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Redbook (1958-1979)

The ICNAF Redbook series commenced in 1958 for the purpose of documenting the reports of the Commission's Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (STACRES) in a form appropriate for distribution to scientists and others engaged in the activities of the Commission. The first issue was entitled "Selected Reports of the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics for the 1958 and 1956 Annual Meetings", and the issues of 1959 to 1961 were similarly named. These reports were bound with red covers and by 1962 they became known as "Redbook", the name which was assigned to the series for subsequent issues. In addition to the STACRES reports, the issues of 1959 to 1961 contain a number of papers selected from documents presented to the annual meetings of these years. 

In 1962 and subsequently up to 1973, the Redbook was issued annually in three parts: Part I contains the reports of STACRES, its Subcommittees and Working Groups; Part II contains national research reports and Part III contains selected papers from the annual meetings. In 1967, a special volume of Redbook, namely Part IV, was issued, containing selected papers from a special meeting of the Environmental Subcommittee in May 1967 on "Fluctuations in Sea and Air Temperatures in the ICNAF Area since 1950". 

At the 1974 Annual Meeting, STACRES recommended that the publication of Part II and Part III of Redbook be discontinued, noting (a) that the national research reports which formerly appeared in Part II receive adequate circulation as Summary Documents, and (b) that selected papers which formerly appeared in Part III should be submitted to the Research Bulletin, depending on their quality and content. In 1975, the Selected Papers series was established to accomodate papers similar in quality to those published previously in Redbook Part III. In 1974 and subsequently, Redbook was issued as a single volume, containing the reports of STACRES meetings only.


30 Nov 1970

Redbook 1970

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: ICNAF Redbook  / 
Part I. Proceedings of STACRES
(Issued Sep 1970) (3209 kb)
ICNAF Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, 1968 Annual Meeting (with 5 Appendices)
Part II. Research Reports
(Issued Nov 1968) (4476 kb)
TEMPLEMAN, W. and J.S. SCOTT Canadian research report, 1969
HORSTED, Sv.Aa. Danish research report, 1969
MEYER. A., J. MESSTORFF, K. SCHUBERT and W. LENZ Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1969
JONSSON. J. Icelandic research report, 1969
BRATBERG, E. Norwegian research report, 1969
CHRZAN, F. Polish research report, 1969
LIMA-DIAS, M. Portuguese research report, 1969
LARRAÑETA. M. G., and J. RUCABADO. Spanish research report, 1969
KONSTANTINOV, K.G., and A.S. NOSKOV USSR research report, 1969
GARROD, D.J. and R.S. GLOVER United Kingdom research report, 1969
GRAHAM, H.W. United States research report, 1969
Part III. Selected Papers
(Issued Nov 1970) (5447 kb)
HERMANN. F. Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland during 1969
TEMPLEMAN. W. Temperatures and salinities in the eastern Newfoundland area in 1969
KARAULOVSKY, V.P., and I.K. SIGAEV Annual variation in heat content of the waters of the Northwestern Atlantic
COLTON, J.B., Jr., and W.R. WELCH Comparison of 1968 and 1969 temperature conditions in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent waters
MESSTORFF, J. and W. LENZ Hydrographic observations in Subareas 2-5 in 1969
KONSTANTINOV, K.G. On the appropriateness of the Flemish Cap cod Stock for experimental regulation of a fishery
BULATOVA, A.Y. Abundance of young cod in the waters off Newfoundland
PINHORN. A.T., and R. WELLS Catch/effort assessments for the major cod stocks in ICNAF Subareas 2 and 3
SHESTOV, V.P. Variability in the number of vertebrae in haddock from the Newfoundland area
HALLIDAY. R.G. Div. 4TVW haddock: recruitment and stock abundance in 1970-72
POSGAY. J .A. and R. R. MARAK The number of haddock spawning on Geonges Bank as estimated from egg surveys
PITT, T.K. Trends in the American plaice fishery in ICNAF Subarea 3
HENNEMUTH, R.C. and F.E. LUX The effects of large meshes in the yellowtail flounder fishery
DRAGANIK. B. and B. RAST The fecundity of Georges Bank herring
ANTHONY. V.C., V.I. SAUSKAN, and J.K. SIGAEV Cooperative herring egg survey, Georges Bank, 1969
ILES, T.D., and S.N. TIBBO Recent trends in Canadian Atlantic herring fisheries
ILES, T.D. Vertebral numbers of the Bay of Fundy herring and the origin of New Brunswick sardines
CHEKHOVA, V.A. Depth distribution of "beaked" redfish (Sebastes mentella Travin) on Flemish Cap Bank
GROSSLEIN. M.D. and V.I. SAUSKAN USA-USSR cooperative groundfish survey, autumn 1969
ICNAF Secretariat (B. J. KOWALEWSKI) Summary of statistics on discards, 1968
ICNAF Secretariat (B.J. KOWALEWSKI) Summary of trawl material and mesh size sampling d

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Tel: +1 902 468-5590
