 5 in 1969 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1970(111): 37-48)
70/95 2447 BOGDANOV, A. S. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 2 in 1969 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 20: 40-41)
70/96 2449 SERGEANT, D. E. New data for 1970 bearing on the state of the western stocks of harp seals
70/97 2450 SMITH, G. F. M. Status of the harp seal fishery and research carried out
70/98 2451 COLE, H. A. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 3 in 1969 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 20: 42-43)
70/99 2453 MONTEIRO, R. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 4 in 1969 (see ICNAF Annu. Proc. Vol. 20: 43-45)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
