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ICNAF - Special Publications

These publications were issued at irregular intervals and contain the results of special ICNAF projects and contributions to symposia and special meetings, some of which were sponsored jointly by ICNAF, ICES and FAO. All were published by ICNAF, except No.2, entitled "Proceedings of the Joint Scientific Meeting of ICNAF, ICES and FAO on Fishing Effort, the Effect of Fishing on the Resources, and the Selectivity of Fishing Gear-Reports", which was printed by FAO. The contributed papers to that meeting on the selectivity of fishing gear were subsequently published as Special Publication No.5.

Number 7 of this series, containing the results of the ICNAF Environmental Surveys carried out in 1963, was issued in 4 parts, namely Text, Atlas, Oceanographic Data Record (3 volumes), and Biological Data Record. Number 11 in the series, issued in 1975, is entitled "Index and List of Titles, ICNAF Publications, 1950-1974". This issue was subsequently revised and updated to cover the period from 1950 to 1979. Volume 11 (Revised) represents the termination of the Special Publication series insofar as ICNAF is concerned.


Special Publication No. 4 (Issued February 1964)

North Atlantic Fish Marking Symposium, 1961

Special Publication No. 4

(Issued February 1964) (10 049 kb)

North Atlantic Fish Marking Symposium, 1961

MARR, J. C. Note on the return rate of tagged skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, and the effects of handling
NIELSEN. J. Comparison between different types of tags used on cod, char and salmon in Subarea 1
HORSTED. Sv. Aa. On non-reported recaptures from Danish tagging experiments on cod, Subarea 1
JUNGE, C. O. A quantitative evaluation of the bias in population estimates based on selective samples
HOLT, S. J. Tagging experiments and the theory of advertising
KABATA, Z. Parasites as biological tags
CROWE, W. R., E. G. KARVELIS, and L. S. JOERIS The movement, heterogeneity, and rate of exploitation of walleyes in northern Green Bay, Lake Michigan, as determined by tagging
MYHRE, R. J. A study of errors inherent in tagging data on Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)
THOMSON, J. M. The tagging and marking of marine animals in Australia
CLEAVER, F. C. Bering Sea king crab (Paralithodes camtschatica) tagging experiments
TREFETHEN, P. S. and A. J. NOVOTNY Marking fingerling salmon with trace elements and non-radioactive isotopes
KOHLER, A. C. Use of tagging data in Subarea 4 cod growth investigations
DICKIE, L. M. Estimation of mortality rates of Gulf of St. Lawrence cod from results of a tagging experiment
TREFETHEN. P. S. Sonic fish tracking
JONES, R. Some investigations of haddock movements
McCRACKEN, F. D. Comparison of tags and techniques from recoveries of Subarea 4 cod tags
WISE, J. P. Factors affecting number and quality of returns from tagging cod with different tags and using different methods of capture in ICNAF Divisions 4X and 5Y in 1957
BEVERTON, R.J.H. and B. C. BEDFORD The effect on the return rate of condition of fish when tagged
PARKER, R. R., E. C. BLACK, and P. A. LARKIN Some aspects of fish-marking mortality
KOTTHAUS, A. Tagging experiments with the North Sea sale (Solea solea) in 1959 and 1960
LE CREN, E. D. and C. KIPLING Some marking experiments on spawning populations of char
ALLEN, K. R. A review of tagging experiments in New Zealand
COSTELLO, T. J. The use of stains in shrimp mark-recapture experiments
HARTT, A. C. Problems in tagging salmon at sea
WILLIAMS, T. Tests of efficiency of various kinds of tags and methods of attachment on plaice, cod, sole and whiting
ANDERSEN, K. P. and O. BAGGE The benefit of plaice transplantation as estimated by tagging experiments
HANSEN, P. M. Tagging experiments with the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider)) in Subarea 1
HANCOCK, D. A. Marking experiments with the commercial whelk (Buccinum undatum)
SIMPSON, A. C. Marking crabs and lobsters for mortality and growth studies
JENSEN, A. C. Further field experiments with tags for haddock
KELLY, G.F. and A. M. BARKER Estimation of population size and mortality rates from tagged redfish, Sebastes marinus L., at Eastport. Maine
KELLY. G. F. and A. M. BARKER Effect of tagging on redfish growth rate at Eastport, Maine
FRITZ, R. L. An analysis of silver hake tag returns
McDERMOTT. J.P. and R. LIVINGSTONE, Jr. Haddock tag returns in relation to fish condition
GULLAND, J. A. The estimation of fishing mortality from tagging experiments
GULLAND, J. A. On the analysis of double-tagging experiments
PAULIK, G. J. Exponential rates of decline and type (1) losses for populations of tagged pink salmon
PAULIK. G. J. Detection of incomplete reporting of tags
GERKING. S. D. Non-mutilation marks for fish
MARGETTS, A. R. Measurement of the efficiency of recovery and reporting of tags from recaptured fish
GARROD. D. J. The application of a method for the estimation of growth parameters from tagging data at unequal time intervals
HAYES, M. L. King crab tagging methods in Alaska
DE VEEN, J. F. On the tag reporting efficiency of Dutch fishing vessels
POSGAY. J. A. Tagging as a technique in population studies of the sea scallop
TEMPLEMAN. W. Comparison of returns from different tags and methods of attachment used in cod tagging in the Newfoundland area, 1954 and 1955
MATHER. F. J., III Tags and tagging techniques for large pelagic fishes
TEMPLEMAN. W. and T. K. PITT Comparison of returns of different tags and tagging methods for cod tagged in the inshore area, St. John's and Fogo, Newfoundland, 1950
SANDEMAN, E. J. and E. I. S. REES Some notes on the tagging of redfish Sebastes marinus L., from deep water
SCHAEFER. M. B., B. M. CHANIN, and G. C. BROADHEAD Some results of tagging and recovery of tropical tunas, 1955-1959
MARR, J. C. and L. SPRAGUE The use of blood group characteristics in studying subpopulations of fishes
ASLANOVA, N. E. Methods of fish tagging in the USSR
TEMPLEMAN, W. and A. M. FLEMING Distribution of Lernaeocera branchialis L. on cod as an indicator of cod movements in the Newfoundland area
ANCELLIN, J. Herring tagging in the North Sea and eastern English Channel
LETACONNOUX, R. A note on the tagging of long-finned tunny in the Bay of Biscay
ALLEN, K. R. A preliminary study of the efficiency of some tagging experiments in New Zealand
ROBSON, D. S. Maximum likelihood estimation of a sequence of annual survival rates from a capture-recapture series
PARRISH, B. B. and G. McPHERSON Notes on external tagging methods in European herring research
POPE, J. A. The design and analysis of capture-recapture experiments
BEVERTON, R. J. B. and B.C. BEDFORD On the effect of "Iholding" tagged fish for various periods before release
WILlMOVSKY, N. J. A radioactive internal tag for herring
REINTJES, J. W. An initial inquiry into a photoelectric device to detect menhaden marked with fluorescent pigments
MUIR, B. S. Estimates of mortalities and population size for the Nogies Creek
maskinonge (Esox masquinongy Mitchill)

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
