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ICNAF Research Bulletin

The ICNAF Research Bulletin, first issued in 1964 and published annually, was established to provide a means of publishing the results of individual research relevant to the ICNAF Area. Although the majority of its material is selected from papers which appear in the first instance as research documents presented to annual meetings of the Commission's Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, other papers were occasionally accepted for publication if their contents were considered relevant to the work of the Commission. In order to maintain a high standard of publication, each contribution was subjected to the scrutiny of one or more referees selected from a list of scientists directly engaged in the work of the Commission.


31 Dec 1969

Research Bulletin No. 6

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: ICNAF Research Bulletin  / 

Research Bulletin No. 6

(Issued 1969) (3858 kb)

LUX, F. E., and F. E. NICHY Growth of Yellowtail Flounder, Limanda ferruginea (Storer), on Three New England Fishing Grounds
GARROD, D. J. Empirical Assessments of Catch / Effort Relationships in North Atlantic Cod Stock
SANDEMAN, E. J. Diurnal Variation in Availability of Different Sizes of Redfish, Sebastes mentella
LUX, F. E. Landings per Unit of Effort, Age Composition, and Total Mortality of Yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea (Storer), off New England
TEMPLEMAN, WILFRED Experimental Snella Fishing for Cod, Gadus morhua L , on West Greenland Banks, August 1965, and Comparison of a Snella and an Otter Trawl Catch of Cod from the Same Locality of Store Hellefiske Bank
HORSTED, Sv. Aa. Reassessment of the Cod Stocks at West Greenland (ICNAF Subarea 1)
JENSEN, ALBERT C. Spiny Dogfish Tagging and Migration in North America and Europe
SANDEMAN, E. J. Age Determination and Growth Rate of Redfish, Sebastes sp., from Selected Areas Around Newfoundland
NICHY, FRED E. Growth Patterns on Otoliths from Young Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis (Mitch.)
LEAR, W. H. Length-Weight Relationship of Commercial-Size Greenland Halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum)

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