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ICNAF Research Bulletin

The ICNAF Research Bulletin, first issued in 1964 and published annually, was established to provide a means of publishing the results of individual research relevant to the ICNAF Area. Although the majority of its material is selected from papers which appear in the first instance as research documents presented to annual meetings of the Commission's Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, other papers were occasionally accepted for publication if their contents were considered relevant to the work of the Commission. In order to maintain a high standard of publication, each contribution was subjected to the scrutiny of one or more referees selected from a list of scientists directly engaged in the work of the Commission.


31 Dec 1966

Research Bulletin No. 3

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: ICNAF Research Bulletin  / 

Research Bulletin No. 3

(Issued 1966) (3445 kb)

ROBSON, D. S. Estimation of the Relative Fishing Power of Individual Ships
BOURNE, Neil Relative Fishing Efficiency and Selection of Three Types of Scallop Drags
ZAKHAROV, G. P. The Distribution of Pelagic Redfish Fry in the East and West Greenland Areas
HAYNES, Evan B. Length-Weight Relation of the Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)
SAVVATIMSKY, P. I., and I. N SIDORENKO Results of Investigations on Deepsea Redfish
HODDER, V. M. Trends in the Haddock Fishery of ICNAF Subarea 3
TOKAREVA, G. I. Data on the Distribution of Young Sebastes mentella Tr. in the Labrador-Newfoundland Area
TRUSKANOV, M. D., and M. N. SCHERBINO Methods of Direct Calculation of Fish Concentrations by Means of Hydroacoustic Apparatus
CHRZAN, Feliks, and Czeslaw ZUKOWSKI Some Characteristics of Argentine, Argentina silus Ascanius, Occurring in the Region off Nova Scotia
JENSEN A. C., and R. C. HENNEMUTH Size Selection and Retainment of Silver and Red Hake in Nylon Codends of Trawl Nets
POWLES, P. M. Validity of Ageing Young American Plaice from Otoliths
NETZEL Jan, and Eugeniusz STANEK Some Biological Characteristics of Blueback, Pomolobus aestivalis (Mitch.) and Alewife, Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Wils.), from Georges Bank, July and October, 1964
FRITZ, Raymond L. Occurrence of Sphyrion lumpi on Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis

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